Meat Processing Questions and Answers – Processing of Bacon

This set of Meat Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Processing of Bacon”.

1. What is bacon?
a) Pork
b) Beef
c) Mutton
d) Venison
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bacon is a type of pork. It is from a belly and other less fat parts. It is preserved by dry curing or wet curing. It is generally salt cured for many days to impart the flavor to the meat. It is considered as side dish.

2. What is the difference between bacon and ham?
a) Bacon is only from belly
b) Ham is only from belly
c) Ham is the raw meat
d) Ham is from pig meat bacon is from pig’s belly
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Answer: d
Explanation: The pig meat in general is called as pork. Ham is processed pig meat which contains head, chunk and other parts of the pig. Whereas the bacon is meat that is from the belly part of the pig. It also consists less fat compared to ham.

3. Is bacon only from pig?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Bacon is a pork meat which is specifically cut from the pig’s belly. It is generally cured and salted. Bacons are also prepared from beef. It is situated underneath the short ribs and between the flank and brisket of the beef.

4. What part of the pig is bacon?
a) Head
b) Breast
c) Leg
d) Belly
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Answer: d
Explanation: The belly parts are often called as bacon. It contains fat. The cut is on a side of the pig and is cleaned by removing spare ribs. It is available fresh or cured according to the consumer preference in the market.

5. How are bacons cured?
a) Dry curing only
b) Brine curing only
c) Both dry and brine curing
d) No curing needed
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bacons are generally cured using dry curing method. The dry curing is done manually by applying the salt into the meat by hand. The raw bacon is rubbed with salt and other seasonings to impart flavor. Sugar is added to the dry rub for some sweetness.

6. What’s the difference between Uncured and cured bacon?
a) Cured bacon contains added preservatives, while uncured bacon uses natural ingredients
b) Cured bacon contains no preservatives, while uncured bacon uses natural ingredients
c) Cured bacon contains natural ingredients, while uncured bacon uses chemical preservatives
d) Cured bacon and uncured bacon contain natural ingredients
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cured bacon contains added preservatives, while uncured bacon uses natural ingredients. The nitrates and nitrites are the chemical compounds and food preservatives used in the curing process. Uncured bacon uses natural ingredients like cultured celery powder.

7. What is the general processing steps in boneless premium bacon production?
a) Raw material inspection, brine injection, curing, thermal processing, chilling, pressing and slicing
b) Raw material inspection, pumping, pressing, thermal processing, chilling and packing
c) Raw material inspection, brine injection, curing, thermal processing, chilling, packaging
d) Raw material inspection, pumping, massaging & tumbling, casting, chilling and packing
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Answer: a
Explanation: The pork is arrived at the industry. The curing agents are injected into the meat. It undergoes curing process to increase the efficiency of the curing agents. It is then thermally processed and chilled. It is finally pressed, sliced and packed under hygienic conditions.

8. What curing agents added in bacon processing?
a) Nitrite
b) Ascorbates and erythorbates
c) Ascorbates
d) Erythorbates
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Answer: a
Explanation: Nitrite and nitrates are added as curing agents during the bacon processing. Curing is the addition of salt, sugar, nitrite and nitrate to the meat. The main purposes are enhancement of flavor, preservation and color.

9. How much sodium nitrate is in bacon?
a) 380 mcg of nitrates per 100 g of weight
b) 200 mcg of nitrates per 100 g of weight
c) 300 mcg of nitrates per 100 g of weight
d) 459 mcg of nitrates per 100 g of weight
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bacon is high in nitrates. It has up to 380 mcg of nitrates per 100 g of weight. Nitrite is the widely used as curing agent in the meat industry. It prevents the risk of bacterial contamination like Clostridium botulinum.

10. Which of the following affects the bacon texture?
a) Carbohydrates
b) Proteins
c) Lipids
d) Minerals
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Answer: c
Explanation: The lipid content and fat content affect the texture of the bacons. The fat with lower melting point is more sensitive to the increases in temperature. This results in easy melting of fat. This can affect the type of machines used in the processing.

11. Leaner pigs tend to yield softer fat.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The leaner pigs tend to yield softer fat. This is because due to the presence of lower percentage of saturated fatty the meat Softer pork fat also has lower melting point than normal pork fat.

12. Identify the part from the pork in the below diagram.

a) Chunk
b) Short loin
c) Belly
d) Ham
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Answer: c
Explanation: The loin and belly are the adjacent part of the ham. The front part is called as head. The ham is the meat cut that is present at the back of the pig. The bacon is made from the belly part where the spared ribs are removed from belly.

13. What is the cooking temperature requirement for bacon processing?
a) 124°F to 132°F
b) 134°F to 145 °F
c) 190°F to 200°F
d) 154°F to 160°F
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bacons requires a temperature of at least 124 to 132°F. It must reach 132°F to kill microbes present on the meat. The thermal processed meat has longer shelf life. It also eliminates most of the microbial contamination and imparts flavor.

14. Which of the following is an excellent source in bacon?
a) Potassium
b) Protein
c) Gelatin
d) Carbohydrates
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Answer: b
Explanation: Bacon is an excellent source of high protein. It also has low carbohydrate energy that helps to reset metabolism. It makes weight loss much easier. It is also helpful in building muscle tissues that are lean and strong.

15. What gives bacon its flavor?
a) Milliard reaction
b) Lipid oxidation
c) Amino acid synthesis
d) Carbohydrate reduction
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Answer: a
Explanation: Maillard reaction is the reason for the flavor in bacon. It is the chemical reaction between amino acids and sugars, which occurs when food is heated. This process results in the browning of the surface of the meat, along with the production of flavors and aromas.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Meat Processing.

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