Agriculture Questions and Answers – Classification of Dryland Agriculture

This set of Agriculture Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Classification of Dryland Agriculture”.

1. According to Reddy and Reddi classification which of the following is not included in Dryland Agriculture?
a) Drought Farming
b) Dry Farming
c) Dryland Farming
d) Rainfed Farming
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Answer: a
Explanation: According to Reddy and Reddi Dryland Farming can be divided into 3 groups, Dry Farming, Dryland Farming. This classification is on the basis of annual rainfall.

2. Which of the following is not a property of Dryland Farming?
a) Rainfall less than 800mm
b) Moisture availability to the crop is short
c) Single cropping system
d) Growing season more than 200 days
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Answer: d
Explanation: Growing season in the Dryland Region is less than 200 days because the rainfall is quite low and at single season rather than well distributed in whole year.

3. What is the estimated area under rainfed condition in our country?
a) 33%
b) 67%
c) 75%
d) 25%
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Answer: b
Explanation: Total area under rainfed irrigated area in our country is 67%. Rainfed conditions are prevalent in humid and subhumid regions. Here annual rainfall is more than 800mm and moisture is enough throughout the year.

4. Which of the following is not a crop of Dryland areas?
a) Castor
b) Groundnut
c) Green Gram
d) Paddy
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Answer: d
Explanation: Paddy cannot be grown in dryland areas as water availability is very less and paddy is a high water requiring crop. Water available for crops is very less and only drought resistant crops can be cultivated. Such as Pulses and Castor.

5. Which of the following is major problem in Dry Farming Areas?
a) High water logging
b) Highly fertile soil
c) Inadequate and Uncertain Rainfall
d) High Productivity
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Answer: c
Explanation: Inadequacy and uncertainty of rainfall is a major problem in Dryland areas. Rainfall is not well distributed. 80% of total annual rainfall occurs in 75-90 days of the monsoon, which makes crop cultivation very difficult.

6. Which of the following is not a problem in dryland agriculture?
a) Low moisture retention capacity
b) Late onset and early cessation of rains
c) Prolonged dryspells during crop period
d) Providence of mainland and no socioeconomic constraints
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Answer: d
Explanation: Only small and marginal land areas are provided for agriculture practices in dryland area. Most of the farmers are small and not financially stable. 54% of the holding size is less than one hectare.

7. The condition when water available in soil is not sufficient to meet demands of potential evapo-transpiration is called ____________
a) Drought
b) Flood
c) Death
d) Agriculture Drought
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Answer: d
Explanation: Drought is the situation occurring in any areas in a year when annual rainfall is less than 75% of the normal. While deficiency of rainfall above 50% of the normal is called severe drought. Agriculture drought is when plants Evapo-transpiration needs (E-T) can’t be met.

8. ICRISAT is situated at __________
a) Bangalore
b) Delhi
c) Mumbai
d) Hyderabad
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Answer: d
Explanation: ICRISAT stands for International Crop Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropic. It is situated at Hyderabad, Patancheru. It was established on 11 October, 1972.

9. The ratio between rainfall (weekly/monthly) at 50% probability level potential Evapo-transpiration of corresponding period is ________
a) Aridity Index
b) Moisture Deficit Index
c) Thornthwaite Moisture Index
d) Moisture Availability Index
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Answer: d
Explanation: Moisture Availability Index (MAI) is used to measure the water availability for crop plant in an area. While Thornthwaite Moisture index (Ima) and Moisture Deficit Index is used to explain variability in crop yields from year to year.

10. A natural unit of land whose runoff collects and flows out of the area through a single common outlet into a river or other water body is called ___________
a) Drainage
b) Water conservation
c) Watershed management
d) Irrigation
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Answer: c
Explanation: Watershed means an area of land whose runoff drains to a common point like river or waterpool. It is drainage basin which is demarcated by ridges or gullies.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Agriculture.

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