Pollution Control Questions and Answers – Effects of Air Pollutants on Human Health – Set 4

This set of Pollution Control Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Effects of Air Pollutants on Human Health – Set 4”.

1. Carbon monoxide is carcinogenic.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Carbon monoxide itself does not get categorised as carcinogenic. However, it may enhance the effects of carcinogenic pollutants. It does so preventing the natural working of normal lung functions.

2. What is the primary health effect of nitric oxide?
a) By itself it is not harmful
b) Throat irritation
c) Eye irritation
d) Heart disease
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Answer: a
Explanation: By itself, nitric oxide has no health effects and is not harmful to humans. In the atmosphere, it converts to nitrogen dioxide, which has severe health effects. This conversion is the reason why high concentrations of nitric oxide are concerning.

3. Which of the following is a reduction product of sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere?
a) Sulphur oxide
b) Sulphur trioxide
c) It does not get reduced
d) Sulphuric acid
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sulphur dioxide does not get reduced in the atmosphere. On the other hand, it does get oxidised in the atmosphere to produce sulphur trioxide. Further, sulphur trioxide is then converted to sulphuric acid, an aerosol.

4. How far does nitrogen dioxide penetrate the respiratory system?
a) The nose
b) Lower respiratory tract
c) Upper respiratory tract
d) The lungs
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Answer: d
Explanation: Nitrogen dioxide penetrates as far as the alveoli of the lungs, which is pretty deep. Nitrogen dioxide is insoluble in water, therefore, cannot be trapped by the mechanisms in the system.

5. What happens to nitrogen dioxide when it reaches the alveoli in the lungs?
a) It converts to nitric oxide
b) It converts to nitrous oxide
c) It damages lung tissues
d) It does not reach that far
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Answer: b
Explanation: Once nitrogen dioxide reaches the lungs, it gets converted to nitrous oxide and even nitric acid. These materials are irritants and damage the lung tissue, even at very low concentrations.

6. Respiratory disease is a symptom of exposure to nitrogen dioxide. What concentration and period of exposure does one need to have for it to manifest?
a) Low concentration and a short period
b) High concentration and a short period
c) High concentration and long period
d) Low concentration and long period
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Answer: d
Explanation: An increase in respiratory disease occurs after a long period of exposure to nitrogen dioxide, about 2 to 3 years. Additionally, the threshold for the concentration is low, about 6 * 10-2 to 10-1 ppm.

7. Pulmonary edema is an effect of exposure to nitrogen dioxide. After how much exposure does this condition show?
a) 90 ppm for half an hour
b) 10-1 ppm for three years
c) 10 ppm for half a year
d) 5 ppm for 10 minutes
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pulmonary edema occurs after short exposure periods, as short as half an hour. The concentration of exposure has to be high, about 90 ppm. These factors prove that it is an acute condition.

8. What is an indirect effect of nitrogen dioxide on human health?
a) It is an eye irritant
b) Irritant
c) It produces secondary pollutants
d) It causes throat infections
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Answer: c
Explanation: Nitrogen dioxide produces secondary pollutants in the atmosphere, especially in photochemical smog. These pollutants are oxidants like ozone, which are very harmful to human health.

9. At which concentration do aliphatic hydrocarbons have adverse health effects?
a) 200 ppm
b) 300 ppm
c) 400 ppm
d) 500 ppm
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Answer: d
Explanation: Generally, hydrocarbons do not have adverse health effects on the human body at normal atmospheric levels. The concentration of exposure has to be very high. For concentrations less than 500 ppm, there are negligible effects.

10. What is the health effect of the aromatic hydrocarbons?
a) Irritation of eyes
b) Irritation of mucus membrane
c) Irritation of the throat
d) Irritation of nose
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Answer: b
Explanation: Aromatic hydrocarbons are known to be irritants of the mucus membranes in the respiratory system. These hydrocarbons are more reactive than aliphatic hydrocarbons because they are unsaturated in nature.

11. Which part of the body does ozone affect?
a) The eyes
b) The skin
c) The respiratory system
d) The digestive system
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Answer: c
Explanation: It was previously believed that ozone not irritates the eyes at low concentrations. This belief has since been disproven. It does, however, have adverse effects on the respiratory system, even at low concentrations.

12. Which of the following smog oxidants causes eye irritation?
a) Peroxy acyl nitrate
b) Ozone
c) Hydrogen peroxide
d) Particulate matter
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Answer: a
Explanation: Hydrogen peroxide is not produced from smog, so it is not the answer. Ozone does not cause eye irritation, so that is not the answer. Only peroxy acyl nitrate causes eye irritation among the given options.

13. Which of the following is not an effect of peroxyacetyl nitrate?
a) Throat irritation
b) Eye irritation
c) Nose irritation
d) Chest congestion
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Answer: b
Explanation: All the given symptoms are effects of peroxyacetyl nitrate, except for eye irritation. Additionally, these symptoms are also observed upon exposure to peroxy benzoyl nitrate as well. These are acute symptoms.

14. Which of the following symptoms are acute effects of exposure to ozone?
a) Eye irritation
b) Bronchitis
c) Severe cough
d) Asthma
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Answer: c
Explanation: Among the given options, only severe cough is an acute effect of exposure to ozone. When the exposure to ozone is about 10 ppm continuously for about 2 hours, severe cough may occur.

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