Industrial Engineering Questions and Answers – Therbligs – Set 3

This set of Industrial Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Therbligs – Set 3”.

1. Which of the following symbol represents the therblig “disassemble”?
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Answer: a
Explanation: Disassemble is represented using . Its abbreviation is DA. Its colour is light violet. It represents the micromotion ‘separating different parts of an assembled unit’.

2. What represents in a SIMO chart?
a) Find
b) Preposition
c) Plan
d) Respect
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Answer: c
Explanation: represents the therblig ‘plan’. Its colour is brown. Its abbreviation is PN. Micromotion gives the meaning ‘mental reaction before action’.

3. What is the abbreviation of the therblig ‘find’?
a) R
b) UD
c) PN
d) F
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Answer: b
Explanation: F is the abbreviation for the therblig ‘find’. Its colour is grey. It is represented as . It represents the meaning of the micromotion ‘mental reaction at the end of search’.

4. What the symbol represents in a SIMO chart?
a) Transport empty
b) Respect
c) Plan
d) Grasp
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Answer: a
Explanation: is used to represent the therblig ‘transport empty’. Its colour is olive green. It is abbreviated as TE. It represents the micromotion ‘moving a body member (say hand) empty’.

5. How a therblig ‘preposition’ is represented?
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Answer: d
Explanation: Preposition is represented symbolically using . It is abbreviated as PP. It is represented by a pale blue colour. It represents the micromotion, ‘orient or locate an object in a predetermined position so that it is ready for use’.

6. What is the colour used to represent the therblig ‘hold’?
a) Gold ochre
b) Yellow
c) Brown
d) Orange
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Answer: a
Explanation: Hold is represented using gold ochre colour. It is abbreviated as H. symbol is used to represent the therblig ‘hold’ that represents the micromotion, keep an object stationary.

7. Which of the following symbol denotes the therblig “inspect”?
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Answer: d
Explanation: Inspect is a therblig used in SIMO chart to represent the micromotion, examine an object. It is abbreviated as ‘I’. Its colour is ‘burnt ochre’. It is represented as .

8. What does a purple colour represent in a SIMO chart?
a) Use
b) Grasp
c) Transport empty
d) Find
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Answer: a
Explanation: A purple colour in a SIMO chart is used to represent the therblig “use”. It represents the micromotion, manipulating or causing a tool to do its function. It is abbreviated as ‘U’. It is symbolically represented as .

9. Match the following.

p) Carmine red               i) Plan
q) Pale blue                    ii) Release load
r) Brown                         iii) Preposition

a) p – iii, q – i, r – ii
b) p – iii, q – ii, r – i
c) p – i, q – iii, r – ii
d) p – ii, q – iii, r – i
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Answer: d
Explanation: Criterion for matching is therblig and its colour. Every therblig is represented by a definite colour. ‘Plan’ is represented by brown colour. Likewise, the release load is represented by carmine red and preposition is represented by pale blue.

10. What is the abbreviation of SIMO?
a) Simplified motion chart
b) Synchronous motion chart
c) Similarity motion chart
d) Simultaneous motion chart
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Answer: d
Explanation: SIMO stands for simultaneous motion chart. It is used to represents the micromotional activities in an operation. It is a detailed LH-RH chart. It is generally used in micromotion analysis of short-cycle repetitive jobs and high order skill jobs.

11. What is used to record time in winks?
a) Micro chronometer
b) Wink counter
c) Micro chronometer or wink counter
d) Stopwatch
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Answer: c
Explanation: A micro chronometer or wink counter is an instrument used to record time in winks in SIMO chart. It also gives the duration of the cycle time.

12. Convert one minute into winks.
a) 2000 winks
b) 200 winks
c) 20 winks
d) 222 winks
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Answer: a
Explanation: One wink is equal to \(\frac {1}{2000}\) minute. So, 2000 winks equal to 1 minute. Mathematically,
1 wink = \(\frac {1}{2000}\) minute
Multiply with 2000 on both sides
2000 winks = 1 minute.

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