Aircraft Performance Questions and Answers – Types of Take-off and Landing

This set of Aircraft Performance Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of Take-off and Landing”.

1. What are the terminal phases of the aircraft landing?
a) Take-off
b) Landing
c) Take-off and landing
d) En-route
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Answer: c
Explanation: The terminal phases of the aircraft are the take-off phase at the departure and landing at the destination. In the take-off phase the aircraft is transformed to safe airborne state from the stationary ground state.

2. The terminal phases consist of two parts.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The terminal phases consist of two parts. They are ground run distance and airborne distance. The terminal phases of the aircraft are the take-off phase at the departure and landing at the destination. In the take-off phase the aircraft is transformed to safe airborne state from the stationary ground state.

3. What is engine failure accountability?
a) management of landing during the engine failure
b) management of take-off during the engine failure
c) fuel management during the engine failure
d) thrust management during the engine failure
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Answer: a
Explanation: The engine failure accountability is the management of landing during the engine failure. The length of runway depends on the purpose of aircraft and also the length and size of the aircraft.

4. What is aspect ratio?
a) It is the ratio of square of wing span to wing area
b) It is the ratio of wing span to wing area
c) It is the ratio of square of wing area to wing span
d) It is the ratio of wing area to wing span
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Answer: a
Explanation: Aspect ratio is the ratio of the square of wing span to wing area. It is given by the formula, AS=\(\frac{b^2}{S}\) where AS is aspect ratio, b is wing span and S is wing area. In general the aspect ratio is maintained high in the aircraft for structural rigidity and reducing drag.

5. What is the formula of aspect ratio?
a) AS=\(\frac{b}{S}\)
b) AS=\(\frac{s}{b}\)
c) AS=\(\frac{S^2}{b}\)
d) AS=\(\frac{b^2}{S}\)
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Answer: d
Explanation: Aspect ratio is the ratio of the square of wing span to wing area. It is given by the formula, AS=\(\frac{b^2}{S}\) where AS is aspect ratio, b is wing span and S is wing area. In general the aspect ratio is maintained high in the aircraft for structural rigidity and reducing drag.
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6. What is the aspect ratio when the wing is 10 feet long and 2 feet wide?
a) 5
b) 10
c) 50
d) 0.4
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Answer: a
Explanation: The aspect ratio is given by the ratio of span and chord. Given span = 10 feet and chord is 2 feet. Substituting in the formula we get AS=\(\frac{span}{chord}\). AS=\(\frac{10}{2}\).

7. Ski-jump take-off path is used by _______
a) military aircrafts
b) commercial aircrafts
c) passenger aircrafts
d) cargo aircrafts
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Answer: a
Explanation: Ski-jump take-off path is the path which has an elevation at the end of the runway i.e. the road is lifted up with respect to ground at an angle. This ski-jump assisted angle is approximately equal to 12°.

8. Which of the following are the correct type of take-off and landings?
a) reduced take-off and landing, short take-off and landing, vertical take-off and landing
b) short take-off and landing, vertical take-off and landing
c) convectional take-off and landing, reduced take-off and landing
d) convectional take-off and landing, reduced take-off and landing, short take-off and landing, vertical take-off and landing, short take-off and vertical landing
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Answer: a
Explanation: There are five types of take-off and landings. They are:

  • CTOL- convectional take-off and landing
  • RTOL- reduced take-off and landing
  • STOL- short take-off and landing
  • VTOL- vertical take-off and landing
  • STOVL- short take-off and vertical landing.

9. The aircraft uses short take-off landing to reduce the take-off fuel demand.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The aircraft uses short take-off landing to reduce the take-off fuel demand. This results in take-off of the aircraft with the weight of the aircraft above maximum vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) weight.

10. VTOL is the extreme case of STOL.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: VTOL is the extreme case of STOL. The aircraft uses short take-off landing to reduce the take-off fuel demand. This results in take-off of the aircraft with the weight of the aircraft above maximum vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) weight.

11. High lift devices can be used to increase the maximum lift coefficient of an aircraft and reduce the lift off speed.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: High lift devices can be used to increase the maximum lift coefficient of an aircraft and reduce the lift off speed. The heavy lift devices include full span flaps, drooped ailerons and passive boundary layer control systems.

12. Which of the following are not heavy lift devices?
a) full span flaps
b) drooped ailerons
c) passive boundary layer control systems
d) elevator
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Answer: d
Explanation: High lift devices can be used to increase the maximum lift coefficient of an aircraft and reduce the lift off speed. The heavy lift devices include full span flaps, drooped ailerons and passive boundary layer control systems.

13. How is the power-induced lift generated?
a) installing the propeller in front of the wing
b) installing the propeller in front of the wing and deflecting the slip stream with large flaps
c) deflecting the slip stream with large flaps
d) deflecting the slip stream with large rudder
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Answer: b
Explanation: The power- induced lift is generated by installing the propeller in front of the wing and deflecting the slip stream with large flaps. This way helps in wing area in the propeller slipstream to generate considerable lift.

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