This set of Distillation Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Tray Capacity Limits”.
1. When the liquid becomes dispersed and gas becomes continuous, such process is called?
a) Spray regime
b) Emulsion regime
c) Pray Regime
d) Camp regime
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Explanation: At low liquid rates and higher vapor velocities the vapor starts disintegrating into liquid this is called as spray regime.
2. The performance diagram is drawn between?
a) Entrainment and Velocity
b) Gas and flooding velocity
c) Vapor and liquid rate
d) Tray height and Diameter
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Explanation: The operable limits of tray in respect of gas and liquid flow rates depend at tray design, thus the performance diagram is drawn between Vapor and liquid rate.
3. The turndown ratio is defined as the ratio of?
a) Design vapor to operable throughput
b) Entrainment to Velocity
c) Tray height to Diameter
d) Gas to flooding velocity
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Explanation: The turndown ratio is defined as the ratio of Design vapor to operable throughput, sieve trays have a low turn down ratio.
4. The distance between two consecutive trays in a column is ______
a) Baffle spacing
b) Tray spacing
c) Sieve spacing
d) Cart Spacing
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Explanation: Tray spacing varies between ranges of 8 to 36 inches for a given column not vary from each other.
5. The fractional hole area Fh, is defined as?
a) (Hole diameter/hole pitch)2
b) K’ (hole pitch)2
c) K’ (hole diameter/hole pitch)2
d) (Hole diameter) 2
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Explanation: The fractional whole area on a sieve tray ranges from 0.05 to 0.15, this is given by K’ (hole diameter/hole pitch)2 and does not vary.
6. Find the fractional hole? If K’= 0.905, Hd=10 m2 and pitch is 5 m2
a) 5.22
b) 3.62
c) 5.66
d) 3.63
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Explanation: As K’ (Hd/pitch)2 m2 = 0.905(10/5) 2 m2 = 3.62.
7. For the down comer backup, the quantity HW + HOW is called?
a) Kinematic liquid seal
b) Dynamic liquid seal
c) Static liquid seal
d) Tray liquid seal
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Explanation: Where HW = is height of liquid over weir and HOW = sum of weir heights, down comer is also essential at a point of time.
8. The square root of kinetic energy is defined as?
a) F-factor
b) C-factor
c) S-factor
d) W-factor
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Explanation: FH = u√p This factor is called as F-factor, this parameter is based on the hole velocity and the K’ value.
9. The C-Factor is defined as the ratio of?
d) VLOAD/2
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Explanation: The C factor is related to VLOAD and the F factor as VLOAD/A where A is the area of the bubbling plate.
10. VLOAD, represents the
a) Virtual load
b) Visual load
c) Vector load
d) Vapor load
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Explanation: VLOAD=CFS Where this term is inconvenient because it is based on vapor not on vapor velocity.
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