Poultry Products Processing Questions and Answers – Quality Assessment of Egg – Set 2

This set of Poultry Products Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Quality Assessment of Egg – Set 2”.

1. Infectious bronchitis and Newcastle disease causes birds to lay eggs with poor quality shells.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Diseases affects the egg quality. Infectious bronchitis and Newcastle disease, causes the birds to lay eggs with poor quality shells and with extremely poor-quality albumen. Therefore, effective vaccines should be administered.

2. How does temperature affect egg shells?
a) Heat stress decreases eggshell thickness and eggshell breakage strength
b) Heat stress increases eggshell thickness and eggshell breakage strength
c) Heat stress decreases eggshell thickness and increases eggshell breakage strength
d) Heat stress increases eggshell thickness and decreases eggshell breakage strength
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Answer: a
Explanation: Heat stress decreases the eggshell thickness and eggshell breakage strength. Therefore, temperature plays an important role in quality of the egg shells. The eggs are stored at ambient temperature.

3. What is the storage temperature of eggs?
a) Below 13° C
b) 20° C – 23° C
c) 13° C- 15° C
d) 16° C – 19° C
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Answer: a
Explanation: The most effective method of minimizing deterioration of quality in eggs is storing the eggs at temperatures below 13° C. It should be stored in shaded, well-ventilated rooms and underground cellars.

4. What is yolk index in egg?
a) The ratio of yolk height over yolk diameter
b) The ratio of yolk diameter over yolk height
c) The ratio of yolk height over egg white diameter
d) The ratio of egg white height over yolk diameter
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Answer: a
Explanation: The yolk index is defined as the ratio of yolk height over yolk diameter. It indicates the freshness of the egg. The quality of egg yolks depends on the color and ability to retain its shape when the egg is opened.

5. Which of the following is not known in float test?
a) Egg freshness
b) Egg quality
c) Egg age
d) Egg area
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the float test, the freshness of egg is known. It implies the quality of the egg and age of the egg. It does not give any information regarding height and area of the egg. The float test is a simple method to know the quality of the eggs.

6. What causes large air cells in the egg?
a) Holding at high temperature
b) Holding at lower temperature
c) Breeding characteristics of the birds
d) Partial germ development
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Answer: a
Explanation: Large air cells are formed due to holding or storing the eggs at a high temperature. Air cells are also formed when the eggs are stored for longer duration without proper preservation. Therefore, the holding room should be around 50-60oF with proper ventilation.

7. What causes blood rings in the egg?
a) Holding at high temperature
b) Holding at lower temperature
c) Breeding characteristics of the birds
d) Partial germ development
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Answer: d
Explanation: The blood spots in the eggs are due to partial development of germ in the fertile eggs. Therefore, the eggs are stored under hygienic conditions where the eggs are cooled under 60oF. These eggs are usually not consumed.

8. What causes dark yolks in the egg?
a) Holding at high temperature
b) Feeding pigmented feeds to the birds
c) Breeding characteristics of the birds
d) Partial germ development
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Answer: b
Explanation: The dark yolk is caused due to the feeding of the pigmented feeds to the birds. This results in green or dark yolks. Therefore, it is very important that the poultry birds are fed properly with a good diet without hormones and antibacterial compounds.

9. What causes meat spots in the egg?
a) Ruptures of blood vessels during egg formation
b) Feeding pigmented feeds to the birds
c) Breeding characteristics of the birds
d) Partial germ development
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Answer: a
Explanation: The meat spots are caused due to the rupture of blood vessels during the egg formation. Meat spot is a defect found on albumen and chalaza. These eggs do not pass the quality test. Therefore, the birds are given good diet and should avoid excitement before slaughtering process.

10. Soundness of egg shell is the interior quality of the egg.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Soundness of egg shell is the exterior quality of the egg. Some of the exterior qualities of an egg are cleanliness of the shell, size and shape of the egg, texture of the egg and color of the egg. Some of the interior qualities of an egg are condition of the yolk, condition of the egg white and condition of the air cell.

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