This set of Engineering Metrology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Alignment Tests on Milling Machine”.
1. What is the load condition when a relative alignment of machine parts and accuracy of control devices measured?
a) No load condition
b) Half load condition
c) Full load condition
d) One-fourth load condition
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Explanation: The relative alignment of all machine parts and the accuracy of the driving mechanisms and control devices are measured under the condition of no load. The result of these measurements must lie within the prescribed limits.
2. What is another name of the axial play?
a) Full play
b) Front play
c) Back play
d) End play
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Explanation: Another name of the axial play is end play. End play is important especially on machines of high speed and it should be within the prescribed limits. It is the freedom of spindle moving in axial direction.
3. What is the length of mandrel which is used to test true running of internal taper on milling machine?
a) 50 mm
b) 100 mm
c) 300 mm
d) 1000 mm
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Explanation: To test true running of internal taper, a mandrel of 300 mm length is fixed in the taper of spindle. A dial gauge is set on the table of machine and feeler is adjusted to touch the lower surface of this mandrel.
4. What is the error caused when transverse movement is not parallel with spindle axis on milling machine?
a) Milled surface will not be square to base
b) Depth of cut will vary
c) Eccentricity of tapered hole
d) Axial slip
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Explanation: To test transverse movement parallel with spindle axis. The table is set in its mean position and dial gauge is fixed. The table is crosswise moved and any deviation on reading of dial gauge is noted. Due to this error when cross slide is moved, the depth of cut will vary.
5. Which of the following is not true about the testing of eccentricity of external diameter?
a) Locating shoulder is fixed
b) Feeler is placed on the surface of shoulder
c) Vibrations are produced due to eccentricity
d) Cutter will float sideways due to eccentricity
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Explanation: The feeler is placed on the shoulder surface. The locating shoulder is rotated and a deviation is noted. It is due to eccentricity of the spindle in the hole in which it fits. Vibrations are produced due to eccentricity and the cutter will float sideways and cut oversize, or undersize.
6. What is the length of the bracket which is used for checking the parallelism of centre slot with the longitudinal movement of the table?
a) 50 mm
b) 500 mm
c) 150 mm
d) 750 mm
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Explanation: The parallelism of the central slot with the longitudinal movement of the table is checked with the help of a bracket. Length of the bracket is 150 millimeter with a tennon which enters the T-slot.
7. At how many points the axial slip is tested on the collar of the spindle?
a) 2, 180 degree apart
b) 2, 90 degree apart
c) 4, 90 degree apart
d) 3, 60 degree apart
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Explanation: In testing cutter spindle axial slip, if the feeler touches at the same spot where the turning tool on the emery wheel has machined the spindle collar in the assembled machine, then the feeler will not show deviation. Therefore, axial slip must be tested at two points 180 degree apart on the collar of the spindle.
8. Which of the following option is true for given statements about alignment test on a milling machine?
Statement 1: Heavy cast iron standards are always rigid sand solid enough to withstand stresses.
Statement 2: Each trial measurement of machines is based on its correct erection.
a) T, T
b) T, F
c) F, F
d) F, T
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Explanation: Machine tools are sensitive to shocks and impacts, even heavy cast iron standards are not always rigid and solid enough to withstand all the stresses which can be caused due to falling during transportation and also due to various type of deformations.
9. What is the permissible error for internal taper for true running nearest to spindle nose?
a) 0.02mm – 0.045mm 0.04 mm
b) 0.01mm – 0.025mm 0.03 mm
c) 0.1mm – 0.25mm 0.02 mm
d) 0.0mm – 0.025mm 0.01 mm
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Explanation: Permissible error for testing internal taper for true running is 0.01 mm nearest to the spindle nose and this permissible error is 0.025 millimeter at a distance of 300 millimeter.
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