Analogy Questions and Answers

This set of Verbal Reasoning Questions and Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Analogy”. These questions are beneficial for various competitive exams, placement interviews, and entrance tests.

1. Chew : Mouth :: Walk : ?
a) Legs
b) Arms
c) Eyes
d) Ears
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Answer: a
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that the process of chewing is done by Mouth.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that Walking is done by Legs.
Hence, Legs is the answer.

2. Light : Sun :: Heat : ?
a) Electricity
b) Fire
c) Water
d) Alcohol
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Answer: b
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that sun is the source of light.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that fire is the source of heat.
Hence, fire is the answer.

3. India : Delhi :: Rajasthan : ?
a) Jaipur
b) Rampur
c) Pushkar
d) Goa
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Answer: a
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that Delhi is the capital of India.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan.
Hence, Jaipur is the answer.

4. Bulb : Electricity :: Windmill : ?
a) Heat
b) Air
c) Water
d) Ice
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Answer: b
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that electricity is required to operate a bulb.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that air is required to operate a windmill.
Hence, air is the answer.

5. Ice : Freezing point :: Vapour : ?
a) Melting point
b) Boiling point
c) Breaking Point
d) Yielding point
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Answer: b
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that ice is started forming at the freezing point of water.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that vapour starts forming at boiling point of water.
Hence, boiling point is the answer.

6. Soldier : Defense :: Teacher : ?
a) Drawing
b) Cooking
c) Teaching
d) Baking
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Answer: c
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that a soldier is responsible for the defense.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that a teacher’s job is to teach.
Hence, teaching is the answer.

7. Synonym : Substitute :: Fine : ?
a) Rear
b) Supreme
c) Decline
d) Subtle
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Answer: d
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that substitute is similar to synonym.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that subtle is similar to fine.
Hence, subtle is the answer.

8. Lessen : Reduce :: Tincture : ?
a) Redefine
b) Sedation
c) Solution
d) Developer
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Answer: c
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that reduce is similar to lessen.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that solution is similar to tincture.
Hence, solution is the answer.

9. Fair : Unbiased :: Confuse : ?
a) Attractive
b) Impartial
c) Diligent
d) Deceive
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Answer: d
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that unbiased is the synonym of fair.
By using the same logic, deceive is the synonym of confuse.
Hence, deceive is the answer.

10. Hardworking : Determined :: Happy : ?
a) Hilarious
b) Lovely
c) Upbeat
d) Sad
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Answer: c
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that determined is the synonym of hardworking.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that upbeat is the synonym of happy.
Hence, upbeat is the answer.

More Verbal Reasoning Questions on Analogy:

To practice all aptitude questions, please visit “1000+ Logical Reasoning Questions”, “1000+ Quantitative Aptitude Questions”, and “Data Interpretation Questions”.

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