Agriculture Questions and Answers – Soil Conservation Measures

This set of Agriculture Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Soil Conservation Measures”.

1. Which of the following is not a soil conservation measure?
a) Land use based on its capability
b) Conservation of soil and moisture to avoid damage to the soil
c) Use of best soil crop management practices, correction of acidity, alkalinity and drainage
d) Development of breeding grounds
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Answer: d
Explanation: Soil conservation measures are the preservation if soil against deterioration and loss by using it within its capabilities, and applying the conservation practices needed for its protection and improvement. Development of breeding ground comes under cattle rearing and grazing fields.

2. Agronomic measures are adopted where slope is less than________
a) 10%
b) 20%
c) 5%
d) 2%
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Answer: d
Explanation: Agronomic measures are adopted where the slope is less than 2%. Here erosion problems are not severe, to obtain a better intake of water rate by improving the content of organic matter and soil and soil structure.

3. Contour cultivation is an example of_________
a) Economic measure
b) Agronomic measure
c) Biological measure
d) Irrigation measure
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Answer: b
Explanation: Contour cultivation is an example of Agronomic measure. In contour cultivation crops are cultivated along the slope.

4. Which of the following is not an advantage of contour cultivation?
a) Conserve soil and water
b) Conserve soil fertility
c) Increase crop yield
d) Establishment on undulated land
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Answer: d
Explanation: When the crops are cultivated on the slope. The establishment of contours on undulated land is tedious and disadvantageous.

5. Mulching does not affects soil water through _____
a) Runoff control
b) Increased infiltration
c) Decreased evaporation
d) Erosion
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Answer: d
Explanation: Mulching is an Agronomic measure which affects soil water through many favors such as Runoff control, increased in filtration, and decreased evaporation, weed control.

6. Mulching affects soil temperature through _______
a) Mineral solubility
b) Leaching
c) Evaporation control
d) Radiation shielding
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Answer: d
Explanation: Mulching affects soil temperature by Radiation Shielding, Heat conduction trapping and evaporative cooling.

7. Which of the following is not an effect of mulching?
a) Deterioration of soil moisture
b) Affect soil salinity
c) Affects soil erodibility
d) Affects soil biological regime
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Answer: a
Explanation: Mulching improves the soil moisture by decreasing the evaporation loss from the soil. At the same time mulching also prevents runoff of water from the soil surface.

8. Which of the following is not an example of type of mulch?
a) Soil Mulch
b) Stubble Mulch
c) Straw Mulch
d) Husk Mulch
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Answer: d
Explanation: Mulching is an agronomic measure for conservation of soil. When loosen soil surface acts as barrier for evaporation it is known as Soil mulch. Stubble mulch includes Wheat straw or cotton stalk. Straw mulch includes straw.

9. Growing two or more crops simultaneously in strips wide enough to permit independent cultivation but narrow enough for the crops to interact agronomic ally is _________
a) Strip cropping
b) Vertical Cropping
c) Field cropping
d) Contour cropping
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Answer: a
Explanation: Strip cropping is a process if growing series of alternate strips of various types of crops lay out so that, all tillage and management practices are performed across the slope or on the contour.

10. Planting of crop such that direction of wind is cared is known as __________
a) Wind strip cropping
b) Buffer strip cropping
c) Contour strip cropping
d) Field strip cropping
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Answer: a
Explanation: Planting of tress such as Jowar, Maize etc and low growing crops in alternately arranged straight and long, but relatively narrow, parallel strips laid out right across the direction of prevailing winds.

11. Which of the following is not an objective for Mechanical measure?
a) To increase the time of concentration of intercepting the runoff
b) To divide a long slope into several short ones so as to reduce velocity of runoff
c) To prevent soil erosion
d) Hill Cultivation
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Answer: d
Explanation: Mechanical measure is used for land slope for more than 2%. It includes Basin-Listing, Sub-Soiling, Contour bunding, Broad bed system.

12. The following diagram is a correct illustration of _______

a) Stone Terracing
b) Bench Terracing
c) Level Terracing
d) Bunk Terracing
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Answer: a
Explanation: Also known as Stone wall terracing. Here small embankments constructed with stones across the slopes. It is adopted on any slope with spacing from 10 to 30m depending upon slope.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Agriculture.

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