Industrial Engineering Questions and Answers – Six Sigma Concept

This set of Industrial Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Six Sigma Concept”.

1. Which of the following is not related to ‘Six Sigma’?
a) PDCA cycle
d) Green belt
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Answer: a
Explanation: PDCA cycle is also known as the Deming cycle or Shewhart cycle. PDCA stands for Plan-Do-Check-Act. PDCA is a concept of TQM whereas DMAIC and DMADV are methodologies of ‘Six Sigma’ and green belt is one of the certifications for employees in the field of ‘Six Sigma’.

2. Who first coined the technique known as ‘Six Sigma’?
a) Shewhart
b) Deming
c) Bill smith
d) Gilbreth
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Answer: c
Explanation: Walter A. Shewhart was the first to develop the technique of TQM using SQC (Statistical quality control). Dr W. Edwards Deming is referred as the successor and colleague of Walter A. Shewhart. Bill Smith, an American engineer while working in Motorola developed a set of tools and techniques known as ‘Six Sigma’.

3. Which of the following companies played a key role in the invention of the lean manufacturing system?
a) Toyota
b) Motorola
c) General Electric (GE)
d) Ford
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Answer: a
Explanation: Even though, the traces of lean manufacturing start from the beginning of mankind, it was first documented by Taylor and Henry Ford. Later, it was applied by Ohno, while working in Toyota. It is known as Toyota production system (TPS). Later, it is called lean manufacturing in the United States (US) after a series of developments to the subject.

4. Which of the following companies introduced the concept of ‘Six Sigma’?
a) Toyota
b) Motorola
c) General Electric (GE)
d) Ford
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Answer: b
Explanation: Bill smith, an American engineer while working in Motorola developed a set of tools and techniques known as ‘Six Sigma’ in 1986. Lean manufacturing is developed in Toyota, a Japanese company.

5. What does the underlined ‘D’ stands for in “DMADV”?
a) Design
b) Diagram
c) Define
d) Develop
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Answer: a
Explanation: DMADV is one of the methodologies of ‘Six Sigma’ manufacturing. It is also famously known as ‘DFSS’ which stands for ‘Design for Six Sigma’. ‘DMADV’ stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Design and Verify. It is applied for new products.

6. What does ‘I’ stands for in “DMAIC”?
a) Improve
b) Identify
c) Involve
d) Inspect
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Answer: a
Explanation: DMAIC is one of the methodologies of ‘Six Sigma’ manufacturing. DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. It is applied for improving the existing process and products.

7. Find the odd one among the following.
d) Six Sigma
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Answer: c
Explanation: PERT which stands for project evaluation and review technique is a project planning and control technique of production planning and control. It is used in for estimation of project completion time so that scheduling the operations can be made smooth. DMAIC, DMADV are two methodologies of ‘Six Sigma’ manufacturing technique.

8. The probability of parts produced going outside the control limit is much higher in ± 3σ limits system than in ± 6σ limits system.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: ‘Six Sigma’ is nothing but an extension of limits in a control chart i.e., from ± 3σ limits system to ± 6σ limits system. ± 3σ limits system has 2700 defects per million of opportunities and ± 6σ limits system has only 3.4 defects per million of opportunities. This implies that the ± 3σ limits system has higher defects than in ± 6σ limits system.

9. Which of the following isa methodology of ‘Six Sigma’?
a) PDCA Cycle
c) DMAIC method
d) QFD
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Answer: c
Explanation: DMAIC is one of the methodologies of ‘Six Sigma’ manufacturing. PDCA cycle is the concept of TQM. FMEA which stands for failure mode and effect analysis is a concept of reliability and quality engineering. QFD stands for quality function deployment is a tool of lean sigma technique which combines the tools and techniques of both ‘Six Sigma’ and lean manufacturing.

10. What is the accuracy of ‘Six Sigma’ against defectives?
a) 95%
b) 93%
c) 92%
d) 99.999666%
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Answer: d
Explanation: ‘Six sigma’ ensures that it can produce products with 99.999666% accuracy with only 3 to 4 defects per million of opportunities. In other words, ‘Six Sigma’ is nothing but using ± 6σ limits system in control charts.

11. Which of the following methodologies of ‘Six Sigma’ is applied for new products?
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Answer: c
Explanation: DMADV is one of the methodologies of ‘Six Sigma’ manufacturing. It is also famously known as ‘DFSS’ that stands for ‘Design For Six Sigma’. ‘DMADV’ stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Design and Verify. It is applied for new products.

12. Which of the following methodologies of ‘Six Sigma’ is applied for improving existing products?
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Answer: b
Explanation: DMAIC is one of the methodologies of ‘Six Sigma’ manufacturing. DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. It is applied for improving the existing process and products.

13. How does the process capability ratio (CP) vary with the number of defective parts per million?
a) Directly proportional
b) Inversely proportional
c) Remains constant
d) Has no relation between them
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Answer: b
Explanation: When the process capability ratio (CP) increases, the number of defective parts per million decreases significantly. For CP = 1, there exist 2700 defects per million outside the specification limits and when CP = 2, there will be 0.003 parts per million outside the specification limits. Hence, CP varies indirectly with the number of defective parts per million.

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