Course Name
Linux Administration Training – Fundamentals and Advanced Training
Course Overview
Linux Administration training course makes the participant completely knowledgeable in Linux System Administration. The course is an in-depth coverage on Linux system fundamentals (the essentials of Linux) as well as advanced administration including monitoring and troubleshooting. It starts with Linux environment and then jumps to Bash Shell scripting/programming which is essential for any serious Sysadmin. Then it moves on to describe important concepts and aspects of Linux sub-systems like User/Group/Process Management, Automated Job Scheduling, Backup, Networking, package management, installation, event log files, monitoring and troubleshooting aspects which are necessary to perform regular day-to-day operations efficiently on a Linux System. The course will be focusing primarily on CLI commands as opposed to GUIs so that the participant will have a significantly high learning curve.
Course Delivery
- The course will be delivered by our, Founder & CTO who is an Expert with 20+ years of experience in Linux Kernel and SAN software development.
- 50% Theory, 50% Lab
- Hands-On – 75+ Lab exercises and Assignments on Linux Administration, Scripting and Troubleshooting
- Location: Sanfoundry Institute, Bangalore, India
Course Duration
4 days
Target Audience
- Professionals, Freshers and Students who want to learn and Master Linux Systems
- Applicable for All – Linux Administrators, Developers & Support Personnel
- Professionals moving from Microsoft Windows platform to Linux Environment
- Professionals moving from other Unixes (IBM AIX, Oracle Solaris, HP’s HPUX) to Linux Environment
- Professionals preparing for RHEL – Redhat System Administration Certifications
- Professionals preparing for Ubuntu System Administration Certifications
- Professionals preparing for LPIC-1 / LPIC-2 / LPIC-3 Certification & CompTIA Linux Certifications
Course Pre-requisite
None. Anybody who want to make a career in Linux should take this course.
Fee, Schedule & Registration
Click Here for Linux Administration course training schedule, fee and registration information.
Linux Administration Training Course Outline
Introduction to Linux/Unix History of Linux Layered Architecture Kernel & Shell Common UNIX Flavors System Boot Up Virtual Consoles Linux Fundamentals User Management Process Management Software Package Management |
Bash Shell Scripting Bash Shell Configuration Scripts Shell Variables Environment Variables Set & unset of variables Exporting Variables Configuring Shell Use of /etc/profile and .profile Exit status of a Command cat Command Standard Files I/O Redirection Sample Shell script Executing a Shell script Passing parameters to Shell script Arithmetic Operations Logical Operations Conditional Statements Iterative Statments Case Statements Functionss Debugging Shell scripts advertisement
Linux/Unix Backup Tool Linux/Unix Networking Job Scheduling advertisement
Performance Monitoring & Troubleshooting Installation of Linux OS |