Plant Biotechnology Questions and Answers – Plant Development – Meristems

This set of Plant Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Plant Development – Meristems”.

1. Who coined the term meristem?
a) David Baltimore
b) Richard Dell
c) Carl Wilhelm von Nägeli
d) Louis Agassiz
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Answer: c
Explanation: The term meristem was first coined by a Swiss botanist named Carl Wilhelm von Nägeli in the year of 1858, which literally means, ‘to divide’. Meristematic cells are capable of assisting cell division process to promote plant growth.

2. Ground tissue is not a primary meristem.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The given statement is true. Ground tissue is not a primary meristem. It is a type of permanent tissue that has been derived from apical meristem. It functions as a storage compartment for carbohydrates that has been produced by plants.

3. Which of the following is not a classification of meristem based on its position?
a) Apical
b) Internodal
c) Intercalary
d) Lateral
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Answer: b
Explanation: Based on its position on a plant, the meristem can be classified into three: Apical, Intercalary and Lateral. The apical meristem is primarily found at the tip of stems, roots and leaves and the Intercalary meristem is situated parallelly for width extension.

4. Which of the following term denotes cork cambium?
a) Phellogen
b) Collagen
c) Protoderm
d) Endoderm
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cork cambium is typically termed as Phellogen. The function of cork cambium is to produce the cork, a hard protective material. Cork cambium is a lateral meristem that can also be denoted as bark cambium or peri cambium.

5. Which of the following statement is false regarding apical meristem?
a) They are found in the areas such as buds and growing tips of roots in plants
b) They are involved in the formation of flowers and leaves
c) They are differentiated meristematic tissues
d) They are used to induce plant growth
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Answer: c
Explanation: Apical meristem is an undifferentiated meristematic tissue, found in the areas such as buds and growing tips of roots in plants. The key role of apical meristem is to induce the growth of cells at the tips of roots and shoots for elongation purpose.

6. Which of the following meristem gives rise to epidermis?
a) Ground meristem
b) Cambium
c) Procambium
d) Protoderm
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Answer: d
Explanation: Protoderm is a primary meristematic tissue, found particularly in the apex region of both root and shoot. As they lie outside, these tissues give rise to epidermis. Ground meristem and procambium are two other types of primary meristems.

7. Which of the following is composed in meristematic tissue?
a) Parenchyma
b) Collenchyma
c) Sclerenchyma
d) Periderm
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Answer: a
Explanation: Meristematic tissue is composed of parenchyma cells only, whereas Ground tissue consists of all three cells; Parenchyma, Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma. Periderm is the external layer of a plant stem that replaces the epidermis.

8. Primary vascular tissues are derivatives of Procambium meristem.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Primary vascular tissues namely, Xylem and Phloem are produced in the matured stems and roots by Procambium meristem that are located next to protoderm. Besides, they may also give rise to the vascular cambium and cork cambium.

9. Which of the following is not a derivative of ground meristem?
a) Cortex
b) Pith
c) Endodermis
d) Mesoderm
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Answer: d
Explanation: Ground meristem can be further derived into cortex and pith in stems and in roots, it can be derived into cortex and endodermis. Whereas, mesoderm is a layer of animal embryo that gives rise to specialized tissues such as lymphatic and connective tissues.

10. Which of the following is primarily involved in the formation of fleshy fruits?
a) Parenchyma
b) Collenchyma
c) Sclerenchyma
d) Periderm
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Answer: a
Explanation: Parenchyma cells are primarily involved in the formation of fleshy fruits. Parenchyma cells have thin primary walls that forms cortex of stem and root, pulp of fruits etc. While, Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma cells possess thickened walls which provides extra physical support.

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