Engineering Mechanics Questions and Answers – Relation Between Distributed L…

This set of Engineering Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Relation Between Distributed Load, Shear and Moment”.

1. The determination of the internal loading in the beams is usually done so as to ______________
a) Break the beam
b) Know the length
c) Know the diameter
d) Design the beam
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Answer: d
Explanation: The determination of the internal forces in the beam is done so as to design the beams as in the application purpose the beams will be subjected to many loads. This will help us to make the beam properly. And also this will ensure that the beams will not break after the loading is done on them. For this, another method is the distribution load method.

2. The slope of the shear diagram is equal to__________
a) Rotational moment
b) Bending moment
c) Total weight
d) Distributed load intensity
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Answer: d
Explanation: After the application of the force equation of equilibrium to the segment of the beam, we have the above result. This is done on the very small part of the beam. That is the minimal section of the beam is to be considered and then the application of the equilibrium equations are done so as to calculate the final result.

3. The shear diagram will jump downward if the _________________
a) Rotational moment
b) Bending moment
c) Total weight
d) Force will act downwards
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Answer: d
Explanation: After the application of the force equation of equilibrium to the segment of the beam, we have the above result. This is done on the very small part of the beam. That is the minimal section of the beam is to be considered and then the application of the equilibrium equations are done so as to calculate the final result.

4. Change in the shear is equal to ____________
a) Rotational moment
b) Bending moment
c) Total weight
d) Area under loading curve
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Answer: d
Explanation: After the application of the force equation of equilibrium to the segment of the beam, we have the above result. This is done on the very small part of the beam. That is the minimal section of the beam is to be considered and then the application of the equilibrium equations are done so as to calculate the final result.

5. The internal loading can be found by ________________________
a) Distributed load method
b) Method of area
c) Method of line
d) Method of volume
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Answer: a
Explanation: The determination of the internal forces is done by various methods among which the distribution of load method is the one. Also, we have method of joints, which is done so as to determine the internal forces which are being developed in the trusses or the frames. This is done as to design them. In this method, the loading acting upward is considered to be positive.
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6. The equation of change in moment equals the area under the shear diagram is not applied when_________
a) Rotational moment
b) Bending moment
c) Total weight
d) Couple moment acts
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Answer: d
Explanation: As this is done with the help of distributed load method thus when a couple moment this equation act is not valid. This is done on the very small part of the beam. That is the minimal section of the beam is to be considered and then the application of the equilibrium equations are done so as to calculate the final result.

7. Slope of the moment diagram is equal to _________
a) Rotational moment
b) Bending moment
c) Total weight
d) Shear
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Answer: d
Explanation: After the application of the force equation of equilibrium to the segment of the beam, we have the above result. This is done on the very small part of the beam. That is the minimal section of the beam is to be considered and then the application of the equilibrium equations are done so as to calculate the final result.

8. The change in moment is equal to _________
a) Rotational moment
b) Bending moment
c) Total weight
d) Area under the shear diagram
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Answer: d
Explanation: After the application of the force equation of equilibrium to the segment of the beam, we have the above result. This is done on the very small part of the beam. That is the minimal section of the beam is to be considered and then the application of the equilibrium equations are done so as to calculate the final result.

9. In the making of the shear force diagram or the bending moment diagrams, one method is used, distributed load. In this the distributed load will be considered positive if ____________
a) Loading acts upward
b) Loading acts downward
c) Loading acts rightward
d) Loading acts leftward
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Answer: a
Explanation: The loading acting upward is considered to be positive. This is done as to decrease the time used for the calculations. If the method of sections is being applied at the complex sections for the determination of the unknown forces, much time is required for it. Thus the main motto is to make the calculations easy and make the less use of time.

10. Determine the shear force of the beam shown.
The shear force of the beam is 450N to decrease the time used for the calculations
a) 450N
b) 50N
c) 40N
d) 45N
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Answer: a
Explanation: The loading acting upward is considered to be positive. This is done as to decrease the time used for the calculations. If the method of sections is being applied at the complex sections for the determination of the unknown forces, much time is required for it. Thus the main motto is to make the calculations easy and make the less use of time.

11. The shear diagram will jump upwards if there is __________
a) Rotational moment
b) Bending moment
c) Total weight
d) Change in shear is positive
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.

12. The equation of change in moment equals the area under the shear diagram is not applied when?
a) Rotational moment
b) Bending moment
c) Total weight
d) A concentrated force acts
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Answer: d
Explanation: As this is done with the help of distributed load method thus when a concentrated load is applied this equation is not valid. This is done on the very small part of the beam. That is the minimal section of the beam is to be considered and then the application of the equilibrium equations are done so as to calculate the final result.

13. The couple in the beam is simplified easily by the help of right hand rule. But the forces simplification is not possible as there is no such system of rules so that the forces can be simplified.
a) The first part of the statement is false and other part is true
b) The first part of the statement is false and other part is false too
c) The first part of the statement is true and other part is false
d) The first part of the statement is true and other part is true too
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Answer: c
Explanation: Both of them are vector quantities. And both of them can be easily simplified. If taken in the vector form then the task is even easier. Thus it is not necessary for the force or the couple to be vector only, even if the magnitude is taken, the simplification is done in the 2D. Forces are simplified on the basis of the algebra.

14. Determine the normal force of the beam shown.
The normal force of the beam is 0N in given diagram
a) 0N
b) 50N
c) 40N
d) 45N
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

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