This set of Air Pollution Control Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Atmospheric Turbulence”.
1. Why is the atmosphere always turbulent?
a) Varied solar heating
b) Winds
c) Temperature variations
d) Pressure variations
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Explanation: Sunlight is not incident with the same intensity on different surfaces. The intensity variation causes differential heating, which causes a difference in temperature and pressure. Therefore, the air is in continuous motion and is turbulent.
2. What are the two kinds of wind turbulence?
a) Thermal and physical
b) Thermal and mechanical
c) Mechanical and physical
d) Chemical and mechanical
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Explanation: There are two kinds of wind turbulence. These are thermal and mechanical turbulence. Wind turbulence allows for the mixing of the air and air pollutants in the atmosphere. This mixing then causes the dispersion of such materials.
3. When is thermal turbulence maximum?
a) At night
b) Rainy day
c) Clear sunny day
d) Early morning
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Explanation: Solar heating causes thermal turbulence. It is highest on a clear, sunny day, especially during the afternoon time. Conversely, it is minimum during the early morning and night hours when there is little to no sunlight.
4. What causes mechanical turbulence?
a) Torsional stress
b) Compressional stress
c) Tensile stress
d) Shearing stress
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Explanation: Shearing stress causes mechanical stress. This shearing phenomenon occurs when the air flows over the surface of the earth. The rougher the earth’s surface, the higher the shearing, and higher the turbulence.
5. Atmospheric turbulence is higher with rougher surfaces. Which of the following areas are categorised as having uneven surfaces?
a) Urban areas
b) Suburbs
c) Countryside
d) Forests
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Explanation: Mechanical turbulence is higher when the earth’s surface is rougher. In urban areas, the surface is very uneven on account of varied building heights. Here, the pollutants have the opportunity to dissipate rapidly because of the rough surface.
6. What is characteristic of wind turbulence?
a) Clear skies
b) Eddies
c) Pollution
d) No dispersion
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Explanation: Eddies are characteristic features of wind turbulence. Eddies are wind currents that are responsible for the transport and the dispersion of pollutants. Eddy classifications determine the type of diffusion of air pollutants.
7. Eddies are responsible for the dispersion of air pollutants.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Eddies, which are characteristic of air turbulence, play a role in the dissipation of air pollutants in the atmosphere. These are wind currents that transport the air pollutants based on the size of the plume.
8. If the air pollutant plume size is smaller than the eddy, how are they dissipated?
a) There is dilution
b) They will not disperse
c) Uniformly
d) Down-wind
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Explanation: If the plume is larger than the eddy, the eddy will carry the plume down-wind. There is little to no dilution of the air pollutants, and they just get transported by the turbulent eddy.
9. If the air pollutant plume size is larger than the eddy, how will the pollutants be dispersed?
a) It will carry it upwind
b) It will not transport
c) Uniform dispersion
d) Little dispersion
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Explanation: When the eddy is smaller than the plume, there will be uniform dispersion. The plume encounters fresh and clean air at the boundary of the eddy, which allows the dispersion to occur.
10. When the eddy is of similar size to the plume, how does it transport the air pollutants?
a) It will not be able to transport the plume
b) It will distort the plume
c) Uniform dispersion
d) Little dispersion
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Explanation: When the eddies and the air pollutant plume have similar sizes, the eddy will transport the plume while simultaneously dispersing it. The plume gets distorted as it is transported through, allowing for both to happen.
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