Distillation Design Questions and Answers – Packing Types and Objectives

This set of Distillation Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on ” Packing Types and Objectives”.

1. Flooding, frothing, entrainment are the three main phenomena limiting the tray capacity.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: A tray has three zones that functions i.e. the active area, the vapor space and the down comer area, these three phenomena can disturb all three places respectively.

2. The flow of vapor liquid in the same direction is defined as?
a) Dual flo
b) Co-flo
c) Comer flo
d) Coal flo
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Jaeger co-flo is based on the novel idea, the vapor flows through the tray deck and carries the liquid droplets to a coalescer placed between two plates.

3. Bubble columns, are used for?
a) Waste water treatment
b) Effluent treatment
c) Chlorine treatment
d) Sodium treatment
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Answer: a
Explanation: The main use of bubble column are the aerobic fermenters and are secondarily used a waste water treatment while for chlorine and sodium treatment are done in an agitated vessel.

4. For liquid and solid handling, that are corrosive the
a) Bubble tower is used
b) Venturi Scrubber is used
c) Spray tower is used
d) Agitated vessel are used
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Answer: c
Explanation: Spray towers are generally used for the corrosive liquid and gases whereas it also provides the application in the liquid-liquid extraction.

5. The Venturi Scrubber operates on velocity as high as?
a) 250 ft/s
b) 100 ft/s
c) 200 ft/s
d) 150 ft/s
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Answer: a
Explanation: The gas is accelerated to a very high speed of 250 ft/s, the high speed gas atomizes the feed liquid causing impaction of dust particles.

6. The shells are generally made of?
a) Copper
b) Iron
c) Wood
d) Ceramics
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Answer: d
Explanation: The ceramic shells are generally used that to having a bell and spigot joint are used in highly corrosive services, such as HNO3 by distillation.

7. Which of the following is the oldest type of the tower packing?
a) Asbestos
b) Raschig rings
c) Wood
d) PVC
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Answer: b
Explanation: This is the oldest type of the tower packing introduced by the German chemist F. Raschig in 1907, it is a hollow cylinder having equal diameter to its length.

8. The modern packing, that is most commonly used in the columns are?
a) Norton Hy-Pak
b) Flexirings
c) Berl Saddle
d) Pall ring
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Answer: c
Explanation: The Berl saddle is first modern packing developed in the late 1930s, it is called so because of its shape of saddle.

9. The carbon steel has the wall thickness and void age of?
a) ½ inch and 92%
b) 1/8 inch and 74%
c) 2/3 inch and 70%
d) ¼ inch and 50%
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Answer: a
Explanation: The carbon steel packing’s have ½ inch and 92% void age whereas the Raschig rings have 1/8 inch diameter and 74% void age available.

10. Mellapak structured packing’s have a crimp angle of?
a) 45 or 60o
b) Sinusoidal
c) Sharp angle
d) 90o
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Mellapak has the crimp angle of 45 or 60o whereas the Flexipak packing has an angle of 45o AND Gempak has the sinusoidal angle and Montz has a very sharp angle of crimp.

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