Odd Man Out Questions and Answers – Set 10

This set of Logical Reasoning Questions and Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Odd Man Out – Set 10”.

1. Find the odd one out.
a) Cow
b) Dog
c) Tiger
d) Cat
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Answer: c
Explanation: Here, the given option Cow, Dog and Cat comes under the category of domestic animals.
Whereas, Tiger is a wild animal found in the jungles.
Hence, Tiger is the answer.

2. Find the odd one out.
a) D – P
b) H – N
c) E – M
d) R – X
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Answer: c
Explanation: Here, the letters D – P, H – N and R – X lies in an even position.

D - P ➔ 4 - 16
H - N ➔ 8 - 14
R - X ➔ 18 - 24

But, E – M lies in an odd position (i.e. 5 – 13).
Hence, E – M is the answer.


3. Find the odd one out from the following.
a) Asia
b) Kathmandu
c) Shanghai
d) London
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Answer: a
Explanation: Here, the options Kathmandu, Shanghai and London are the names of cities.
Whereas, Asia is the name of continent.
Hence, Asia is the answer.

4. Find the odd one out.
a) 1584 – 1834
b) 2476 – 2726
c) 3738 – 3988
d) 4735 – 4965
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Answer: d
Explanation: Here, in all the pair of numbers the second number is 250 more than the first number.

1584 + 250 = 1834
2476 + 250 = 2726
3738 + 250 = 3988

But, 4735 + 250 ≠ 4965.
Hence, 4735 – 4965 is the answer.

5. Find the odd one out.
a) 9 : 63
b) 7 : 25
c) 11 : 76
d) 5 – 31
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Answer: d
Explanation: Here, the options follows a pattern: –
9 : 63 ⇒ 6 + 3 = 9;
7 : 25 ⇒ 2 + 5 = 7;
11 : 76 ⇒ 7 + 6 = 11;

But 5 – 31 does not follow this pattern (i.e. 3 + 1 = 4 ≠ 5).
Hence, 5 – 31 is the answer.

6. Find the odd one out.
a) YRP
b) KDB
c) JCA
d) HML
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Answer: d
Explanation: Here, the letters given follows a pattern i.e. ➔

Y - 7 ➔ R - 2 ➔ P
K - 7 ➔ D - 2 ➔ B
J - 7 ➔ C - 2 ➔ A

But HML does not follow this pattern (i.e. H + 5 ➔ M – 1 ➔ L).
Hence, HML is the answer.


7. Find the odd one out.
a) 3 : 60
b) 5 : 100
c) 8 : 160
d) 6 : 130
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Answer: d
Explanation: Here, the numbers given in the data follows a pattern.

(3) × 20 ➔ 60 
(5) × 20 ➔ 100 
(8) × 20 ➔ 160 

But, (6) × 20 ≠ 130
Hence, 6:130 is the answer.

8. Find the odd one out.
a) Kabaddi
b) Cricket
c) Kho – Kho
d) Chess
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Answer: b
Explanation: Here, the given options Kabaddi, Kho – Kho and Chess are the games which originated in India.
Whereas, Cricket was originated in England.
Hence, Cricket is the answer.

9. Find the odd one out.
a) E13H
b) D15K
c) W36M
d) G25P
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Answer: d
Explanation: Here, in the given options the numeric component in between the first and last letters is the sum of positions of first and last letter they occupy in the alphabets.
i.e. ➔

E + H = 13
D + K = 15
W + M = 36

But, G + P ≠ 25.
Hence, G25P is the answer.

10. Find the odd one out from the given data.
a) 4 – 3
b) 8 – 7
c) 12 – 9
d) 15 – 14
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Answer: c
Explanation: Here, the given options follow a pattern.

4 ➔ 4 - 1 = 3;
8 ➔ 8 - 1 = 7;
15 ➔ 15 - 1 = 14;

But 12 – 9 in the given options does not follow this pattern (i.e. 12 ➔ 12 – 1 ≠ 9).
Hence, 12 – 9 is the answer.

To practice all aptitude questions, please visit “1000+ Logical Reasoning Questions”, “1000+ Quantitative Aptitude Questions”, and “Data Interpretation Questions”.

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