Meat Processing Questions and Answers – Packaging of Meat – Set 2

This set of Meat Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Packaging of Meat – Set 2”.

1. What is the commonly used film in vacuum packaging of meat products?
a) Polyvinylidene chloride
b) Polyvinyl
c) Polyvinyl chloride
d) Vinyl chloride
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Answer: a
Explanation: The most commonly used film for fresh meat vacuum packages is polyvinylidene chloride. The primal or sub primal cuts of meat are placed into pouches. The air is extracted from them by vacuumizing chamber.

2. What is the composition of modified atmosphere packaging for red meat?
a) 20% to 30% carbon dioxide, 60% to 80% oxygen, and up to 20% nitrogen
b) 50% to 60% carbon dioxide, 30% to 50% oxygen, and up to 10% nitrogen
c) 10% to 30% carbon dioxide, 70% to 80% oxygen, and up to 40% nitrogen
d) 30% to 40% carbon dioxide, 70% to 90% oxygen, and up to 15% nitrogen
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Answer: a
Explanation: Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) is a technology where foods are packaged in which air has been replaced with an artificial atmosphere. For red meats, MAP comprises 20% to 30% carbon dioxide, 60% to 80% oxygen, and up to 20% nitrogen.

3. Single-layer films are commonly used in the wrapping of fresh meat and processed meat products.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Single-layer films are used in the wrapping of fresh meat and processed meat products. These films are self-adhesive. They offer good protection from external contamination and also to some extent evaporation.

4. What are the characteristics of the films used in meat packaging?
a) Low water vapor permeability and high oxygen permeability
b) High water vapor permeability and high oxygen permeability
c) Low water vapor permeability and low oxygen permeability
d) High water vapor permeability and low oxygen permeability
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Answer: a
Explanation: Films used in meat packaging should have low water vapor permeability and high oxygen permeability. Low water vapor permeability helps in preventing meat drying during storage. The high oxygen permeability ensures the meat retains its color.

5. Which of the following enzyme is used as oxygen scavengers?
a) Catalase
b) Amylase
c) Pectinase
d) Lactase
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Answer: a
Explanation: The catalase enzyme is usually used as oxygen scavengers. It prevents the oxidation of meat products. It acts as oxygen barrier. Whereas amylase is used in digestion. Pectinase breaks down the pectin compound. Lactase breaks down the lactose.

6. Is aseptic packaging similar to canning process?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Aseptic packing is the processing of a commercially sterile product into sterilized containers followed by hermetic sealing with a sterilized closure. Whereas the canning is processed and sealed in an airtight container which are later subjected high temperature.

7. Which of the following is used in aseptic packing?
a) UHT process
b) HTST process
c) LTLT process
d) HTLT process
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Answer: a
Explanation: The aseptic process uses UHT (Ultra high temperature) for the meat products. This process ensures that the food is safe from harmful bacteria. It also does not require refrigeration. The shelf life of the meat product is increased.

8. Which of the is used as printing surface in meat packaging?
a) Polyester
b) Polyvinyl
c) Polyvinyl ethylene
d) Vinyl chloride
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Answer: a
Explanation: Polyester is used as printing surface in meat packaging. Along with the polyester, aluminum is used as lamination to provide strength to the packaging. Therefore, this lamination acts as a barrier to light and gas.

9. Which of the following are internal indicators in intelligent packaging?
a) Oxygen indicator, Pathogen indicator, time-temperature indicator
b) Oxygen indicator, Pathogen indicator, microbial growth indicator
c) Oxygen indicator, microbial growth indicator, time-temperature indicator
d) Microbial growth indicator, Pathogen indicator, time-temperature indicator
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Answer: b
Explanation: Oxygen indicator, Pathogen indicator, microbial growth indicator are the internal indicators in intelligent packaging that detects the oxygen levels, pathogens and microbial growth respectively inside the packaging. Time-temperature indicator is an external indicator.

10. Which of the following is used as freshness indicator packaging?
a) Active packaging
b) Intelligent packaging
c) Edible packaging
d) Single film packaging
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Answer: b
Explanation: Intelligent packaging is used as freshness indicator packaging. It has internal indicators attached inside the packaging material. They are oxygen indicator, Pathogen indicator, microbial growth indicator. It also includes external indicator like time-temperature indicator.

11. What is the other name for MAP?
a) Liquid flushing method
b) Aseptic packaging
c) Biodegradable packaging
d) Gas flushing method
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Answer: a
Explanation: Modified Atmosphere Packaging is also called as gas flushing method. It is more versatile. It increases the shelf life of the product. It prevents the microbial activity from the product. It modifies the environment around the meat products.

12. Which of the following preserves the meat without heat processing or by chemical preservatives?
a) Modified atmosphere packaging
b) Aseptic packaging
c) Canning
d) Edible packaging
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Answer: a
Explanation: Modified atmosphere packaging preserves the meat without heat processing or by adding chemical preservatives. Aseptic packing uses ultra-high temperature. Canning uses sterilization process to extend the shelf life of the product.

13. What is flexible packaging?
a) Packaging the meat products in non-rigid materials
b) Packaging the meat products in rigid materials
c) Packaging the meat products in edible films
d) Packaging the meat products in paper
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Answer: a
Explanation: The flexible packaging is a process of packaging the meat products by using non-rigid materials. It is more economical. It has high efficiency. It is also cost-effective method. It uses range of films, paper, pouches.

14. Which of the following is used for packing pickled meat products?
a) Polyethylene terephthalate
b) Polyvinyl
c) Polyvinyl chloride
d) Vinyl chloride
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Answer: a
Explanation: Polyethylene terephthalate bottles and containers are clear and are very light weight. They are ideal for the packaging of pickled meat products. They provide visual appeal to the products. It should be cleaned prior to filling of the meat products.

15. Which of the following is used in packaging of meat?
a) Sulphur-resistant lacquer cans
b) Acid-resistant cans
c) Alkaline- resistant cans
d) Sanitary enamel cans
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sulphur-resistant lacquer cans are used in packaging of meat. These cans prevent discoloration of products. These cans should not be used for acid products or fat meats. Therefore, it extends the shelf life of the products.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Meat Processing.

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