Industrial Engineering Questions and Answers – Total Quality Management

This set of Industrial Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Total Quality Management”.

1. Which of the following is also known as the Shewhart cycle?
a) PDCA cycle
b) Deming cycle
c) OPDCA cycle
d) PDCA or Deming cycle
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Answer: d
Explanation: PDCA cycle is also known as the Deming cycle or Shewhart cycle. PDCA stands for Plan-Do-Check-Act. OPDCA cycle is the extended version of PDCA cycle where ‘O’ stands for observation.

2. Who first coined the technique known as total quality management?
a) Shewhart
b) Deming
c) Taylor
d) Gilbreth
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Answer: a
Explanation: Walter A. Shewhart was the first to develop the technique of TQM using SQC (Statistical quality control). Dr W. Edwards Deming is referred as the successor and colleague of Walter A. Shewhart.

3. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect about TQM?
a) TQM strives for customer satisfaction
b) TQM increases the quality of the product manufactured
c) There is no need for all employees in the industry to be involved in TQM
d) TQM reduces manufacturing wastes and time
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Answer: c
Explanation: One of the basic requirements for TQM (total quality management) is to ensure the commitment and full-fledged participation of employees and management in TQM to make TQM successful in deriving the quality goals of the industry.

4. Who is considered as the father of quality?
a) Shewhart
b) Deming
c) Taylor
d) Gilbreth
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Answer: b
Explanation: Dr W. Edwards Deming, an American is considered as the father of quality. He was a prominent consultant, teacher and author on the subject of quality. He published more than 200 works in the field of quality.

5. Which of the following is also known as the cause-effect diagram?
a) Fish-bone diagram
b) Ishikawa diagram
c) Scatter diagram
d) Fish-bone diagram or Ishikawa diagram
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Answer: d
Explanation: Fish-bone diagram which is also known as the cause-effect diagram or Ishikawa diagram is one of the seven tools of total quality management (TQM).

6. Which of the following is not a part of seven tools of TQM?
a) Control chart
b) Pareto chart
c) CPM
d) Scatter diagram
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Answer: c
Explanation: There are seven tools of TQM. They are as follows:
i. Control charts
ii. Pareto diagram
iii. Scatter diagram
iv. Fish-bone diagram
v. Histogram
vi. Stratification
vii. Check sheet
Note: CPM is a project management technique.

7. Find the odd one among the following.
a) CQI
b) QFD
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Answer: c
Explanation: PERT which stands for project evaluation and review technique is a project planning and control technique of production planning and control. It is used in for estimation of project completion time so that scheduling the operations can be made smooth. Continuous quality improvement (CQI), Quality function deployment (QFD) and Quality in daily work (QIDW) are management systems that focus on the quality similar to TQM.

8. Which of the following is not a part of five pillars of TQM coined by Creech?
a) Product
b) Process
c) Organization
d) Sales
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Answer: d
Explanation: The five pillars of TQM that Creech emphasized are mentioned below:
i. Product
ii. Process
iii. Organization
iv. Leadership and
v. Commitment
All these five terms are very crucial for TQM as well as for effective organization management.

9. Which of the following is not a barrier for TQM?
a) Lack of employee participation in TQM
b) Lack of management commitment
c) Provision of quality training and education
d) Lack of effective communication
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Answer: c
Explanation: Provision of quality training and education is not a barrier for total quality management (TQM). Providing quality training and education enhances the skill sets of employees and their capacity in providing quality products to the end customers.

10. Which of the following is not a stage in Deming’s cycle?
a) Plan
b) Do
c) Check
d) Make
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Answer: d
Explanation: Deming cycle, also known as the PDCA cycle is a method for the systematic approach to approach to problem-solving. PDCA has four stages namely, PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT and hence it is referred as the PDCA cycle.

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