Engineering Mechanics Questions and Answers – Simplification of a Force and Couple System – 1

This set of Engineering Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Simplification of a Force and Couple System – 1”.

1. The basic type of motion of a body is translation motion only.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The basic types of the motion of the body are translation and rotational. In which translation means the motion is a straight motion while the in the rotational motion the body is moving of the body along the axis.

2. Find the total resultant force acting horizontally in the given figure below, consisting of a beam with various sections?

Find total resultant force acting horizontally in figure consisting of beam with sections


a) 350N
b) 50N
c) 250N
d) 300N
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Answer: d
Explanation: The couple is simplified by taking the direction of the rotation of the body as positive or negative. That is if the clockwise direction is positive then the anti-clockwise direction is taken as negative. If the couple is a vector it can be easily simplified by taking the components.

3. The principle of transmissibility is
a) It states that the force acting on the body is a sliding vector
b) It states that the force acting on the body is a rolling vector
c) It states that the force acting on the body is a wedging vector
d) It states that the force acting on the body is a unit vector
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Answer: a
Explanation: Principle of transmissibility states that the force acting on the body is a sliding vector. That is it can be applied at any point of the body. It will give the same effect as if applied at any point other than the specific point. Thus the answer.

4. Coplanar forces are not easily simplified in the simplification of the force and couple system.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The coplanar forces can be easily simplified in the simplification of the force and couple system. This is not only for the coplanar system of the forces but for any of the dimension vector. Which means the answer is false.

5. What will be the total resultant force acting vertically in the figure given below consisting of a beam with various sections?


Find total resultant force acting vertically in figure consisting of beam with sections

a) 350N
b) 50N
c) 250N
d) 300N
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Answer: a
Explanation: The couple is simplified by taking the direction of the rotation of the body as positive or negative. That is if the clockwise direction is positive then the anti-clockwise direction is taken as negative. If the couple is a vector it can be easily simplified by taking the components.

6. The simplification of the couple is done on the basis of the ______________
a) The clockwise of the anti-clockwise rotation sign convention
b) The simplification is not possible
c) The couple is a vector and thus can’t be simplified
d) The couple is a scalar and can’t be simplified
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Answer: a
Explanation: The couple is simplified by taking the direction of the rotation of the body as positive or negative. That is if the clockwise direction is positive then the anti-clockwise direction is taken as negative. If the couple is a vector it can be easily simplified by taking the components.

7. The simplification of the forces on the axis is done as______________
a) A particular system of rule is followed
b) No simplification of the forces is possible
c) The forces are already simplified and don’t need simplification
d) The forces are very tentative quantity on terms of simplification and hence no simplification possible
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Answer: a
Explanation: A particular system of the rules is followed that is if the upward direction is taken as positive then the downward direction is taken as negative. This is the same as done with the couple in the 2D. That is the forces can be easily simplified. If taken in the vector form then the task is even easier.

8. Find the total resultant force acting horizontally in the given figure consisting of a beam of ‘L’ shape?

Find total resultant force acting horizontally in figure consisting of beam of ‘L’ shape

a) 60N
b) 605N
c) 0N
d) 6N
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Answer: a
Explanation: The couple is simplified by taking the direction of the rotation of the body as positive or negative. That is if the clockwise direction is positive then the anti-clockwise direction is taken as negative. If the couple is a vector it can be easily simplified by taking the components.

9. The couple is a scalar quantity and the force is vector quantity and hence only force can be simplified as __________
a) The first part of the statement is false and another part is true
b) The first part of the statement is false and another part is false too
c) The first part of the statement is true and another part is false
d) The first part of the statement is true and another part is true too
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Answer: a
Explanation: Both of them are vector quantities. And both of them can be easily simplified. If taken in the vector form then the task is even easier. Thus it is not necessary for the force or the couple to be vector only, even if the magnitude is taken, the simplification is done in the 2D.

10. The force and the couple can’t be simplified together as one is the cause and the other is the effect.
a) The statement is correct and the reason given is also correct
b) The statement is wrong but the reason given is also correct
c) The statement is wrong and the reason given is also wrong
d) The statement is correct but the reason given is also wrong
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Answer: c
Explanation: Both of them are vector quantities. And both of them can be easily simplified. If taken in the vector form then the task is even easier. Thus it is not necessary for the force or the couple to be vector only, even if the magnitude is taken, the simplification is done in the 2D.

11. The main moto of the simplification is to ______________
a) To reduce the calculation
b) To add the forces with the couples and take out the total
c) To subtract the forces with the couples and take out the total
d) To multiply the forces with the couples and take out the total
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Answer: a
Explanation: The main moto of the simplification is to reduce the calculation. The forces are simplified and the couples too are simplified. This gives us the total force and the total moment acting on the body. This gives us a single value of the respective thing and hence reduces the labour.

12. Find the total resultant force acting vertically in the given figure below consisting of a beam of ‘L’ shape.

Find total resultant force acting vertically in figure consisting of beam of ‘L’ shape

a) 180N
b) 18N
c) 10N
d) 100N
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Answer: a
Explanation: The couple is simplified by taking the direction of the rotation of the body as positive or negative. That is if the clockwise direction is positive then the anti-clockwise direction is taken as negative. If the couple is a vector it can be easily simplified by taking the components.

13. The couple is simplified easily with the help of right hand rule. But the forces simplification is not possible as there is no such system of rules so that the forces can be simplified.
a) The first part of the statement is false and another part is true
b) The first part of the statement is false and another part is false too
c) The first part of the statement is true and another part is false
d) The first part of the statement is true and another part is true too
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Answer: c
Explanation: Both of them are vector quantities. And both of them can be easily simplified. If taken in the vector form then the task is even easier. Thus it is not necessary for the force or the couple to be vector only, even if the magnitude is taken, the simplification is done in the 2D. Forces are simplified on the basis of the algebra.

14. The couple moment and the force is divided to get the distance of the axis from the point of action of the force.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The couple is the cross product of the force and the perpendicular distance between the forces. And if the division of the both is done than the resulting quantity is the distance only. But care must be taken that the product is the cross product and hence sine angle must be divided too to get the distance.

15. Find the total resultant moment acting vertically in the given figure below consisting of a beam of ‘L’ shape.

Find total resultant moment acting vertically in figure consisting of beam of ‘L’ shape

a) 640Nm
b) 60Nm
c) 40Nm
d) 400Nm
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Answer: a
Explanation: The couple is simplified by taking the direction of the rotation of the body as positive or negative. That is if the clockwise direction is positive then the anti-clockwise direction is taken as negative. If the couple is a vector it can be easily simplified by taking the components.

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