Industrial Engineering Questions and Answers – Time Study – Set 3

This set of Industrial Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Time Study – Set 3”.

1. Which of the following is not a time study technique?
a) Work simplification
b) Predetermined motion time systems
c) Work sampling
d) Analytical estimation
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Answer: a
Explanation: Work simplification is the other name of motion study or method study. Hence, work simplification is not a time study technique. The various time study techniques are as follows:
i) The stopwatch method
ii) Predetermined motion time systems (PMTS)
iii) Synthesis
iv) Analytical Estimating
v) Work sampling

2. Which of the following mathematical equation is correct about normal time?
a) Normal time = Standard time – Allowances
b) Normal time = Observed time – Performance rating factor
c) Normal time = Allowed time + Performance rating factor
d) Normal time = Observed time + Performance rating factor + Special allowance
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Answer: a
Explanation: Normal time is the time required to complete a job without any time allowances. Adding time allowances such as process allowance, rest and personal allowance, a special allowance to normal time gives the standard time of the job. Therefore, by subtracting these allowances from standard time will give the normal time.

3. Which of the following is not a time component in time study experiments?
a) Normal time
b) Standard time
c) Allowed time
d) Finish time
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Answer: d
Explanation: Normal time, standard time and allowed time are part of time study and its experiments. Finish time is used in a network diagram, which is used in finding the critical time and critical path. Hence, finish time is not part of time study and its experiments.

4. Which of the following does not come under personal and rest allowances?
a) Allowance to recover from physiological effects
b) Allowance for personal needs like cigarette smoking, visiting toilets
c) Allowance to overcome fatigue
d) Allowance for power failure
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Answer: d
Explanation: Power failure is a parameter that causes enforced idleness during a process. Allowance provided due to power failure is because of a fault in the system and it is not for the personal needs of the worker.

5. Which of the following is not a type of allowances that are provided in the time study?
a) Personal and rest allowance
b) Process allowance
c) Special allowance
d) Performance allowance
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Answer: d
Explanation: Personal and rest allowance, process allowance, special allowance are in terms of units of time and are provided to overcome the fatigue of worker, to satisfy his personal needs and for the sake of any breakdown in the plant/machine operations. Performance allowance is in general in terms of units of money, granted to a worker for his excellent performance while rending his services.

6. Which allowance is not a genuine part of the time study?
a) Special allowance
b) Policy allowance
c) Contingent allowance
d) Interference allowance
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Answer: b
Explanation: Policy allowance is given at the discretion of the management, over and above the other allowances provided. Since it is not a compulsory component of allowances to be included in time study and can be provided at the will of the management, it is not a genuine part of the time study.

7. Which allowance is provided to cover the delay in the operations that are known to happen?
a) Special allowance
b) Policy allowance
c) Contingent allowance
d) Interference allowance
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Answer: c
Explanation: Contingent allowance is the time allowances provided to cover the irregular delays which are known to happen and cannot be estimated correctly. It is taken as less than 5% of normal time.

8. What is the allowance given to an operator working on more than one machine?
a) Special allowance
b) Policy allowance
c) Contingent allowance
d) Interference allowance
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Answer: d
Explanation: Inference allowance is given to an operator working on more than one machine at a time.
One or more machines may remain idle when the operator is occupied with some other machine. To overcome this idleness which is likely to happen because of interference, an interference allowance is provided.

9. Which of the following allowance is provided to compensate enforced idleness?
a) Special allowance
b) Process allowance
c) Contingent allowance
d) Interference allowance
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Answer: b
Explanation: Process allowance is provided to compensate enforced idleness which is likely to occur because of no work, power failure, faulty material, faulty tools and equipment etc. Worker gets disappointed if his/her major cycle time is idle without his/her mistake. So, this allowance is provided.

10. What percentage of normal time is generally allowed for rest or relaxation allowance?
a) 12% to 20%
b) 22% to 25%
c) 2% to 29%
d) 1% to 2%
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Answer: a
Explanation: Relaxation or rest allowance is provided as the worker cannot work continuously and one may need to take rest to relax and overcome for work pressure and fatigue. Hence, rest allowance is provided. It is generally 12% to 20% of the normal time.

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