Environmental Engineering Questions and Answers – Oxygen Demand

This set of Environmental Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Oxygen Demand”.

1. _____ is the amount of oxygen required to oxidize only organic matter in sewage.
a) Turbidity
b) BOD
c) COD
d) DO
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Answer: b
Explanation: BOD is the amount of oxygen required to oxidize only organic matter in sewage. It is always less than COD as COD oxidizes both organic and inorganic matter.

2. The full form of BOD is __________
a) Biodegradable oxygen demand
b) Biological oxygen demand
c) Biochemical oxygen demand
d) Bandwidth on demand
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Answer: c
Explanation: The full form of BOD is biochemical oxygen demand. It is measured in ppm or mg/L.

3. The biochemical oxygen demand is computed by __________
a) Dissolved oxygen / Dilution factor
b) Dissolved oxygen + Dilution factor
c) Dissolved oxygen – Dilution factor
d) Dissolved oxygen * Dilution factor
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Answer: d
Explanation: BOD = Dissolved oxygen * Dilution factor.
Where Dilution factor = Volume of diluted sewage sample / Volume of undiluted sewage sample.

4. The value of deoxygenation constant is independent of the temperature.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The value of deoxygenation constant is directly proportional to the temperature. It increases with increase in temperature.

5. Which of the following represents the first stage BOD in the following figure?
ZL represents first stage BOD from figure also called carbonaceous demand
Figure: BOD vs time curve
a) ZR
b) RL
c) ZL
d) EP
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Answer: c
Explanation: ZL represents the first stage BOD from the given figure. The first stage BOD is also called as the carbonaceous demand.
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6. Which of the following represents the second stage BOD in the following figure?
LP represents the second stage BOD called as nitrogenous demand
Figure: BOD vs time curve
a) LP
b) RL
c) ZL
d) EP
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Answer: a
Explanation: LP represents the second stage BOD from the given figure. The second stage BOD is also called as the nitrogenous demand.

7. The carbonaceous demand occurs due to oxidation of ______________
The carbonaceous demand occurs due to oxidation of organic matter
Figure: BOD vs time curve
a) Ammonia
b) Sulfur
c) Organic matter
d) Nitrogen
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Answer: c
Explanation: The carbonaceous demand occurs due to oxidation of organic matter. The carbonaceous demand is also called as the initial demand.

8. The nitrogenous demand occurs due to oxidation of ______________
The nitrogenous demand occurs due to oxidation of ammonia
Figure: BOD vs time curve
a) Ammonia
b) Sulfur
c) Organic matter
d) Nitrogen
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Answer: a
Explanation: The carbonaceous demand occurs due to oxidation of ammonia. The nitrogenous demand is also called as the final demand.

9. Which of the following is correctly matched in the following figure?
ZP is combined demand which includes both carbonaceous & nitrogenous demand
Figure: BOD vs time curve
a) ZR – Carbonaceous demand
b) RE – Nitrogenous demand
c) EP – Final demand
d) ZP – Combined demand
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Answer: d
Explanation: ZP is correctly paired and it represents the combined demand, which includes both carbonaceous and nitrogenous demand.

10. The nitrogenous demand begins after how many days?
The growth rate of nitrifying bacteria is slow the nitrogenous demand begins after 5 days
Figure: BOD vs time curve
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 5
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Answer: d
Explanation: As the growth rate of nitrifying bacteria is slow, the nitrogenous demand begins after 5 days.

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