Agriculture Questions and Answers – Runoff and Factor Affecting Runoff

This set of Agriculture Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Runoff and Factor Affecting Runoff”.

1. The process of removal of soil particle from the parent body and transportation of such particles by wind and water is called _______
a) Soil Erosion
b) Runoff
c) Drainage
d) Landslide
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Answer: a
Explanation: Soil erosion is a major process of loss of minerals from the top soil. Soil erosion can be of two types i.e. Erosion by wind and erosion by water.

2. The excess of water from precipitation that moves out of field and find its way to river, lakes and oceans is called _______
a) Runoff
b) Infiltration
c) Interception
d) Erosion
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Answer: a
Explanation: Runoff is the portion of precipitation which is not absorbed by the soil but find its way into streams after meeting the persistent demands of evapotranspiration including interception and other losses.

3. Which of the following does not affect runoff?
a) Climatic Factors
b) Physiographic Factors
c) Geological Factors
d) Irrigation
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Answer: d
Explanation: Climatic Factors such as Rainfall characteristics such as amount, intensity and duration. Physiographic Factors such as Soil Type, Geology, Vegetal Cover and Geological factors such as Litho logical, structural and hydrological characteristics affect the runoff.

4. Universal Soil loss equation (due to water) does not include _______
a) Wind Direction Factor
b) Rainfall and runoff factor
c) Slope length
d) Soil cover and management
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Answer: a
Explanation: Soil Erosion equation due to Water includes factors such as predicted soil loss, rainfall and runoff factor, slope length, soil cover and management while Wind direction factor is involved under wind erosion and it has no use in water erosion.

5. Total loss due to wind and water erosion is prevalent over_______
a) 140 million ha
b) 50 million ha
c) 100 million ha
d) 150 million ha
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Answer: a
Explanation: Active soil erosion due to wind and water is prevalent over 140 million hectares resulting in the loss of 6000 million tones of fertile soil containing about 5.53 million tones of N.P.K.

6. Which of the following is not a fundamental principal of soil conservation?
a) Land use based on its capability
b) Conservation of soil and moisture to avoid damage to soil
c) Use of best soil crop management practices.
d) Inadequate Drainage
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Answer: d
Explanation: Soil conservation is the preservation of soil against deterioration and loss by using it within its capabilities, and applying the conservation practices needed for its protection.

7. According to U.S. soil conservation services how many classes of land are used for cultivation?
a) I to IV
b) I, II, III
c) I to VI
d) I
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Answer: a
Explanation: The lands are grouped together into eight classes according to U.S. soil conservation service. The first four classes viz class I, II, III, IV are used for cultivation. For regular cultivation only first three classes are used.

8. Alluvial soil of Indo-Gangetic plains is an example of _______
a) Class II
b) Class III
c) Class IV
d) Class I
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Answer: d
Explanation: Class I type lands are well suited for intensive crop cultivation, have a permanent irrigation system and well drained level land with high water holding capacity. Such lands only need crop management practices to maintain their productivity like use of fertilizers, manures, crop rotation.

9. Which of the following is not a property of Class IV type of land?
a) Very severe limitation on choice of crop
b) Suitable for occasional cultivation
c) Best use for pasture, hay
d) Sandy beaches, river wash
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Answer: d
Explanation: In Class IV type of land very careful management is required. Example of such land is Shallow land, saline land, and alkaline soil. Sandy beaches come under Class VIII type of land which is extremely rough land, not suitable for any kind of crop production.

10. Which of the following is not a limitation in Class V type of land?
a) Interference from stream flow
b) Long growing season
c) Stony and rocky soils
d) Ponded areas where drainage is not possible
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Answer: b
Explanation: The growing season in the Class V type of land is short. Only pastures can be developed on these soils. Example is Saline soil and alkaline soil.

11. What is “S” in the equation of Soil Erosion due to Water (A = RKLSCP)?
a) Slope Length
b) Soil Cover and management
c) Soil Erodibility
d) Soil Gradient or Steepness
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Answer: d
Explanation: Soil Gradient or Steepness is denoted by “S”. It is the amount of slope which affects the erosion by water. Slope length is denoted by “L”. “C” denotes Soil cover and management. Soil Erodibility is denoted by “K”.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Agriculture.

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