This set of Wireless & Mobile Communications Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Cellular Telephone Systems”.
1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of cellular telephone system?
a) Accommodate a large number of users
b) Large geographic area
c) Limited frequency spectrum
d) Large frequency spectrum
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Explanation: Cellular systems accommodate a large number of users within a limited frequency spectrum over a large geographic area.
2. What is the responsibility of MSC in cellular telephone system?
a) Connection of mobile to base stations
b) Connection of mobile to PSTN
c) Connection of base station to PSTN
d) Connection of base station to MSC
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Explanation: Mobile Switching Center (MSC) is responsible for connecting all mobiles to the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) in a cellular system.
3. Who has the responsibility of billing and system maintenance function in cellular system?
a) Base Station
c) MSC
d) Mobile system
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Explanation: Mobile switching center (MSC) accommodates 100,000 subscribers and 5,000 simultaneous conversations at a time and handles all billing and system maintenance functions.
4. What is the function of FVC (Forward Voice Channel)?
a) Voice transmission from base station to mobiles
b) Voice transmission from mobile to base station
c) Initiating mobile calls
d) Broadcast all traffic request for all mobile
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Explanation: FVC (Forward Voice Channel) and RVC (Reverse Voice Channel) are responsible for voice transmission. FVC is used for voice transmission from base station to mobile and RVC is used for voice transmission from mobile to base station.
5. Which two channels are responsible for initiating mobile calls?
a) FVC and FCC
b) FVC and RVC
c) FCC and RCC
d) FCC and RVC
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Explanation: FCC (Forward Control Channel) and RCC (Reverse Control Channel) are control channels responsible for initiating mobile calls.
6. Of the total channels present in the cellular system, what is the percentage of voice and control channels?
a) 95% voice channels, 5% control channels
b) 5% voice channels, 95% control channels
c) 50% voice channels, 50% control channels
d) 25% voice channels, 75% control channels
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Explanation: In each cellular system, control channels are 5% of the total channels available and remaining 95% are dedicated to voice and data traffic.
7. What is MIN?
a) Subscriber’s telephone number
b) Paging message
c) Traffic request number
d) Mobile Internet
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Explanation: MIN (Mobile Identification Number) is a 10 digit unique number which represents the telephone number of subscriber.
8. What is transmitted along with the call initiation request during the origin of call by a mobile?
a) MIN
b) ESN
c) ESN and SCM
d) MIN, ESN and SCM
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Explanation: When a mobile originates the call, it sends the MIN (mobile identification number), ESN (electronic serial number) and SCM (station class mark) along with the call initiation request.
9. What does SCM indicates?
a) Maximum receiver power level for a particular user
b) Maximum transmitter power level for a particular user
c) Minimum receiver power level for a particular user
d) Minimum transmitter power level for a particular user
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Explanation: SCM (Station Class Mark) indicates the maximum transmitter power level for a particular user.
10. What is the shape of the cell present in the cellular system?
a) Circular
b) Square
c) Hexagonal
d) Triangular
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Explanation: The shape of the cell present in the cellular network is hexagonal since it can cover the entire geographical area without any gap and overlapping.
11. Why the size of the cell is kept small in cellular network?
a) Increase capacity
b) Decrease capacity
c) Increased size of base station electronics
d) Slow process of handoffs
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Explanation: The size of the cells in cellular network is kept small because of the need of high capacity in areas with high user density and reduced size and cost of base station electronics.
12. What is handoff?
a) Forward channel
b) Switching technique
c) Roamer
d) Guard channel
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Explanation: Handoff is a switching technique which refers to the process of transferring an active call or data session from one cell in a cellular network to another.
13. Which one is not an advantage of using frequency reuse?
a) Increased capacity
b) Limited spectrum is required
c) Same spectrum may be allocated to other network
d) Number of base stations is reduced
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Explanation: Frequency reuse is a technique of reusing frequencies and channels within a cellular system to improve capacity and spectral efficiency.
14. The process of transferring a mobile station from one base station to another is ____________
a) MSC
b) Roamer
c) Handoff
d) Forward channel
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Explanation: Handoff is the process of changing the channel associated with current connection while a call is in progress.
15. The interference between the neighbouring base stations is avoided by ____________
a) Assigning different group of channels
b) Using transmitters with different power level
c) Using different antennas
d) Using different base stations
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Explanation: The interference between the neighbouring base stations is avoided by assigning different group of channels and reusing the same channel after a certain amount of distance.
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