This set of Wireless & Mobile Communications Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Digital Modulation”.
1. Modern mobile communication systems use analog modulation techniques.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Modern mobile communication systems use digital modulation techniques. Advancements in VLSI and digital signal processing technology have made digital modulation more cost effective than analog transmission systems.
2. Which of the following is not an advantage of digital modulation?
a) Greater noise immunity
b) Greater security
c) Easier multiplexing
d) Less bandwidth requirement
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Explanation: Digital modulation offer many advantages over analog modulation. Some advantages include greater noise immunity and robustness. They provide easier multiplexing of various forms of information and greater security.
3. A desirable modulation scheme provides _________ bit error rates at __________ received signal to noise ratios.
a) Low, low
b) Low, high
c) High, high
d) High, low
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Explanation: A desirable modulation scheme provides low bit error rates at low received signal to noise ratios. They perform well in multipath and fading conditions, occupies a minimum bandwidth and is easy and cost effective to implement.
4. The performance of modulation scheme is not measured in terms of __________
a) Power efficiency
b) Bandwidth efficiency
c) Cost and complexity
d) Transmitted power
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Explanation: The performance of modulation scheme is often measured in terms of its power efficiency and bandwidth efficiency. Other factors also affect the choice of modulation scheme, such as cost and complexity of the subscriber receiver and modulation which is simple to detect.
5. In digital communication system, in order to increase noise immunity, it is necessary to increase _________
a) Signal power
b) Signal amplitude
c) Signal frequency
d) Signal magnitude
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Explanation: In digital communication system, in order to increase noise immunity, it is necessary to increase signal power. However, the amount by which the signal power should be increased to obtain a certain level of fidelity depends on the particular type of modulation employed.
6. Which of the following is the ratio of signal energy per bit to noise power spectral density?
a) Bandwidth efficiency
b) Spectral density
c) Power efficiency
d) Power density
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Explanation: Power efficiency is often expressed as the ratio of signal energy per bit to noise power spectral density required at the receiver input for a certain probability of error. Power efficiency is a measure of how favourably the trade-off between fidelity and signal power is made.
7. Increasing the data rate implies the increase in pulse width of digital symbol.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: There is an unavoidable relationship between data rate and bandwidth occupancy. Increasing the data rate implies decreasing the pulse width of a digital symbol, which increases the bandwidth of the signal.
8. Which of the following is the ratio of the throughput data rate per Hertz?
a) Bandwidth efficiency
b) Spectral density
c) Power efficiency
d) Power density
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Explanation: Bandwidth efficiency reflects how efficiently the allocated bandwidth is utilized. It is defined as the ratio of throughput data rate per Hertz in a given bandwidth. It describes the ability of a modulation scheme to accommodate data within a limited bandwidth.
9. Which of the following is defined as the range of frequencies over which the signal has a non zero power spectral density?
a) Null to null bandwidth
b) Half power bandwidth
c) 3 dB bandwidth
d) Absolute bandwidth
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Explanation: The absolute bandwidth is defined as the range of frequencies over which the signal has a non-zero power spectral density. For symbols represented as rectangular baseband pulses, the PSD profile extends over an infinite range of frequencies, and has an absolute bandwidth of infinity.
10. _______ is equal to width of main spectral lobe.
a) Null to null bandwidth
b) Half power bandwidth
c) 3 dB bandwidth
d) Absolute bandwidth
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Explanation: Null to null bandwidth is a simpler and more widely accepted measure of bandwidth. It is equal to the width of main spectral lobe.
11. Half power bandwidth is also called ______
a) Absolute bandwidth
b) Null to null bandwidth
c) 3 dB bandwidth
d) Zero dB bandwidth
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Explanation: Half power bandwidth is also called the 3 dB bandwidth. It is defined as the interval between frequencies at which the PSD has dropped to half power, or 3 dB below the peak value.
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