Distillation Design Questions and Answers – Numerical Method – Newton Raphson Method

This set of Distillation Design Quiz focuses on “Numerical Method – Newton Raphson Method”.

1. In matrix language, The Newton Raphson equation is
a) Ji Yif = -Fk
b) Ji Xif = -Fk
c) Ji Kif = -Fk
d) Ji Tif = -Fk
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Answer: b
Explanation: In matrix language, The Newton Raphson equation is Ji Xif = -Fk,, here i represents the number of gas rows and j similarly columns of liquid.

2. What is Fk?
a) Vector
b) Matrix
c) Factor
d) Correction
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Answer: d
Explanation: As Fk= (f1 f2 f3 ……fn)T, Fk is Vector , Matrix and Factor are correlated by an empirical correlation of total functions and temperature.

3. A square nXn matrix is called
a) Jacobin Matrix
b) Raphson Matrix
c) Newton Matrix
d) 2N Matrix
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Answer: a
Explanation: A square n X n matrix is called Jacobin Matrix, where the number of row properties are equal to number of column properties.

4. For any instance, XK+1 is
a) Xk + h
b) Xk + t
c) Xk + X
d) Xk + X1
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Answer: a
Explanation: For any instance XK+1 is Xk + h, where h is the common difference and Xk is the previous calculated value of series.

5. Independent variable are in the range of
a) Tmin< Tj > Tmax
b) Tmin> Tj > Tmax
c) Tmin< Tj > Tmax
d) Tj < Tmax
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Answer: c
Explanation: Independent variable are in the range of Tmin < Tj < Tmax, i.e. the maximum temperature should be less than initial and greater than the final temperature.
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6. In quasi Newton Method, Sk represents the
a) Vector factor
b) Scalar factor
c) Separation factor
d) Correction factor
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Answer: b
Explanation: In quasi Newton Method, Sk represents the Scalar factor, while function quantiles such as temperature and pressure relations are called as vector ones.

7. Solve cos x = 2x?
a) 0.6780
b) 0.3456
c) 0.45018
d) 0.998
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Answer: c
Explanation: Solving f(x) = 0 then f(x) = cos x − 2x, x0 = 0.5, x1 = 0.45063, x2 = 0.45018, x3 = 0.45018, the root is x = 0.45018.

8. Find XK+1? If Xk = 0.5, consider a difference of 5 stages
a) 4.5
b) 5.5
c) 3.5
d) Can’t be calculated
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Answer: b
Explanation: For XK+1 = Xk + h = 0.5+ 5 = 5.5.

9. The first assumption of the NR Method is
a) Assume K=0
b) Assume Xi = 0
c) Assume F(x) = 0
d) Assume F’(x) = 0
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Answer: a
Explanation: The first assumption of the NR Method is assume K=0, as we assume k=0, then we calculate F(x) = 0 and then F’(x) = 0.

10. Jacobin equation is solved using the
a) Matrix Multiplication
b) LU Factorization
c) Elimination Method
d) Follow up method
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Answer: b
Explanation: Jacobin equation is solved using the LU Factorization method, where we eliminate the lower and upper triangle matrix resulting in a singular matrix.

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