Our Linux Command Tutorials cover 1000+ important Linux commands with explanations and examples. Anyone wishing to sharpen their skills on Linux Environment, Linux Administration, Scripting and Troubleshooting should practice these tutorials on linux basic commands and their options. Anyone preparing for Redhat / Ubuntu / SuSE Linux / Unix certifications, examinations and interviews would also do well after practicing all these linux commands and tutorials.
Here’s the list of Tutorials on Linux Command with Various Categories
1. Linux File Management Commands
cat chattr chgrp chmod chown chsh cp csplit dd |
file head hexdump less ln ls md5sum merge mkdir |
more mv newgrp pwd od rm rmdir sha1sum shred |
split tac tail tailf touch wc lsof |
5. Linux Commands on Security and System Integrity
badblocks chroot chkconfig halt |
reboot shutdown vmstat |
6. Linux User Commands
w whoami chpasswd groupadd groupdel groupmod grpck grpconv lastlog |
newusers pwck pwconv rusers rwall useradd userdel usermod wall |
id chage users ruptime |
7. Linux Commands on Daemons
apmd atd bootpd cupsd ftpd imapd klogd mountd named |
nfsd pppd rdistd rexecd rlogind routed rpc.rusersd rpc.statd rshd |
rsyslogd rwhod sshd syslogd xinetd ypbind yppasswdd ypserv |
8. Linux Commands on Hardware
agetty arp fdisk hdparm |
kbdrate ramsize setkeycodes slattach |
9. Linux Commands on Host Information
arch domainname |
host uname |
10. Linux Commands on Mail
formail mailq makemap newaliases rmail |
sendmail from mutt pine |
11. Linux Commands on Managing Filesystems
debugfs dosfsck dump dumpe2fs e2fsck e2image e2label edquota fdformat |
fsck fsck.ext2 mke2fs mkfs mkfs.ext2 mkfs.ext3 mklost+found mkraid mkswap |
mount quotacheck quotaon quotaoff quotastats rdev repquota resize2fs restore |
rootflags setquota showmount swapoff swapon sync tune2fs umount warnquota |
12. Linux Commands on Managing the Kernel
depmod lsmod modinfo |
modprobe sysctl |
13. Linux Printing Commands
accept lpadmin lpinfo |
lpmove reject tunelp |
15. Linux Commands on NFS and NIS Administration
makedbm rpcbind portmap rpcinfo ypbind ypcat ypinit ypmatch |
yppasswdd yppoll yppush ypserv ypset yptest ypwhich ypxfr |
16. Linux Basic Commands on Media
cdparanoia cdrdao eject genisoimage |
icedax readom volname wodim |
17. Linux Commands on TeX, LaTeX AND TYPESETTING
AMSTeX AMSLaTeX bibtool latex latex2html |
evince pdflatex pdftex TeX untex |
18. Linux Basic Commands on Graphics
cjpeg convert gimp giftrans gs gv |
montage scanimage tkdesk transfig xpaint |
19. Linux Commands on X-WINDOWS PROGRAMS with Examples
imake xcal xcalc xclock xcolors xhost xlock |
xman xmcpustate xpdf xset xsysinfo xterm |
20. Linux Commands on Miscellaneous
bc bg fg clear passwd sudo tee time nameif nfsstat nsupdate rarp rndc rpcbind rpcinfo ctrlaltdel initctl runlevel telinit uptime anacron atrun cron dmesg |
ldconfig logger logrotate run-parts telnetd tftpd zebra aclocal aconnect acpi acpid addr2line agetty alsactl alsamixer amidi amixer anacron aplay arecordmidi at autoconf autoheader autoscan |
autoupdate base64 bison bzcmp bzdiff bzdiff bzmore c++ c++filt cdda2wav cdparanoia cdrdao chage colcrt colrm column doexec dosfsck dvdrecord edquota elvtune enable false true |
fc fc fgconsole fmt fold formail tree alias unalias gpgsplit gpgv gprof ps2pdf shar tcsh wdiff workman vlock ytree zcat zdiff vacation |
21. Linux Networking Commands
ifconfig iptables named netstat ping |
traceroute tcpdump nslookup ss nc |
22. Linux Commands on Program Maintenance
ctags etags gdb git gprof make nm |
objcopy objdump patch pmap size svn |
23. Linux Commands on Searching
apropos egrep fgrep find grep locate |
look strings updatedb whereis which |
25. Linux Storage Commands with Examples
bunzip2 bzip2 gunzip |
gzip zforce |
26. Linux Commands on System Status
at atq atrm crontab date df du env finger free hostname |
kill killall printenv ps dstat quota stat stty top tty who |
27. Linux Text Processing Commands
cut emacs ex expand unexpand fmt fold gawk groff gs |
ispell join paste rev sed sort tr uniq nl vim |
28. Linux Programming Commands
cpp flex ldd |
make ranlib |
If you would want to learn Linux commands thoroughly, you should attempt to work on the complete set of Linux Tutorials mentioned above. It will immensely help anyone trying to learn Linux User Level Environment.
Here’s the list of Best Books in Linux Environment.
Wish you the best in your endeavor to learn and master Linux Commands & its Environment!