Industrial Management Questions and Answers – Network Analysis – Set 4

This set of Industrial Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Network Analysis – Set 4”.

1. Which of the following is associated with slack?
a) An event
b) An activity
c) A network diagram
d) A critical path
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Answer: a
Explanation: Slack is for an event and float is for an activity. In general, both can be interchangeable. A critical path always has zero float. Whether it is float or slack, it indicates that extra time is available for the non-critical activities without delaying the project duration with the given resources.

3. Which of the following can help apply the efforts of non-critical activities on critical activities to reduce the project duration?
a) Total float
b) Free float
c) Independent float
d) Total and free float
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Answer: c
Explanation: Independent float can be used to apply the efforts of non-critical activities on critical activities to reduce the project duration. Independent float does not affect the floats of other succeeding or preceding activities.

4. Match the following.

p) Slack					 i) Length or inclination of the arrow has a significance
q) Float					 ii) Length or inclination of the arrow doesn’t
have any significance
r) Arrow diagram 			 iii) PERT
					         iv) CPM

a) p – ii, q – i, r – iii
b) p – ii, q – i, r – iv
c) p – iii, q – iv, r – ii
d) p – i, q – ii, r – iii
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Answer: c
Explanation: Slack is used with PERT and float is used with CPM. Length or inclination of the arrow in an arrow diagram (or network diagram) doesn’t have any signification.

5. Which of the following is true if the independent float is negative?
a) It should be taken as zero
b) It should be multiplied with -1
c) It indicates the network diagram is erroneous
d) It should be taken as 1
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Answer: a
Explanation: Independent float can be used to apply the efforts of non-critical activities on critical activities to reduce the project duration. Independent float does not affect the float in other succeeding or preceding activities. If the independent float is negative, it should be considered as zero.

6. From the given below options, pick the one that requires a condition that all the non-critical activities should start as early as possible.
a) Total float
b) Free float
c) Independent float
d) Total and independent float
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Answer: b
Explanation: Free float requires a condition that all the non-critical activities should start as early as possible so that a surplus can be made available which is coined as free float.

7. Which of the following may affect the floats of both the succeeding activities as well as preceding activities?
a) Total float
b) Free float
c) Independent float
d) Free and Independent
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Answer: a
Explanation: Total float is the additional time available for non-critical activities without delaying the project duration. It may affect the floats of both the succeeding activities as well as preceding activities.

8. Calculate the total float available for an activity if the LST and EST are 12 and 10 minutes respectively.
a) 1 minute
b) 11 minutes
c) 12 minutes
d) 2 minutes
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Answer: d
Explanation: We know that,
Total float = Latest start time (LST) – Earliest start time (EST) (or) Latest finish time (LFT) – Earliest finish time (EFT)
Total float = 12 – 10 = 2 minutes.

9. Find the free float of activity if the earliest start time (EST) of the tail event and the head event are 2 and 10 minutes respectively. Consider the activity duration as 4 minutes.
a) 4 minutes
b) 9 minutes
c) 8 minutes
d) 6 minutes
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Answer: a
Explanation: We know that,
Free float = Earliest start time (EST) of the head event – Earliest start time (EST) of the tail event – activity duration
Free float = 10 – 2 – 4 = 4 minutes.

10. Identify the critical path in the below-given network diagram.

a) A-B-F
b) A-E-F
c) A-C-D-F
d) A-C-D-E-F
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Answer: b
Explanation: Critical activities are denoted using a thick arrow or by an arrow with double solid lines. In the given network diagram, activities A-E, E-F are critical activities. Hence, path A-E-F is the critical path.

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