Meat Processing Questions and Answers – Ageing of Meat

This set of Meat Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Ageing of Meat”.

1. What is aging process in meat?
a) It breakdowns the connective tissue
b) It improves the connective tissue bonding
c) It breakdowns the vascular tissue
d) It improves the vascular tissue bonding
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Answer: a
Explanation: Aging is an important step in the meat processing. In this process, the connective tissues are breakdown into simpler molecules. Therefore it improves the tenderness of the meat. Temperature plays a major role in the aging process.

2. What are the two types of aging of meat?
a) Wet aging and dry aging
b) Long aging and short aging
c) Back aging and front aging
d) Wet and long aging and dry and short aging
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Answer: a
Explanation: There are two types in meat aging. They are wet aging and dry aging. Wet aging is done in a controlled refrigerated temperature conditions. The dry aging process is controlled by relative humidity and temperature of the coolers.

3. What is the wet aging period for the meat?
a) 1-2 days
b) 1-2 weeks
c) 1-2 months
d) 1-2 years
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Answer: b
Explanation: The meat requires nearly 1-2 weeks for the wet aging to take place. The meat is generally placed in vacuum bags under the refrigerated conditions. It improves the tenderness of the meat. It also improves the quality of the meat.

4. What is the dry aging period for the meat?
a) 2-4 days
b) 2-4 weeks
c) 2-4 months
d) 2-4 years
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Answer: b
Explanation: The meat requires nearly 2-4weeks for the dry aging to take place. This process depends on the temperature and relative humidity and is controlled and checked at regular intervals. It improves the juiciness of the meat.

5. Is dry aging more expensive than wet aging?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dry aging process of meat is more expensive than the wet aging process of meat. The dry aging process takes more time for the completion of the process. Since the time requirement is more, the connective tissues are well degraded and results in tender meat.

6. What is ES in aging of meat?
a) Electrical stimulation
b) Electrical sterility
c) Electo stimulation
d) Electrical surveillance
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Answer: a
Explanation: Electrical stimulation is used for aging of meat in countries like Canada. In this process, the meat is subjected to electric current which breaks the bonding of the connective tissues. It reduces the pH quickly during the post mortem of the carcasses.

7. The standard voltage for Electrical stimulation for meat is 504 volts.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The standard voltage for Electrical stimulation for meat is 504 volts. If the electrical stimulation is done immediately after stunning, it requires low voltage. But if this process is late by 1 hour, then a high voltage is required for the electrical stimulation.

8. Which of the following process is responsible for the change in the muscle of a meat?
meat processing steps
a) Aging
b) Boiling
c) Irradiation
d) Curing
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Answer: a
Explanation: Aging is an significant step in meat processing. The bonds between the muscles are made up of proteoglycan bonds. Due to the aging process the bonds breakdown to form an unstable structure. This results in the tendering of the muscle.

9. What is the other name for aging process in meat industry?
a) Conditioning
b) Boiling
c) Freezing
d) Curing
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Answer: a
Explanation: Aging process in meat industries also called as conditioning of meat or maturing of meat. In this process, the muscle becomes pliable and soft. It should be free from microbes. It is generally stored above freezing temperature.

10. Which of the following process does not happen during aging process in meat?
a) Protein denaturation
b) Proteolysis
c) Flavor enhancement
d) Glycolysis
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Answer: d
Explanation: The enzymes play an important role in aging process. Protein denaturation, proteolysis and flavor enhancement are the chemical changes that takes place during the aging process. The structure of the meat is disrupted and lead to softening of the meat.

11. Which of the following protein does not undergo denaturation process in meat during aging process?
a) Actin
b) Elastin
c) Sarcoplasmic protein
d) Micro-fibrillar protein
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Answer: b
Explanation: Elastin is the protein which does not undergo denaturation process in meat during aging process. In this process, the hydrolysis does not take place. The denaturation process results in physical rearrangement of the chemical bonds in the protein chain.

12. What is the effect of the Millard reaction during aging of meat?
a) Enhance flavor
b) Enhance color
c) Increase protein
d) Results in off flavor
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Millard reaction is a non-enzymatic reaction. During the initial phase of the aging process, the proteins are converted into amino acids. When these amino acids react with the carbonyl group, it results in discoloration of meat and imparts the bitter taste.

13. Which of the following part undergoes extensive tenderization process?
a) Breasts
b) Loin
c) Wings
d) Thigs
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Answer: b
Explanation: Tenderization occurs mainly in rib and loin cuts of the carcass. It usually takes 10 days for the tenderization. Enzymes play a major role in the tenderization process. Postmortem aging is a natural process which improves tenderness under refrigerated temperatures.

14. What is the disadvantage of using wet aging process for meats?
a) Loss of moisture
b) No loss of moisture
c) Increases moisture
d) Decreases moisture
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the wet aging process, there is no loss of moisture. Therefore, the nutrients and flavor compounds are not concentrated in the meat. The prices of wet aged meat is not expensive than dry age meat.

15. What are the two proteins present in the connective tissues in meat?
a) Collagen and elastin
b) Collagen, tropomyosin
c) Elastin, tropomyosin
d) Troponin, tropomyosin
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Answer: a
Explanation: Collagen and the elastin are the two proteins present in the connective tissues in meat. Collagen determines the toughness of the meat. Elastin has more elastic properties compared to other proteins present in the meat.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Meat Processing.

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