Agriculture Questions and Answers – Ideotypes and Agroclimatic Zones

This set of Agriculture Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Ideotypes and Agroclimatic Zones”.

1. The term ‘Ecology’ is derived from ___________
a) Ecos
b) Ecol
c) Oikos
d) Ecologus
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Answer: c
Explanation: The term ‘Ecology’ is derived from ‘Oikos’ meaning home. Crop ecology means relationship of a crop or crop communities with its environment.

2. Local climate condition that differ from surrounding areas because of differences in relief, exposure or cover is called _________________
a) Macroclimate
b) Mixed climate
c) Microclimate
d) Stat climate
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Answer: c
Explanation: From agriculture point of view the microclimate is studied at two levels i.e. at plant level or at soil level. The ecoclimate of the plant i.e. the climate just above and beneath plants canopy, is different from the climate of the surrounding environment. At soil level the microclimate includes various factors such as soil colour, soil moisture.

3. Harvesting Index equals ________________
a) \(\frac {Economic \, yield \, (e.g. \, grain)}{Biological \, yield \, (e.g. \, grain+straw)}\) × 100
b) \(\frac {Biological \, yield (e.g. \, grain+straw)}{Economic \, yield (e.g. \, grain)}\) × 100
c) \(\frac {Biological \, yield (e.g.\, grain+straw)}{Economic \, yield (e.g. \, grain)}\)
d) \(\frac {Biological \, yield (e.g.\, grain+straw)}{Economic \, yield (e.g. \, grain) \times 100}\)
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Answer: a
Explanation: In agronomy, the efficient utilization of assimilation and carbon dioxide fixation i.e. photosynthesis is expressed in terms of Harvesting index (H.I.). Harvesting index is also called ‘Coefficient of effectiveness’.

4. Which of the following does not concern with development of sink?
a) Good Source
b) Source-sink ratio
c) Partitioning of source
d) Translocation of assimilates
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Answer: b
Explanation: The part of plar where photosynthesis occur is known as source and where photosynthates accumulate, is called sink. For higher HI, development of sink is the most concerned and source should be good, photosynthates should be well developed, translocation of photosynthates must be goof.

5. The concept of Ideotype was given by _____________
a) Griever
b) Donald
c) Suxena
d) Lenger
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Answer: a
Explanation: The concept of ideotype was given by Donald in year 1968. He illustrated that there should minimum competition between the crops and crop should be competent with the weeds.

6. A biological model which is expected to perform or behave in a predictable, manner within a defined environment is called _____________
a) Transgenic plant
b) Ideoplant
c) Economic plant
d) Crop
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Answer: b
Explanation: The concept of ideotype was given by Donald. On the basis of environment Donald and Hamblin (1976) identified two forms of ideotypes i.e. isolation ideotypes and competition ideotypes. Competition ideotypes are suitable for mixed cultivation.

7. Which of the following feature is not a property of Wheat ideotype?
a) Short strong stem to avoid lodging
b) A large erect ear
c) Resistant to insect pests and disease
d) Active root nodule for long time
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Answer: d
Explanation: Active root nodule for long time is a feature of Arhar ideotype (Legume). A legume crop such as Arhar does their nitrogen fixation through legume roots which consist of various nitrogen fixing bacteria. Wheat ideotype was given by Donald.

8. Which of the following is not a property of rainfed upland Rice?
a) Effective deep root system
b) Short growth duration (85-100 days)
c) Early strong fertile tillering
d) Flat leaves parallel to soil
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Answer: d
Explanation: Flat leaves parallel to soil are a feature of rainfed Wheat ideotype. It is helpful for providing maximum area for solar radiation in conditions where sunlight is quite low in intensity and duration.

9. Which of the following is not a property of ideotype for Dryland Farming?
a) Long growth duration
b) Effective root system
c) Drought tolerance
d) High yield potentiality with altered morphology
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dryland farming requires crops with short growth duration. It is because of the less rainfall in dryland areas and very short season of favorable condition for crop cultivation.

10. What is an area of the earth’s surface characterized by distinct ecological responses to macro-climate expressed by soils, vegetation fauna and aquatic systems called as?
a) Forest
b) Forage land
c) Ecological region
d) Paddy field
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Answer: c
Explanation: India is divided into 21 agro ecological zones. Mainly on the basis of growth period, rainfall, soil, districts. There are two components of ecological zones biotic factors viz Fauna and Flora and the abiotic factors viz water, minerals, light etc.

11. Western Himalayan Region does not include __________
a) West Bengal
b) Jammu and Kashmir
c) Himanchal Pradesh
d) Uttar Pradesh
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Answer: a
Explanation: Western Himalayan Region includes Jammu and Kashmir, Himanchal Pradesh and Hilly areas of U.P. While West Bengal comes in lower Gangetic Planes. Annual Rainfall in Western Himalayan Region is 1650-2000mm. Important crops are Wheat, Maize, Paddy and Potato.

12. Which of the following is not a property of Eastern Himalayan Region?
a) Annual Rainfall 1271-1436mm
b) Shifting Cultivation
c) Maize, Paddy, Jute as main crops
d) Sikkim, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Assam
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Answer: a
Explanation: Annual Rainfall in Eastern Himalayan Region is around 1840-3528mm. It includes area of East Indian states of Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Assam, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh.

13. Which of the following is not a property of Eastern Plains?
a) Hot sub humid region with alluvial soil
b) Northeast UP, North Bihar, Foothill of Eastern Himalayas
c) Rainfall 1400-1600
d) Growing period more than 270 days
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Answer: d
Explanation: Growing Period for Eastern Plains is 150-180 days. The growing period for Eastern Himalayas is more than 270 days as the rainfall in that region exceeds 2000mm.

14. Which of the following property is found in Eastern Ghats but rather than Western Ghats?
a) Growing Period 120 to 150 days
b) Rainfall exceeds 2000mm
c) Hot humid laterite
d) West coast of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala
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Answer: a
Explanation: The growing period in Western Ghats is about 270 days that is due to heavy rainfall conditions. While the rainfall condition in Eastern Region is about 600-1000mm and the growing period is 120 to 150 days.

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