This set of Basic Chemical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Ideal Reversible Processes”.
1. How long would it take for a reversible process to complete?
a) Instant
b) Infinite
c) Depends on the process
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: It takes infinite time for a reversible process to complete.
2. How long would it take for an irreversible process to complete?
a) Instant
b) Finite
c) Infinite
d) Cannot say
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Explanation: It takes a finite time for an irreversible process to complete.
3. Reversible process can be reversed by differential change in which of the following?
a) Temperature
b) Pressure
c) Volume
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: Differential change in driving potential (dP, dV, dT, etc) can reverse a reversible process.
4. Which of the following a reversible process will involve?
a) Dissipative effects
b) Friction
c) Equilibrium transfer of energy
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Reversible process involves equilibrium transfer of energy.
5. Which of the following does both of the reversible and irreversible processes involve?
a) Increase molecular disorder
b) Dissipative effects
c) Friction
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: Both reversible and irreversible processes increases molecular disorder.
6. Free expansion of gas with frictionless piston is an example which process?
a) Reversible
b) Irreversible
c) Cannot say
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Free expansion of gas is reversible process.
7. Free expansion of gas against piston having friction is an example of which process?
a) Reversible
b) Irreversible
c) Cannot say
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Free expansion of gas against piston having friction is irreversible process.
8. Mixing of dissimilar substances is an example of which process?
a) Reversible
b) Irreversible
c) Cannot say
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Mixing of dissimilar substances is an irreversible process.
9. Change in phase is an example of which process?
a) Reversible
b) Irreversible
c) Cannot say
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Change in phase is an irreversible process.
10. Fluid flow through pipe is an example of which process?
a) Reversible
b) Irreversible
c) Cannot say
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Fluid flow through pipe is an irreversible process.
11. What is the work done by saturated water which evaporates to 10 kPa atmosphere to form 1 m3 of water vapor?
a) 1 kJ
b) -1 kJ
c) 10 kJ
d) -10 kJ
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Explanation: Work done = -p∆V = -10*1 = -10 kJ.
12. What is the work done by saturated water which evaporates to 20 kPa atmosphere to form 1.5 m3 of water vapor?
a) 20 kJ
b) -20 kJ
c) 30 kJ
d) -30 kJ
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Explanation: Work done = -p∆V = -20*1.5 = -30 kJ.
13. What is the work done by saturated water which evaporates to 1 kPa atmosphere to form 2 m3 of water vapor?
a) -2 kJ
b) 2 kJ
c) -1 kJ
d) 1 kJ
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Explanation: Work done = -p∆V = -1*2 = -2 kJ.
14. What is the work done by 0.1 m3 saturated ethanol which evaporates to 10 kPa atmosphere to form 1 m3 of water vapor?
a) 9 kJ
b) -9 kJ
c) 10 kJ
d) -10 kJ
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Explanation: Work done = -p∆V = -10*(1 – 0.1) = -9 kJ.
15. What is the work done by 0.5 m3 saturated ethanol which evaporates to 20 kPa atmosphere to form 2 m3 of water vapor?
a) 20 kJ
b) -20 kJ
c) 30 kJ
d) -30 kJ
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Explanation: Work done = -p∆V = -20*(2 – 0.5) = -30 kJ.
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