Meat Processing Questions and Answers – Canning of Meat

This set of Meat Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Canning of Meat”.

1. What is the other name for canning?
a) Pasteurization
b) Appertization
c) Sterilization
d) Cold sterilization
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Answer: b
Explanation: The canning procedure was called as appertization because this process is named after Nicholas Appert. He is the person who discovered this process for preserving food in bottles. It is then sealed with a cork, then boiled.

2. What are types of canning?
a) Pressure canning
b) Water bath canning
c) Atmospheric caning
d) Pressure canning, water bath canning and atmospheric steam canning
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Answer: d
Explanation: The three scientifically tested and approved methods of canning for food preservation are pressure canning, water bath canning, and atmospheric steam canning. These methods heat the food in sealed packets. This procedure is done to destroy spoilage organisms.

3. Canning is a process in which steam is used to sterilize meat products.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Canning is a significant and one of the safest methods of food preservation under proper guidance. The canning process includes placing the meat products in a sealed packets and heating them to a temperature that destroys spoilage microorganisms.

4. Which of the following microbe spoils canned meat?
a) Clostridium species
b) Staphylococcus species
c) Saccharomyces species
d) pseudomonas species
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Answer: a
Explanation: The canned meat is spoiled by a toxin from Clostridium botulinum bacteria. Improper canning can help in the growth of microbes in the meat products. These toxins cannot be detected by naked eye and smell.

5. Which of them considered as low acid foods?
a) Meat products
b) Pear
c) Oranges
d) Jam
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Answer: a
Explanation: Meat, fish, poultry, dairy are low acid foods. They have a pH range of 5.0 to 6.8. This pH determines the time and temperature combination for the various processing. It helps in eliminating the microbiological and enzymatic activity.

6. Which of them is not considered as high acid foods?
a) Meat products
b) Jellies
c) Oranges
d) Jam
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Answer: a
Explanation: Meat products are low acid foods. The High acid foods are pickled products and fermented foods. The pH values for high acid foods ranges from 3.7 to 2.3. Jams and Jellies are in high acid foods which have good stability than low acid foods.

7. Why is brine solution added to the canned meat?
a) Improve taste
b) Improve color
c) No scientific reason
d) Improves both color and taste
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Answer: a
Explanation: The main objective of using brine solution in canned meat is to improve the taste of the canned product. The other important reason is to fill up the inter space between meat products and also acts as heating medium in between can and meat products.

8. What are factors affecting the canning time?
a) Size of the can
b) pH of the foods
c) Targeted Microbes
d) Size of the can, pH of the foods and targeted microbes
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Answer: d
Explanation: The total time required to sterilize canned food depends on various factors. They are size of can and processing temperature. It also depends on rate of heat penetration at the center of the can, the pH of the food and the type and number of organisms present in the meat products.

9. What is the advantage of canning?
a) Limits food enzyme activity
b) Enhances food enzyme activity
c) No effect on food enzyme activity
d) Develops food enzyme activity
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Answer: a
Explanation: Canning modifies food chemically by changing the moisture, pH, or salinity levels to protect against microorganisms. It also limits food enzyme activity. It increases the shelf life of the meat products.

10. Many canned foods are high in sodium.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Some of the disadvantages of canned foods are high in sodium. Canned fruits are coated in heavy syrup as a brine solution to impart taste and stability of the product. Some meat products become less nutritious when they are canned.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Meat Processing.

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