This set of Meat Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Breaded or Coated Products from Meat – Set 2”.
1. What is the dry coating in meat products?
a) Batter
b) Seasonings
c) Water
d) Milk
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Explanation: The dry coatings are the breaded compounds like flour, seasonings and starch. It is dry mixture which is coated on the meat products. It requires less oil for frying or cooking the meat products.
2. What are advantages of breading process?
a) Crispy textures and attracts the consumers
b) Attracts the consumers
c) Prevents moisture loss and have crispy texture
d) Crispy textures which attracts the consumers and prevents moisture loss
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Explanation: There are various advantages of breading process. The breaded products have crispy texture. It has attractive surface which attracts more consumers. Another important advantage is that it prevents the moisture loss from the meat products.
3. What are advantages of battering process?
a) Crispy textures and increases flavor
b) Increases the flavor
c) Prevents moisture loss and have crispy texture
d) Crispy textures, flavor enhancement and prevents moisture loss
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Explanation: There are various advantages of battering process. The battered product has crispy texture. It prevents the moisture loss from the meat products by sealing with a layer of oil. It also enhances the flavor of the product.
4. What is duster in breading or coating process?
a) Fine and dry ingredient dusted on the meat products
b) Fine and moist ingredient dusted on the meat products
c) Coarse and dry ingredient dusted on the meat products
d) Coarse and moist ingredient dusted on the meat products
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Explanation: Duster is also called as pre-dust ingredient used in battering or breading process. It comprises fine and dry flour which is dusted on the product. It is used as substrate on which other ingredients are added.
5. Granulation influences breading behavior during storage and food processing.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Granulation is one of the important physical attributes of breading process. The breading process is influenced by the granulation. It can affect both during storage and food processing stages. The granulations are classified into coarse, medium and fine.
6. What is frying tolerance?
a) Ability of a breading to maintain color during frying
b) Ability of a breading to maintain texture during frying
c) Ability of a breading to maintain appearance during frying
d) Ability of a breading to maintain color, texture and appearance during frying
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Explanation: Fry tolerance is defined as the ability of a breading to maintain its color, texture, and appearance during frying. Fry tolerance depends on various factors like coating ingredients, oil, crumb ingredients, crumb processing.
7. What coating can be given for oxidative stability of ground beef patties?
a) Films made of a combination of soy and oregano
b) Films made of soy
c) Films made of lipids
d) Films made of lipids and soy
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Explanation: Films made of a combination of soy and oregano are used for oxidative stability of ground beef patties. These act as barriers against oxygen and carbon dioxide as they stick to the hydrophilic surface of meat.
8. The most popular edible coatings for meat products are sausage casings and collagen films.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The most popular edible coatings for meat products are the sausage casings and collagen films. Lipid films are good barriers to resist water vapor, their mechanical strength is low and oxygen is easily permeable.
9. What is larding?
a) Meat covered with fat
b) Meat covered with protein
c) Meat covered with sugar
d) Meat covered with salt
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Explanation: Larding is a culinary technique. It is prepared by large cuts of meat where long strips of fat are woven through the meat using a needle called a larding needle. Strips of pork fatback are commonly used for larding the meat.
10. What is barding?
a) Meat covered with fat before cooking
b) Meat covered with protein before cooking
c) Meat covered with sugar before cooking
d) Meat covered with salt before cooking
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Explanation: Barding is a traditional technique. It is used for wrapping meats in a layer of fat before cooking it. This process maintains the moisture of the meat while it cooks. It helps the meat from overcooking.
Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Meat Processing.
To practice all areas of Meat Processing, here is complete set of Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.