This set of Food Microbiology and Contamination Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Contamination Prevention Practices – HACCP”.
1. What is the full form of HACCP?
a) Health Analysis and Critical Control Points
b) Health Analysis and Critical Criteria for Production
c) Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
d) Hazard Analysis and Critical Criteria for Production
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Explanation: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points was established by NASA, Pillsbury and the US Army Lab for the space program. It is used to produce foods with high safety levels.
2. What engineering system is HACCP based on?
a) Failure Modes Analysis Scheme
b) Success Modes Analysis Scheme
c) Safe Modes Analysis Scheme
d) Unsafe Modes Analysis Scheme
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Explanation: HACCP is based on the Failure Modes Analysis Scheme. In this, one thinks about the possibilities of something going wrong and tries to fix it.
3. HACCP is preferred over GMP.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: HACCP is a more systematic, rule based approach compared to GMP. Hence, HACCP supersedes GMP.
4. A ______ is a step at which a hazard can be controlled or eliminated.
a) HAC
b) CCP
c) ACC
d) FCC
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Explanation: A microbiological hazard can be contained or eliminated at the Critical Control Point. The CCP can be a step, a procedure or a location.
5. _______________ is the CCP for the processing of milk.
a) Removal of fat
b) Milking
c) Evaporation
d) Pasteurization
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Explanation: Pasteurization is done to eliminate microbes from raw milk. Hence, this is the CCP for the processing of milk.
6. An example of sensory information for CCP criteria is _________
a) pH
b) Temperature
c) Texture
d) Water Activity
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Explanation: Water activity and pH are chemical parameters, whereas, temperature is a physical parameter. Texture is the sensory information.
7. What is the type of hazard when the process does not contain a step to destroy harmful microbes.
a) Hazard A
b) Hazard B
c) Hazard C
d) Hazard D
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Explanation: Hazard A is a non-sterile food item meant for high-risk consumers. Hazard B is when the product contains sensitive components. Hazard D is when the product is susceptible to recontamination before packaging.
8. A category 0 food has ______
a) The maximum number of hazards
b) No hazard
c) 5 hazards
d) 4 hazards
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Explanation: Each risk category is based on the number of hazards in the product. A Category 0 product has no hazards and is completely safe.
9. What is the full form of ICMSF?
a) International Commission on Microbial Specifications for Food
b) International Committee on Microbial Specifications for Food
c) International Commission on Microbial Safety for Food
d) International Committee on Microbial Safety for Food
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Explanation: The International Commission on Microbial Specifications for Food defines the terms and concepts required for HACCP.
10. Which of the following CCPs are used to minimize a hazard?
a) CCP4
b) CCP3
c) CCP2
d) CCP1
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Explanation: The ICMSF defines two CCPs. CCP1 is used to ensure the control of a hazard, whereas CCP2 is used to minimize a hazard.
11. In a 2-class plan, _ represents the count above which the sample is said to be defective.
a) n
b) c
c) m
d) b
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Explanation: In a 2-class plan, m is the count above which the sample is defective. The number of sample units to be tested is n, whereas the maximum allowable units after m and before rejection is c.
12. Sampling schemes can be used even if one does not have knowledge about the product.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Sampling scheme does not assume the microbial distribution of a product. Hence, it can be done for an unknown product too.
Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Food Microbiology and Contamination.
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