Aircraft Performance Questions and Answers – Minimum Power Speed

This set of Aircraft Performance Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Minimum Power Speed”.

1. Power is defined as ___________
a) product of force and acceleration
b) ability to do work
c) rate of doing work
d) capacity to do work
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Answer: c
Explanation: Power is defined as rate of doing work. In another terms power can be defined as product of force and velocity. The standard S.I. unit of power is Watt. The other units are Watt, Kilowatt, Megawatt, Gigawatt, Horse power. 1 HP= 0.746 KW.

2. Drag power of an aircraft is achieved by multiplying drag force with true airspeed.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Drag power of an aircraft is achieved by multiplying drag force with true airspeed. The formula for drap power is given as P\(\sqrt{\sigma}\)=DVe=YVe3+\(\frac{ZW^2}{V_e}\) where Y is a constant, Ve is velocity, W is weight, Z is constant and D is total drag and P is power.

3. Which of the following is correct relation between EAS and minimum power speed?
a) VemP=\(\sqrt[3]{\frac{ZW^2}{3Y}}\)
b) VemP=\(\sqrt[4]{\frac{ZW^2}{Y}}\)
c) VemP=\(\sqrt[4]{\frac{ZW^2}{3Y}}\)
d) VemP=\(\sqrt[4]{\frac{ZW}{3Y}}\)
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Answer: c
Explanation: The correct relation between EAS and minimum power speed is VemP=\(\sqrt[4]{\frac{ZW^2}{3Y}}\) where Y is a constant, VemP is minimum power speed, W is weight, Z is constant. The true air speed have to be converted into equivalent airspeed before multiplication to derive the drag power equation.

4. Which of the following is correct relation between EAS and drag power?
a) P\(\sqrt{\sigma}\)=YVe3+\(\frac{ZW^2}{V_e}\)
b) P\(\sqrt{\sigma}\)=YVe3–\(\frac{ZW^2}{V_e}\)
c) P\(\sqrt{\sigma}\)=YVe2-+\(\frac{ZW^2}{V_e}\)
d) P\(\sqrt{\sigma}\)=YVe2–\(\frac{ZW^2}{V_e}\)
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Answer: a
Explanation: The correct relation between EAS and drag power is P\(\sqrt{\sigma}\)=YVe3+\(\frac{ZW^2}{V_e}\) where Y is a constant, Ve is velocity, W is weight, Z is constant and D is total drag and P is power.

5. The true air speed have to be converted into calibrated airspeed before multiplication to derive the drag power equation.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The true air speed have to be converted into equivalent airspeed before multiplication to derive the drag power equation. The equation of the drag power equation is P\(\sqrt{\sigma}\)=YVe3+\(\frac{ZW^2}{V_e}\) where Y is a constant, W is weight, Ve is velocity, Z is constant and D is total drag and P is power.
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6. Which of the following equation is correct?
a) P\(\sqrt{\sigma}\)=YVe3+\(\frac{ZW^2}{V_e}\)
b) VemP=\(\sqrt[4]{\frac{ZW}{3Y}}\)
c) P\(\sqrt{\sigma}\)=YVe2+\(\frac{ZW^2}{V_e}\)
d) VemP=\(\sqrt[3]{\frac{ZW^2}{3Y}}\)
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Answer: a
Explanation: The correct equation is P\(\sqrt{\sigma}\)=YVe3+\(\frac{ZW^2}{V_e}\) where Y is a constant, W is weight, Ve is velocity, Z is constant and D is total drag and P is power.The true air speed have to be converted into equivalent airspeed before multiplication to derive the drag power equation.

7. The minimum drag speed and minimum power speed are related by ___________
a) \(\sqrt[4]{3}\)
b) \(\sqrt[4]{2}\)
c) \(\sqrt[2]{3}\)
d) \(\sqrt[3]{3}\)
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Answer: a
Explanation: The minimum drag speed and minimum power speed are related by \(\sqrt[4]{3}\) i.e. 1.316. The minimum drag speed multiplied by the factor \(\sqrt[4]{3}\) i.e. 1.316 gives the minimum power speed.

8. The minimum drag is related to the performance of the aircraft with thrust producing engines.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation:The minimum drag is related to the performance of the aircraft with thrust producing engines whereas the minimum power speed is related to the performance of the aircraft with power producing engines.

9. The minimum power speed is related to the performance of the aircraft with thrust producing engines.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The minimum power speed is related to the performance of the aircraft with power producing engines whereas the minimum drag is related to the performance of the aircraft with thrust producing engines.

10. What is the relation between true air speed and equivalent air speed?
a) VT=\(\frac{V_e}{\sqrt{\sigma}}\)
b) VT=\(\frac{V_e}{4\sqrt{\sigma}}\)
c) Ve=\(\frac{V_T}{\sqrt{\sigma}}\)
d) VT=\(\frac{V_e}{3\sqrt{\sigma}}\)
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Answer: a
Explanation: The relation between true air speed and equivalent air speed is VT=\(\frac{V_e}{\sqrt{\sigma}}\) where VT is true air speed, Ve is equivalent air speed and σ is a constant.The true air speed have to be converted into equivalent airspeed before multiplication to derive the drag power equation.

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