Physical Chemistry Questions and Answers – Poisson Boltzmann Formalism

This set of Physical Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Poisson Boltzmann Formalism”.

1. How does electricity produce in the voltaic cell?
a) Reduction
b) Neutralization
c) Corrosion
d) Alloying
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Answer: a
Explanation: In a voltaic cell a spontaneous chemical reaction generates an electric current. Whenever a metal strip put in an electrolyte the process of oxidation and reduction takes place.

2. What is the conductance of electricity in an electrolytic solution?
a) Electrodes
b) Metals
c) Free Electrons
d) Ions
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Answer: d
Explanation: In a substance, the electricity flows through the charged particles known as ions. Electrolytic conductance is also known as ionic conductance.

3. What is the reaction at anode called?
a) Redox
b) Reduction
c) Decomposition
d) Oxidation
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Answer: d
Explanation: Anode is an electrode through which current flows into a polarized device. At anode oxidation reaction occurs.

4. What does cathode provide to an electron in an electrolytic cell?
a) Negative Ion
b) Neutral atom
c) Positive Ion
d) Does not provide anything
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Answer: a
Explanation: During electrolysis, positively charged particles move towards negative charged particles or cathode and negatively charged particles move towards positive charged particles or anode.

5. How do electrons flow in the galvanic cell from anode to cathode?
a) Does not flow
b) Movement of ions
c) External electrical circuit
d) Salt-bridge
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Answer: d
Explanation: In galvanic cell, electrons flow from anode to cathode through the salt bridge. Salt bridge is a tube which provides electrical contact between two solutions.

6. What is a decrease in oxidation number called?
a) Oxidation
b) Oxidation-reduction
c) Reduction
d) Neutralization
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Answer: c
Explanation: All chemical reaction involves oxidation-reduction reaction which shows the flow of electrons in the solution. The decrease in oxidation number is a sign of reduction.

7. In which of the solution Zn is dipped in for the measurement of standard electrode potential?
a) 0.1 M ZnSO4 solution
b) 1 M ZnO solution
c) 1.5 M ZnSO4 solution
d) 1 M ZnSO4 solution
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Answer: d
Explanation: Standard electrode potential is the measure of energy per unit charge. Zn should have dipped in 1 M ZnSO4 solution for the measurement of SHE.

8. Which electrode does right half-cell contain?
a) Au
b) Cu
c) Zn
d) Fe
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Answer: b
Explanation: Half-cell is a device which contains a conductive electrode and surrounding conductive electrolyte separated by Helmholtz double layer. Right half-cell contains Cu.

9. Which one of the following salt bridge transfers?
a) Current
b) Electrode
c) Ions
d) Anion
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Answer: c
Explanation: Salt bridge is a tube which provides electrical contact between two solutions. Salt bridge transfers ions from anode to cathode.

10. What is the apparent charge on an atom in a molecule?
a) Coordination number
b) Valency
c) Charge number
d) Oxidation number
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Answer: d
Explanation: Oxidation number is the apparent charge on an atom in a molecule if the electron pairs in the covalent bonds belonged entirely to the electronegative atom.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Physical Chemistry.

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