This set of Pollution Control Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Global Warming”.
1. Which of the following sectors causes the most global warming?
a) Energy production
b) Agriculture
c) Industries
d) Deforestation
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Explanation: Energy production relatively causes the most global warming among the given options. Its warming amounts to 49% of the total warming caused by these sectors, with warming due to industries at second (24%), deforestation at third (14%), and agriculture last (13%).
2. The impacts of global warming are distributed evenly over the entire globe.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The impacts of global warming are not distributed evenly over the entire globe. The higher latitudes warm faster and more significantly when compared to the lower ones. Additionally, there will be different effects due to warming in various regions.
3. The global average temperature has risen by how much since the pre-industrial times?
a) 0.5 degree Celsius
b) 1 degree Celsius
c) 1.5 degree Celsius
d) 2 degree Celsius
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Explanation: Global average temperatures have increased by 1.5 degree Celsius over the last century. There have been recorded fluctuations in temperature, but on average the temperature has risen across the globe.
4. Global sea-level rise has increased by how much in the last century?
a) Approximately 5 cm
b) Approximately 10 cm
c) Approximately 15 cm
d) Approximately 20 cm
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Explanation: On account of the thermal expansion of water and the melting of ice caps, sea levels have risen by approximately 20 cm in the last century. This level is not consistent over the globe but depends on several factors.
5. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of global warming?
a) Rising humidity
b) Changing seasons
c) Ocean alkalinity
d) Ecosystem destabilisation
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Explanation: Ocean acidification is a consequence of global warming, and therefore, the given option is incorrect. The ocean water absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and becomes more acidic as a consequence, not alkaline like the option suggests.
6. What does a high albedo value indicate?
a) High absorption of solar radiation
b) Low reflection of solar radiation
c) Low absorption of solar radiation
d) High transmittance of solar radiation
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Explanation: A high albedo means that a surface reflects more sunlight, and therefore, it absorbs less of it. It results in less heating. Examples of high albedo sources are snow, ice, and clouds in the lower atmosphere.
7. Which of the following is NOT a concern of permafrost thaw?
a) Methane release from thawing permafrost
b) Land previously in permafrost becomes arable
c) Release of disease-causing pathogens
d) Effects on infrastructure
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Explanation: Lands previously in permafrost are not rich in nutrients, and there aren’t many studies indicating that it is good for farming. Permafrost thawing can release tons of gases like methane and carbon dioxide stored in these regions. It can also cause ancient disease-causing pathogens to be active again. It can also affect the infrastructure built on top of the permafrost in the past.
8. Which of the following is the impact of heating of the planet?
a) Crop failure
b) Higher crop yield
c) Lower crop yield
d) Increased need for fertilisers
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Explanation: Crop failure is a direct impact of heating up of the planet. Many crops grow only in specific environments, and as the climate shifts, these crops will not be able to thrive here. A prime example of this is coffee and chocolate plantations, which grow in specific regions of the world, which are shrinking.
9. Which of the following is a consequence of the loss of ice in the Arctic?
a) Shorter winters
b) More Heatwaves
c) More Drought
d) More Flooding
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Explanation: Parts of the arctic ice melts every year as seasons change. If warmer climate persists, the melting of ice in warmer months would be high enough to cause flooding. As ice cover lessens and land surface becomes warm, it becomes difficult for ice cover to regenerate during colder months.
10. How are coral reefs affected by warm water temperatures?
a) Due to the occurrence of coral bleaching
b) Due to the lack of formation of coral skeletons
c) Due to disintegration of reefs
d) Due to lack of absorption of nutrient
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Explanation: Coral reefs are bleached by warm waters. The other options are examples of the consequences of ocean acidification and not warming water.
11. Global warming causes more and more extreme heat events than cold events.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: As the earth warms due to global warming, there will be more extreme heat events like heatwaves, but there will be a significant drop in the number of extreme cold events occurring over the globe.
12. Which of the following is not an extreme weather event that might occur due to global warming?
a) Increase in occurrences of heatwaves
b) Extreme rainfall and flooding
c) Increase in frequency of tropical storms
d) Extreme snowfall
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Explanation: Extreme snowfall may not occur as climates warm due to global warming. There is strong evidence for increased occurrences of heatwaves, storms in tropical regions, and higher rainfall accompanied by flooding.
13. What is the effect of saltwater entering underground freshwater resources?
a) Interference with agriculture
b) Interference with normal life
c) They result in water dilution of groundwater reservoirs
d) They result in the alkalinisation of groundwater reservoirs
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Explanation: If saltwater penetrates freshwater resources, it will affect the people who are directly dependent on these water resources for life, and agriculture as well. Problems with irrigation which have increased salt concentration may affect the crop growth and yields.
14. Which of the following is a concern of the effect of warmer temperatures on human health?
a) Food loss due to crop failure
b) Spread of infectious diseases
c) Loss of shelter due to storms
d) Inundation of land due to sea-level rise
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Explanation: Warmer temperatures promote the spread of infectious diseases. Carriers of diseases like insects can spread diseases in areas where they can survive. If climates become warmer, carriers may be able to survive in areas where they were previously unable to do so. Therefore, carriers will be able to spread diseases over larger areas.
15. What is one cause of higher absorption of solar radiation?
a) Acidification of oceans
b) Loss of flora and fauna
c) Melting of ice cover
d) Loss of tree cover
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Explanation: Melting of ice leaves the land vulnerable to more absorption of solar radiation, thus making it warmer. This warmer land may not be able to form an ice cover again on account of heat absorption.
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