Poultry Products Processing Questions and Answers – Quality Assurance and Process Control in Poultry Processing Plants

This set of Poultry Products Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Quality Assurance and Process Control in Poultry Processing Plants”.

1. What are the characteristics of a good poultry?
a) Appearance and texture
b) Appearance and taste
c) Taste and texture
d) Appearance
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Answer: a
Explanation: The two important quality qualities for poultry meat are texture and appearance. Appearance is important for both the selection of the meat product and also for final product satisfaction. Texture is the important sensory property which affects the final quality assessment.

2. What is the factor that determines the tenderness of a poultry?
a) Texture
b) Time of deboning during post-mortem
c) Taste
d) Appearance
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Answer: a
Explanation: The tenderness of the poultry is influenced by the time of the deboning during post-mortem. The muscles deboned during early postmortem would have energy for contraction. Therefore. they contract and become tough, when the muscles are removed from the carcasses.

3. What is quality assurance in meat industry?
a) Proactive and preventive approach to have quality control of meat
b) Proactive approach to have quality control of meat
c) Preventive approach to have quality control of meat
d) Passive approach to have quality control of meat
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Answer: a
Explanation: Meat quality assurance is defined as a proactive and preventive approach to have quality control of meat. It helps the products to be safe, hygienic and processes in clean environment. This is ensured during livestock breeding, processing and transportation.

4. Why is it important to check quality of meat?
a) Ensures consumer satisfaction
b) Ensures market supply
c) Increases the sales
d) Ensures market supply and increases the sales
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Answer: a
Explanation: Meat quality is important in ensuring consumer satisfaction. The quality of meat is affected by the breed of the bird. It also depends on the nutritional status during production and processing. Good sanitation is to be followed.

5. which of the following affects the quality of poultry products?
a) Proportion of lean meat to carbohydrates
b) Proportion of lean meat to fat
c) Proportion of lean meat to protein
d) Proportion of lean meat to minerals
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Answer: b
Explanation: The quality of the poultry products depends on the proportion of lean meat to fat. The food additives and meat extenders affect the meat quality. The fat percentage present in the final product affects the taste and texture.

6. Which of the following depends on the amount of water retained in cooked meat?
a) Juiciness
b) Texture
c) Taste
d) color
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Answer: a
Explanation: Juiciness depends on the amount of water present in a cooked poultry meat. The juiciness aids in the increases of the flavor of the meat. It making the meat easier to chew. The aging process increases the water retention.

7. What are physical quality checks done in poultry industries?
a) Temperature and humidity
b) Appearance and temperature
c) Swab method and temperature
d) Swab method and humidity
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Answer: a
Explanation: Temperature and humidity are some physical tests done on the poultry meat. These physical test methods help in knowing the processing and storage conditions of the poultry meat products.

8. What is organoleptic evaluation?
a) The assessment of flavor, odor, appearance and mouthfeel of a food product
b) The assessment of flavor, appearance and mouthfeel of a food product
c) The assessment of odor, appearance and mouthfeel of a food product
d) The assessment of flavor, odor and mouthfeel of a food product
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Answer: a
Explanation: The organoleptic evaluation is defined as the assessment of flavor, odor, appearance and mouthfeel of a food. It is essential to ensure that the meat products are comply with organizational food standards requirements.

9. What is the texture of chicken?
a) Glossy and soft texture
b) Dry and soft texture
c) Glossy and hard texture
d) Dry and hard texture
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Answer: a
Explanation: The fresh raw chicken should have a glossy and soft texture. It should not be slimy, sticky. The cooked chicken should be firm and drier than uncooked chicken. It should have any odor and the color should be bright red.

10. What is the use of light intensity measurement?
a) To determine the quality of the meat
b) To determine the organoleptic evaluation of the meat
c) To determine the sensory properties of the meat
d) To determine the quality and sensory properties of the meat
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Answer: a
Explanation: The light intensity measurement of poultry products determines the quality of meat. These tests need expensive instruments and skilled labor. It involves high cost and high investment for setting up the instrument.

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