Pollution Control Questions and Answers – Effects of Air Pollutants on Human Health – Set 2

This set of Pollution Control Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Effects of Air Pollutants on Human Health – Set 2”.

1. Haemoglobin production is affected at exposure to high levels of which of the following heavy metals?
a) Lead
b) Mercury
c) Nickel
d) Cadmium
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Answer: a
Explanation: Lead is stored in the blood at normal levels. At high levels, it is excreted from the blood. At very high levels of lead in the blood, haemoglobin production slows down resulting in oxygen starvation.

2. Where is lead stored in the body?
a) Cells
b) Bones
c) Liver
d) Kidney
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Answer: b
Explanation: Up to a certain concentration, lead is present in the blood. At higher concentrations, lead is either excreted via urine or stored in the bones. At such concentrations, it can result in the impaired production of haemoglobin.

3. Which of the following is the primary source of accumulation of cadmium in the body?
a) Drinking water
b) Urban air contamination
c) Smoking
d) Inhalation
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Answer: c
Explanation: Although contaminated urban air can result in its accumulation, smoking is the prime cause of the collection of cadmium in the lungs. Cadmium causes cardiovascular diseases. Passive smoking can also cause issues.

4. High concentration of cadmium is found near which of the following sources?
a) Battery production
b) Fuel consumption
c) Cadmium smelting
d) Zinc smelting
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Answer: d
Explanation: A cadmium source is zinc smelting, and therefore, it is present near such areas. The concentration of cadmium in the air surrounding these areas is high, about 3 * 10-1 micrograms.

5. Accumulation of which of the following heavy metals causes hypertension?
a) Cadmium
b) Lead
c) Nickel
d) Mercury
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cadmium has adverse effects on the human health. It impairs the functions of enzymes in the body, thereby causing hypertension. Cadmium is also known to cause cardiovascular diseases in humans.

6. Cadmium impairs the absorption of which of the following materials in the body?
a) Copper and phosphorus
b) Zinc and copper
c) Zinc and phosphorus
d) Phosphorus and lead
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Answer: b
Explanation: At low levels, various heavy metals are useful for the normal functioning of the human body. For example, copper and zinc metals are micronutrients. Absorption of such is impaired by cadmium.

7. Which of the following is a chronic effect of cadmium accumulation?
a) Digestive system damage
b) Brain damage
c) Kidney damage
d) Pancreas damage
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Answer: c
Explanation: Kidney and liver damage are chronic effects of cadmium poisoning. Cadmium can even result in death; this only occurs in severe cases. Other long-term effects include heart disease, and prevention of absorption of micronutrients.

8. Nickel is harmful to human health because of one of its compounds. Which of the given options is this compound?
a) Nickel fluoride
b) Nickel oxide
c) Nickel sulphate
d) Nickel carbonyl
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Answer: d
Explanation: Nickel carbonyl formation occurs when nickel combines with carbon dioxide in the environment. It can be ingested by the human body. This compound breaks down in the body to give nickel metal, which is toxic.

9. Which of the following is not an effect of mercury poisoning?
a) Cardiovascular diseases
b) Kidney damage
c) Nerve damage
d) Liver damage
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Answer: d
Explanation: All the given options are effects of mercury poisoning, except for liver damage. Mercury is very harmful because of the formation of methylmercury. It can even cause severe brain damage as well.

10. Beryllium and asbestos are classified as which kind of pollutants?
a) Occupational pollutants
b) Solid waste
c) Water pollutants
d) Soil pollutants
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Answer: a
Explanation: Beryllium and asbestos are known as occupational pollutants. These materials are present in the environment mainly due to industrial activities and can be damaging to human health.

11. Berylliosis occurs at what concentrations?
a) 1 to 10 microgram per cubic metre
b) 10-2 to 1 microgram per cubic metre
c) 10-2 to 10-1 microgram per cubic metre
d) 10-1 to 1 microgram per cubic metre
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Answer: c
Explanation: Berylliosis is a chronic condition occurring due to exposure to beryllium. It happens at very low concentrations, between 10-2 and 10-1 microgram per cubic metres, which gradually affects the body.

12. Acute beryllium poisoning manifests at which part of the body?
a) Liver
b) Eyes
c) Heart
d) Kidney
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Answer: b
Explanation: Acute beryllium poisoning affects the eyes and lungs. The mucus membranes of these organs are especially vulnerable to beryllium poisoning. These are short-term effects, and manifest almost immediately.

13. Which of the following kinds of asbestos is the most abundant?
a) Amosite
b) Actinolite
c) Chrysolite
d) Tremolite
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Answer: c
Explanation: Asbestos is a variety of hydrated silicates. There are many kinds of asbestos commonly used in industries, and chrysolite is the most abundant one. Chrysolite is a fibre used in asbestos textile manufacture.

14. Which of the following is a symptom of asbestosis?
a) Calcification
b) Breathlessness
c) Kidney damage
d) Liver damage
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Answer: a
Explanation: Asbestosis is a lung disease that causes severe damage to the lungs. Its symptoms manifest as shortness of breath and even calcification in the lungs in some cases. Asbestos are hydrated silicates.

15. Which of the following heavy metals is not categorised as a neurotoxin?
a) Manganese
b) Mercury
c) Lead
d) Nickel
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Answer: d
Explanation: Nickel is not a neurotoxin. Neurotoxins are substances that cause nerve and brain damage in the human body. Heavy metals like manganese, mercury and lead are all neurotoxins, and nickel is not one of them.

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