Analogy Questions and Answers – Set 9

This set of Verbal Reasoning Questions and Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Analogy – Set 9”.

1. DNWB : CMVA :: FHKS : ?
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Answer: d
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that each letter of the first group is moved 1 step backward to obtain the corresponding letter of the second group.
i.e. D – 1 ➔ C, N – 1 ➔ M, W – 1 ➔ V, B – 1 ➔ A.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that EGJR is the correct answer.

2. Helene : Saturn :: Juliet : ?
a) Venus
b) Mars
c) Neptune
d) Uranus
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Answer: d
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that Helene is the name of a moon of Saturn.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that Juliet is the name of moon of Uranus.
Hence, Uranus is the answer.

3. India : Delhi :: Netherlands : ?
a) London
b) Holland
c) Amsterdam
d) Prague
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Answer: c
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that Delhi is the capital of India.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that Amsterdam is the capital of Netherlands.
Hence, Amsterdam is the answer.

4. Hematite : Iron :: Sphalerite : ?
a) Zinc
b) Copper
c) Nickel
d) Plastic
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Answer: a
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that Hematite is the ore of Iron.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that Sphalerite is the ore of Zinc.
Hence, Zinc is the answer.

5. 23 : 48 :: 35 : ?
a) 26
b) 72
c) 65
d) 75
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Answer: b
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that the second number is two more than double of the first number i.e. (23 × 2) + 2 = 48.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that (35 × 2) + 2 = 72 .
Hence, 72 is the answer.

6. Algeria : Dinar :: Angola : ?
a) Kwanza
b) Euro
c) Dollar
d) Yen
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Answer: a
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that Dinar is the currency of Algeria.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that Kwanza is the currency of Angola.
Hence, Kwanza is the answer.

7. Beautiful : Repulsive :: Frequent : ?
a) Apparent
b) Seldom
c) Wise
d) Fast
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Answer: b
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that Repulsive is antonym of Beautiful.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that Frequent is antonym of Seldom.
Hence, Seldom is the answer.

8. Perilous : Uncertain :: Slack : ?
a) Rapid
b) Noisy
c) Accurate
d) Tedious
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Answer: d
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that Perilous is similar to Uncertain.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that Slack is similar to Tedious.
Hence, Tedious is the answer.

9. Hasten : Dawdle :: Rigid : ?
a) Hard
b) Pliant
c) Humorous
d) Brittle
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Answer: b
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that Hasten is the antonym of Dawdle.
By using the same logic, Rigid is the antonym of Pliant.
Hence, Pliant is the answer.

10. Seize : Grasp :: Stout : ?
a) Quiet
b) Corpulent
c) Droll
d) Recede
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Answer: b
Explanation: From analyzing the left side, we can conclude that Seize is synonym of Grasp.
By using the same logic, we can conclude that Stout is synonym of Corpulent.
Hence, Corpulent is the answer.

To practice all aptitude questions, please visit “1000+ Logical Reasoning Questions”, “1000+ Quantitative Aptitude Questions”, and “Data Interpretation Questions”.

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