Agriculture Questions and Answers – Taxonomic Classification of Crops

This set of Agriculture Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Taxonomic Classification of Crops”.

1. Poaceae family is also known as_______
a) Malvaceae
b) Graminae
c) Tiliaceac
d) Euphorbiaceae
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Answer: b
Explanation: Poaceae family is also known as Graminae. It mainly consists of grasses and cereals such as paddy and Wheat.

2. Rice (Oryzasativa) belongs to________ family.
a) Leguminose
b) Poaceae
c) Cucurbitaceae
d) Asteraceae
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Answer: b
Explanation: Rice belongs to family Poaceae or grass family. It mainly consists of monocots which are characterized by presence of parallel leaf venation.

3. Pulses belong to _________ family.
a) Leguminosae
b) Cruciferae
c) Aliaceae
d) Tiliceac
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pulses belongs to family Leguminosae or Pea family. It mainly consists of Arhar, Green Gramand Red Gram. Most of the crops in this family are suitable for Arid and Semi-arid regions.

4. Papilionaceae is other name for ________
a) Leguminosae family
b) Pealiaceae family
c) Aliaceae family
d) Zingiberaceae family
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Answer: a
Explanation: Papilinaceae is another name for Leguminosae family or pea family. It mainly consists of Pulses, Legumes, Groundnut and Sunhemp.

5. Mustard family is another name for_______
a) Cruciferae
b) Cucurbitaceae
c) Solanaceae
d) Pedaliaceae
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Answer: a
Explanation: Mustard family is another name for Cruciferae or Brassicaceae family. It consists of Mustard, Raddishand Cauliflower. It belongs to order Brassicales.

6. Cucurbitaceae family is also known as_______
a) Gourd family
b) Brinjal family
c) Cotton family
d) Pea family
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gourd family is another name for Cucurbitaceae family or cucurbits. It consist of all gourds e.g. bottle gourd and bitter gourd.

7. Pumpkin belongs to _________ family.
a) Cucurbitaceae
b) Malvaceae
c) Solanaceae
d) Tiliaceac
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cucurbitaceae family is also known as gourd family. It consist of all gourds, cucumber and pumpkin etc.

8. Cotton family is common name for______
a) Malvaceae
b) Solanaceae
c) Asteraceae
d) Umbellifeare
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cotton family is the common name for Malvaceae family also known as mallows. It consists of Cotton, Bhindi and Roselle etc. The family is Malvales.

9. Brinjal belongs to ________ family.
a) Solanaceae
b) Asteraceae
c) Euphorbiaceae
d) Aliaceae
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Answer: a
Explanation: Brinjal belongs to family Solanaceae. It is also known as Brinjal family. Other members of this family are Potato and Tomato.

10. Tobacco is a member of ______ family.
a) Asteraceae
b) Aliaceae
c) Solanaceae
d) Tiliaceac
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Answer: c
Explanation: Tobacco belongs to family Solanaceae. Other example of Solanaceae is Chillies. Tobacco contains alkaloid nicotine which is a stimulant.

11. Jute belongs to _________ family.
a) Same as Phalsa
b) Family of Sunflower
c) Family of Carrot
d) Family same as Garlic
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Answer: a
Explanation: Family of Jute and Phalsa is same i.e. Family Tiliaceac. While family of Sunflower is Asteraceac, Carrot belongs to family Umbelliferae, Garlic is a member of Aliaceac.

12. Spinach is a member of ________ family.
a) Chenopodiaceae
b) Pedaliaceae
c) Aliaceac
d) Convolvulaceac
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Answer: a
Explanation: Spinach is the member of Chenopoidaceae family also known as goosefoot family. Other members are Beet and Sugarbeet.

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