Meat Processing Questions and Answers – Abattoir Design

This set of Meat Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Abattoir Design”.

1. Which of the following sections in this layout are also called as clean section?
clean sections in the abattoirs
a) Scalding section, evisceration section, chilling section
b) Holding section, stunning section, slaughter section, scalding section
c) Slaughter section, scalding section, evisceration section
d) Evisceration section, chilling section, cutting section, freezing section
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Answer: d
Explanation: Evisceration section, chilling section, cutting section and freezing section are called as the clean sections in the abattoirs. These sections are sterilized for preventing the microbial contamination. All the contaminants like blood, feathers and other body parts should not be cross contaminated with the carcass.

2. The birds kept in slaughter house are given water only.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The birds kept in the slaughter house are given only water. This reduces the fecal matter in the body. It helps in easy evisceration process. But if the birds are kept for more than 2 days, then feed and water are given to them.

3. What are the different types of abattoirs available?
a) Simple abattoirs, multiple abattoirs, complex abattoirs
b) Complex abattoirs, multiple abattoirs
c) Multiple abattoirs, simple abattoirs
d) Simple abattoirs, complex abattoirs
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Answer: d
Explanation: Simple abattoirs are the plant which only slaughters the animals and birds. Its main products are fresh meats (whole or cuts). The complex abattoirs have the facilities for both the byproduct processing and regular slaughtering section.

4. What is Lairage in abattoir?
a) Resting place for the birds
b) Storage place for the birds
c) Freezing section
d) Waste water treatment section
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Answer: a
Explanation: Lairage is a place or a section in abattoir. It can be inside the slaughter house or can be near the unit but should be in same compound. It is a resting place for the birds. The resting period is very important for the birds and also for the marketability.

5. What is NMIS?
a) National Meat Inspection Service
b) National Milk Inspection Service
c) National Meat Institute Service
d) National Meat Inspection Safety
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Answer: a
Explanation: NMIS stands for National Meat Inspection Service. It is a government body which helps in regulation and implementation of various laws and programs in field of meat industry. It mainly focuses on the quality and safety issues in meat processing.

6. What is evisceration process?
a) Removal of feathers
b) Removal of internal organs
c) Removal of skin
d) Removal of surface microbes
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Answer: b
Explanation: Evisceration is a process where the internal organs like lungs, intestine are removed from the birds. It can be achieved by scalding the birds in hot water. After this process, antimicrobial substances are injected into the carcass for preventing the microbial load.

7. Which of the following section is also called as skinning section?
a) Scalding section
b) Stunning section
c) Cutting section
d) Evisceration section
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Answer: a
Explanation: Scalding section is also called as skinning section. Scalding is the process where the birds are immersed in hot water or steam. The hot steam helps in loosening of feathers from the body of the bird. The time taken for the process can range from 1 to 3 minutes.

8. Which of the following section are called as unclean processing steps in poultry?
a) Scalding section, evisceration section, chilling section
b) Holding section, stunning section, slaughter section, scalding section
c) Slaughter section, scalding section, evisceration section
d) Evisceration section, chilling section, cutting section, freezing section
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Answer: b
Explanation: Holding section, stunning section, slaughter section and scalding section are called as unclean processing steps in meat processing. The waste from these sections is disposed with precautionary. Cross contamination should be avoided between clean and unclean areas.

9. Deboning becomes easier if the meat is chilled.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Deboning is the process where the bones from the meat are removed. This process depends on the temperature of the meat. At chilled temperature, the deboning process becomes easy. Sterilized knives and deboning equipment are required for the preventing the cross contamination.

10. What is the main purpose of carcass dressing?
a) Removal of all damaged skin and parts
b) Removal of feathers
c) Removal of internal organs
d) Removal of skin
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Answer: a
Explanation: The main purposes of the carcass dressing are to remove all the damaged and contaminated parts of the carcass. The final product should be in uniformity. It also helps in qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Meat Processing.

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