Meat Processing Questions and Answers – HACCP in Meat Processing – Set 2

This set of Meat Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “HACCP in Meat Processing – Set 2”.

1. Who developed the HACCP decision tree?
a) Codex Alimentarius Commission
b) ISO
c) FDA
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Answer: a
Explanation: The standard decision tree is developed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. They had established international guidelines for food control systems. In order to protect the public health, they made simple Yes or No questioner for each and every identified hazard.

2. What are the important points to be considered during HACCP decision tree making?
a) HACCP decision tree is used when logical reasoning for the establishment of CCP is required
b) HACCP decision tree is needed when prerequisite food hygiene programs can control the food safety hazard
c) HACCP decision tree must not be flexible
d) A specific HACCP decision tree is universal
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Answer: a
Explanation: HACCP decision tree is used when logical reasoning for the establishment of critical control point (CCP) is required. HACCP decision tree is not needed when prerequisite food hygiene programs can control the food safety hazard. HACCP decision tree must be flexible.

3. HACCP decision tree cannot address more than one hazard in the process.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: HACCP decision tree can address more than one hazard in the process. Hazards identified are regulated through a combination of control measures. Aadjustments and additional elements are needed to be applied to fit the nature of meat processing.

4. What is HACCP matrix?
a) Assess the various risks of hazards involved in a process
b) A matrix which have all the HACCP plan
c) A document which have all the HACCP plan
d) HACCP plan in the form of matrix
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Answer: a
Explanation: A hazard matrix assess the various risks of hazards involved in a meat process. This matrix is made up of rows having the extent of damage that risks can cause and columns for the likelihood of occurrence.

5. What are the advantages of HACCP matrix?
a) It identifies the accuracy of the hazards
b) It requires many applications for HACCP execution
c) It requires skill labour
d) It cannot visual explanation but a comprehensive explanation of the risk situation
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Answer: a
Explanation: The HACCP matrix rates each hazard in terms of the damage they can cause. It identifies the accuracy of the hazards. It can be executed with minimal applications. It can be easily understood even without experience in food safety assessment.

6. Identify the step missing in HACCP matrix in meat process?
List all process steps
Identify all potential food safety hazards and risks for each step
Identify the likelihood of occurrence of each hazard
List down the degree of damage each hazard is most likely to cause
Determine the potential severity of each hazard
a) Plot the ratings into the hazard matrix
b) Make decision tree
c) Determine Critical control point
d) Establish corrective actions
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Answer: a
Explanation: Plot the ratings into the hazard matrix is the step which comes after listing down the degree of damage likely to cause by each hazard. After plotting the hazard matrix, the potential severity of each hazard is then determined.

7. What happens if the rating is between 1-5 points in the HACCP matrix?
a) Low risk with acceptable limit
b) High risk with acceptable limit
c) Low risk with unacceptable limit
d) High risk with unacceptable limit
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Answer: a
Explanation: If the plotting in the HACCP matrix is between 1-5 points, then it is considered as low risk. These hazards can be acceptable under control measures. Tolerance is the best risk treatment for that particular hazard analysis.

8. What happens if the rating is between 6-9 points in the HACCP matrix?
a) Low risk with acceptable limit
b) High risk with acceptable limit
c) Medium risk with acceptable limit
d) High risk with unacceptable limit
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Answer: c
Explanation: If the plotting in the HACCP matrix is between 6-9 points, then it is considered as medium risk. These hazards can be acceptable under management decisions. Tolerance and prevention are the best risk treatment for that particular hazard analysis.

9. What happens if the rating is between 10-16 points in the HACCP matrix?
a) Low risk with acceptable limit
b) High risk with acceptable limit
c) Medium risk with acceptable limit
d) High risk with unacceptable limit
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Answer: d
Explanation: If the plotting in the HACCP matrix is between 10-16 points, then it is considered as high risk. These hazards cannot be acceptable under any conditions. Tolerance and prevention are the best risk treatment for that particular hazard analysis.

10. What happens if the rating is between 16-25 points in the HACCP matrix?
a) Low risk with acceptable limit
b) High risk with acceptable limit
c) very high risk with unacceptable limit
d) High risk with unacceptable limit
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Answer: c
Explanation: If the plotting in the HACCP matrix is between 16-25 points, then it is considered as very high risk. These hazards cannot be unacceptable. Avoidance, tolerance and prevention are the best risk treatment for that particular hazard analysis.

11. What is risk identification in meat industry?
a) Hazard identification, exposure assessment and risk characterization
b) Hazard identification
c) Risk characterization
d) Exposure assessment
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Answer: a
Explanation: A risk assessment of a food or ingredient comprises identification of hazard. It helps in the exposure assessment of the hazard. The risk characterization is done by plotting the severity against each hazard.

12. Is HACCP mandatory in India?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) and ISO Standards are essential and mandatory condition for improving the overall quality of food safety & hygiene. The FSSAI license is approved only with proper HACCP plan.

13. Who can certify HACCP?
a) External of 3rd party certification authority
b) External auditors
c) Internal auditors
d) FSSAI agents
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Answer: a
Explanation: HACCP certification is granted by an external 3rd party of certification authority. Those auditors should have knowledge and skills to undertake an assessment of the HACCP plan and validate it. It should be checked by them at regular interval of time.

14. How often does HACCP be reviewed?
a) 2 years
b) 3 years
c) 4 years
d) 1 year
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Answer: d
Explanation: Once HACCP plan is developed and implemented. It should be reviewed periodically once a year. It should also be reviewed if there are changes in the production, packaging and supply of the meat products. It should be constantly updated.

15. What are CL in HACCP plan?
a) Critical limits
b) Control limits
c) Critical links
d) Control links
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Answer: a
Explanation: A critical limit is a range of maximum and minimum values which are used as a reference in controlling a critical control point. It helps in reducing any potential hazard. Critical limits should be measurable, observable throughout the process.

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