Agriculture Questions and Answers – Classification of Weed – Set 2

This set of Agriculture Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Classification of Weed – Set 2”.

1. Motha is a common name for _________
a) Cyperusrotundus
b) DaturaFestoosa
c) Euphorbia hirta
d) Cuscutareflexa
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Answer: a
Explanation: Motha is common name for Cyperusrotundus. Cyperusrotundus is a Kharif weed.

2. Cuscutareflexa is an example of _________
a) Rabi weeds
b) Summer weed
c) Kharif weeds
d) Zaid weeds
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cuscutareflexa is an example of Rabi type of weed.

3. Anagallisarvensis is also named as _________
a) Krishna nil
b) Motha
c) Lahusa
d) Bathua
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Answer: a
Explanation: Anagallisarvensis is also known as Krishna nil. Krishna nil is a Rabi type of weed.

4. Which of the following is not a property of Broad leaf weeds?
a) Cylindrical stem
b) Broad leaf alternately arranged on stem
c) All monocot weeds
d) Usually tap root system
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Answer: c
Explanation: All Broad leaf weeds are dicot weeds rather than monocot weeds. Example of the Broad leaf weeds is Chenopodium album which is also known as Bathua.

5. Which of the following weed is not Obligate as well as Rabi season weed?
a) Anagallisarvensis
b) Cuscuta
c) Daturafestoosa
d) Digeraarvensis
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Answer: a
Explanation: Anagallisarvensis is an Obligate as well as Rabi season weed. It is also known as Krishna nil. An obligate weed is the weeds which are grown only in association with human and his agriculture.

6. Which of the following is an example of Holo-stem parasite as well as Rabi season weed?
a) Cuscutareflexa
b) Daturafestoosa
c) Digeraarvensis
d) Cyperusrotundus
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cuscutareflexa is an example of Holo stem parasite as well as Rabi season weed. A Holo stem parasite is a total stem parasite, which is completely dependent on the stem of the host plant for its food, shelter.

7. Which of the following is an example of Relative weed?
a) Rice on wheat field
b) Patheniium
c) Rogue weed
d) Bathua
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Answer: a
Explanation: Rice on wheat field is a typical example of Relative weed. A relative weed is an otherwise desirable plant but in given condition it is acting as a weed because it is disturbing the given crop.

8. Weeds which are similar to crop plant in external morphology are known as ___________
a) Rogue weed
b) Noxious weed
c) Volunteer weed
d) Mimicry weeds
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Answer: d
Explanation: Weeds which are similar to crop plants in external morphology are known as Mimicry weed. Palmaris minor in wheat filed and wild rice in the rice field is a typical example of Mimicry weed.

9. Weeds which are declared as extremely noxious, poisonous and undesirable by the law are known as ____________
a) Noxious weeds
b) Relative weed
c) Mimicry weeds
d) Absolute weed
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Answer: a
Explanation: Weeds which are declared as extremely noxious, poisonous and undesirable by the government are known as noxious weeds. Parthenium is a typical example of noxious weeds.

10. Which of the weed is an absolute weeds as well as a Kharif season weed?
a) Cyperusrotundus
b) Digeraarvensis
c) Cuscutareflexa
d) Daturafestoosa
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cyperusrotundus is a typical example of Kharif season weed and it is also an absolute weed. An absolute weed is a weed which is known as such due to its characters.

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