Industrial Engineering Questions and Answers – Therbligs – Set 2

This set of Industrial Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Therbligs – Set 2”.

1. Match the following.

P) Grasp                            i) PP
q) Select                           ii) P
r) Position                       iii) ST
s) Preposition                 iv) G

a) p-iii, q-ii, r-iv, s-i
b) p-iv, q-iii, r-i, s-ii
c) p-ii, q-iv, r-iii, s-i
d) p-iv, q-iii, r-ii, s-i
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Answer: d
Explanation: Criterion for matching is the therblig and its abbreviation. Each therblig is denoted with a definite abbreviation. Abbreviation for grasp, select, position and preposition are G, ST, P and PP respectively.

2. Which of the following symbol denotes the therblig “Transport loaded”?




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Answer: d
Explanation: Transport loaded is a therblig used in SIMO chart to represent the micromotion, moving an object from one place to another place. It is abbreviated as ‘TL’. Its colour is ‘green’.

3. Match the following.

p) Grasp i)
q) Select ii)
r) Position iii)
s) Preposition iv)

a) p-iii, q-ii, r-iv, s-I
b) p-iv, q-iii, r-i, s-ii
c) p-ii, q-iv, r-iii, s-i
d) p-iv, q-iii, r-ii, s-i
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Answer: d
Explanation: Criterion for matching is therblig and its symbol. Every therblig is represented by a symbol. Grasp is represented by a symbol . Similarly, select, position and preposition are represented by , , respectively.

4. What is the colour used to represent the therblig ‘Assemble’?
a) Violet
b) Yellow
c) Brown
d) Orange
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Answer: a
Explanation: Assemble is represented using violet colour. It is abbreviated as A. symbol is used to represent the therblig assemble. It gives the meaning of the micromotion that represents putting objects together.

5. How a therblig ‘use’ is represented?
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Answer: a
Explanation: Use is represented symbolically using . It is abbreviated as U. It is represented by a purple colour. It gives the meaning of ‘manipulating or causing a tool to do its function’.

6. What the symbol represents in a SIMO chart?
a) Disassemble
b) Respect
c) Plan
d) Grasp
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Answer: a
Explanation: is used to represent the therblig ‘disassemble’. Its colour is light violet. It is abbreviated as DA. It represents the micromotion ‘separate two or more parts’.

7. What is the abbreviation of the therblig ‘unavoidable delay’?
a) R
b) UD
c) PN
d) F
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Answer: b
Explanation: UD is the abbreviation for the unavoidable delay. Its colour is yellow. It is represented as . It represents the meaning of the micromotion ‘a delay which the operator could not prevent’.

8. What represents in a SIMO chart?
a) Find
b) Preposition
c) Rest to overcome fatigue
d) Respect
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Answer: c
Explanation: represents rest to overcome fatigue. Its colour is orange. Its abbreviation is R. It gives the meaning of the micromotion ‘an attempt to recover from physical or mental work’.

9. Which of the following symbol represents the therblig “avoidable delay”?
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Answer: d
Explanation: Avoidable delay is represented using ““. Its abbreviation is AD. Its colour is lemon yellow. It represents the micromotion which means ‘a delay which the operator can prevent’.

10. Match the following.

p) i) Disassemble
q) ii) Unavoidable delay

iii) Rest

iv) Avoidable delay

a) p-i, q-ii, r-iv, s-iii
b) p-iv, q-iii, r-i, s-ii
c) p-ii, q-iv, r-iii, s-i
d) p-iv, q-iii, r-ii, s-i
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Answer: a
Explanation: Criterion for matching is therblig and its symbol. represents disassemble. Similarly, represents unavoidable delay. represents avoidable delay. represents rest.

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