This set of Poultry Products Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Microbial Testing of Poultry Meat”.
1. What type of bacteria is commonly found on poultry?
a) Campylobacter bacteria
b) Lactobacillus bacteria
c) Streptococcus bacteria
d) Listeria bacteria
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Explanation: The raw meat is contaminated mainly with Campylobacter bacteria. It can also be contaminated with Salmonella and Clostridium perfringens bacteria. Therefore, the raw meat should be properly cooked before consumption.
2. What is a microbial contamination?
a) Unintentional habitation of pathogenic microorganisms
b) Intentional habitation of pathogenic microorganisms
c) Unintentional habitation of Lactobacillus microorganisms
d) Intentional habitation of Lactobacillus microorganisms
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Explanation: The unintentional inhabitation of pathogenic microorganisms in the meat products can be termed as microbiological contamination. It includes bacteria, fungi, yeasts, protozoa, and virus which causes microbial contamination in the food.
3. What is microbiological testing?
a) The use of biological or chemical methods for the detection, identification of microorganisms in a material
b) The use of biological methods for the detection, identification of microorganisms in a material
c) The use of biological or chemical methods for the detection of microorganisms in a material
d) The use of chemical methods for the detection, identification of microorganisms in a material
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Explanation: Microbiological testing of food products is done by using biological, biochemical, molecular and chemical methods. It is used for detection, identification of the microorganisms in the food, drink, environmental or medical sample.
4. What are the methods used as confirmatory test for food?
a) Culture Media, immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction
b) Culture Media and polymerase chain reaction
c) Immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction
d) Culture Media and immunoassay
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Explanation: Culture Media, immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction are three methods used as confirmatory test for food. These confirmatory tests are done to confirm the analysis and the results obtained from other tests.
5. Which is the first step in food microbial testing?
a) Swabbing
b) Applying microbes on culture medium
c) Imitating microbes on the slide
d) Replicating microbes on the culture medium
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Explanation: The process of collecting the microbes by a sterile cotton or calcium alginate swabs on the surface of the food/ equipment is called swabbing. These microbes are transferred to broth and then diluted to determine total numbers.
6. What are two methods of identifying bacteria?
a) Morphological and biochemical tests
b) Morphological and chemical tests
c) Chemical and biochemical tests
d) Biomolecular and biochemical tests
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Explanation: Bacteria can be identified by both morphological and biochemical tests. Tests like serotyping and antibiotic inhibition patterns are uses when necessary. It can also be identified by their genetic sequences.
7. What is RMM?
a) Rapid microbial methods
b) Read microbial methods
c) Rapid microbial mixture
d) Read microbial mixture
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Explanation: RMM stands for Rapid microbial methods. It is also known as alternative microbiological methods. The results of these tests are faster compared to traditional culture-plate methods. It takes only few hours for generating the results.
8. Excision method is widely used for whole cut meats.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Excision method is commonly used in whole meat cuts. A small surface area is taken from the meat product. These are then homogenized to produce a uniform texture. These are then plated to determine the total number of microbes present on the meat.
9. What is SPC?
a) Standard Plate Count
b) Sterilize Plate Count
c) Standard Plain Count
d) Standard Protozoa Count
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Explanation: SPC stands for standard plate count. It used for determining the number of viable colonies forming units (CFU) in a food. It is easy to perform. Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) approved this method for many foods.
10. Which of the following method is not AOAC approved method?
a) Impedance method
b) Dye reduction method
c) Standard plate count
d) Most probable method
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Explanation: Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) approved dye reduction method, standard plate count and most probable method for many foods. Impedance method is not approved by AOAC.
11. Which of the following agar is used for aerobic mesophilic count?
a) Plate count agar
b) Baird -parker agar
c) Dicloran agar
d) Rappaport Vassiliadis broth
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Explanation: Plate count agar is used for aerobic mesophilic count. Plate Count Agar is a microbiological growth medium used to evaluate total bacterial growth of a sample. It provides nitrogen, carbon, amino acids, vitamins and minerals for growth of the organism.
12. Which of the following agar is used for enumerating staphylococcus aureus?
a) Plate count agar
b) Baird -parker agar
c) Dicloran agar
d) Rappaport Vassiliadis broth
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Explanation: Baird-Parker agar is an agar used for the selective isolation of gram-positive Staphylococci species. It comprises both lithium chloride and tellurite to inhibit the growth of other microbial flora. It provides pyruvate and glycine for promoting the growth of Staphylococci.
13. Which of the following agar is used for enumerating molds?
a) Plate count agar
b) Baird -parker agar
c) Dicloran agar
d) Rappaport Vassiliadis broth
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Explanation: Dichloran 18% glycerol agar is used for selective isolation and enumerating yeasts and molds. It destroys the other bacteria present in the sample. It provides nutrition for the growth of the molds in the sample.
14. Which of the following agar is used for enumerating Salmonella?
a) Plate count agar
b) Baird -parker agar
c) Dicloran agar
d) Rappaport Vassiliadis broth
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Explanation: Rappaport-Vassiliadis Enrichment Broth is used as a selective enrichment of Salmonella species present in the food samples. The presence of malachite green and high magnesium chloride concentration destroys Gram-positive bacteria.
15. The determination of the microbiological quality of a food is to estimate its shelf-life for human consumption.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The purpose of the microbiological quality of a food substance is e required in order to estimate shelf-life of that food substance for human consumption. The presence of the microbes can cause food poisoning and off flavor.
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