Engineering Metrology Questions and Answers – Plug and Ring Gauges for Self h…

This set of Engineering Metrology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Plug and Ring Gauges for Self holding Tapers”.

1. What is the not true for plug and ring gauges for self-holding tapers?
a) These tapers can be used for accurate alignment of tool
b) Can be used for the purpose of transmitting the torques
c) Use of these gauges helps in arriving at absolute deviation
d) Tapers can be external or internal
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Answer: c
Explanation: Self holding tapers are mostly used in the tool shanks and machine spindle noses. Purpose of using these is an accurate alignment of tools and torque transmission. Both plug and ring gauges are used to check tapers because tapers can be both external and internal.

2. Which of the following option is correct for plug gauges, Plain?
a) Have only one ring marked on the gauge plane
b) Have only one ring indicates maximum depth
c) Have two rings
d) Have only one ring indicates minimum depth
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Answer: c
Explanation: These gauges have two rings. One ring is marked on the gauge plane. Another ring is used to indicate minimum depth of the taper or internal taper. These rings are also present in tanged plug gauges.

3. What is the alternative name of self-holding tapers?
a) Small tapers
b) Fast tapers
c) Self-releasing taper
d) Large tapers
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Answer: a
Explanation: Self-holding tapers are used not only to provide perfect alignment in the machine tools but also to provide a firm seat for driving the tools. Self-holding tapers are also known as slow and small tapers. They have very shallow angle.

4. In which of the following a limit step is present?
a) Plain plug gauge
b) Tanged plug gauge
c) Plain ring gauge
d) Tanged ring gauge
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Answer: d
Explanation: A limit step is present in the tanged ring gauge at the small end of the taper. It is used to verify shank length from the gauge plane and also to verify the combined effect of thickness of tang and its offsets.

5. How much extra thickness is added to tang thickness in tanged plug gauge?
a) 0.1 mm
b) 0.05 mm
c) 0.01 mm
d) 0.5 mm
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Answer: c
Explanation: 0.01 mm is added to the tank thickness to allow for the tang eccentricity of the plug gauge itself. Tanged plug gauges are used to verify internal tapers in machine sockets or tools and also to ensure that tang will be accepted by tang slot.

6. What is the angle of self-holding tapers?
a) 2 to 3 degrees
b) 7 to 8 degrees
c) 10 to 15 degrees
d) 15 to 17 degrees
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Answer: a
Explanation: Self holding tapers have a shallow angle of about 2 to 3 degrees. Morse tapers, Brown and sharp tapers, jarno taper are the type of self-holding taper.

7. Which of the following option is correct for given statements about plug gauges for self-holding tapers?
Statement 1: Plug is inserted with high pressure for checking taper.
Statement 2: Morse taper is a type of self-holding taper.
a) T, F
b) F, F
c) T, T
d) F, T
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Answer: d
Explanation: The plug gauge is inserted with light pressure as far as it goes, for checking internal tapers. At extreme point the large end face of internal taper shall lie within the marks of two rings given on the plug gauge.

8. Which of the following taper is used for ‘shanks of the twist drills’?
a) Morse taper
b) Brown taper
c) Sharpe taper
d) Jarno taper
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Answer: a
Explanation: Morse taper is exclusively used on the shanks of the twists drills. For a different type of morse taper, taper is slightly different. In most of the cases, taper is 5/8 inch per foot.

9. Straight edge is generally used in which gauge for testing taper?
a) Plain plug gauge
b) Plain ring gauge
c) Tanged plug gauge
d) Tanged ring gauge
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Answer: b
Explanation: In plain ring gauge, to check external taper of a plain or tapped shank, ring gauge is inserted with light pressure. At the extreme position, taper’s small end shank under test should lie short of the ring gauge face on the small end. It is verified by using a straight edge.

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