Design of Electrical Machines Questions and Answers – Types of Synchronous Machines

This set of Design of Electrical Machines Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of Synchronous Machines”.

1. How many categories can the synchronous motors be divided into?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 5
d) 2
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Answer: c
Explanation: The synchronous motors can be divided into 5 types of categories. They are hydro-generators, turbo-alternators, engine driven generators, motors, compensators.

2. How is the hydro-generator driven by?
a) water turbine
b) steam turbine
c) internal combustion engines
d) control of reactive power networks
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Answer: a
Explanation: The synchronous generators which are driven by the water turbines are called as hydro-generators. The hydro-generators are also known as water wheel generators.

3. What is the rating of the hydro-generators?
a) 750 MW
b) 1000 MW
c) 20 MW
d) 700 MW
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Answer: a
Explanation: The synchronous generators which are driven by the water turbines are called as hydro-generators. The rating of the synchronous generators is 750 MW.

4. What is the speed by which the hydro-generators are driven?
a) 100-1000 rpm
b) 5000 rpm
c) 1500 rpm
d) 3000 rpm
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Answer: a
Explanation: The synchronous generators which are driven by the water turbines are called as hydro-generators. The hydro-generators are driven at a speed of 100-1000 rpm.

5. How is the turbo-alternators driven by?
a) water turbines
b) steam turbines
c) engine driven generators
d) compensators
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Answer: b
Explanation: The turbo alternators are one category among the synchronous machines. They are driven by the steam turbines.
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6. What is the speed of the turbo-alternators?
a) 100-1000 rpm
b) 5000 rpm
c) 1500 rpm
d) 3000 rpm
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Answer: d
Explanation: The turbo alternators are one category among the synchronous machines. They are driven by steam turbines. The rating of the turbo-alternators is 3000 rpm.

7. What is the rating of the turbo-alternators?
a) 750 MW
b) 1000 MW
c) 20 MW
d) 700 MW
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Answer: b
Explanation: The turbo alternators are one category among the synchronous machines. They are driven by the steam turbines. The speed of the turbo-alternators is 1000 MW.

8. How is the engine driven generators driven by?
a) water turbines
b) steam turbines
c) internal combustion engine
d) compensators
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Answer: c
Explanation: The engine driven generators are driven by the different forms of internal combustion engine. These generators have higher speeds for higher power ratings.

9. What is the rating of the engine driven generators?
a) 750 MW
b) 1000 MW
c) 20 MW
d) 700 MW
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Answer: c
Explanation: The engine driven generators are driven by the different forms of internal combustion engine. These generators have higher speeds for higher power ratings. These generators have ratings upto 20 MW.

10. What is the speed of the engine driven generators?
a) 100-1000 rpm
b) 5000 rpm
c) 1500 rpm
d) 3000 rpm
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Answer: c
Explanation: The engine driven generators are driven by the different forms of internal combustion engine. These generators have higher speeds for higher power ratings. These generators have speed of 1500 rpm.

11. The synchronous motors are cheaper than the induction motors.
a) true
b) false
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Answer: a
Explanation: The synchronous motors are cheaper than the induction motors. They have high power lower speed applications and are cheaper when compared to the induction motors.

12. Which among the following are the applications of synchronous motors?
a) compressors
b) blowers
c) fans
d) compressors, fans, blowers
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Answer: d
Explanation: They are mainly used in the high power and low speed applications. They include compressors, fans, blowers and low head pumps.

13. What is the application of synchronous compensators?
a) control of real power
b) control of active power
c) control of reactive power
d) control of apparent power
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Answer: c
Explanation: The main application of the synchronous compensators is to control the reactive powers. They are used in the power supply networks.

14. What is the rating of the synchronous generators?
a) 750 MVAr
b) 1000 MVAr
c) 100 MVAr
d) 700 MVAr
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Answer: c
Explanation: The main application of the synchronous compensators is to control the reactive powers. They are designed for ratings upto 100 MVAr.

15. What is the speed of the engine driven generators?
a) 100-1000 rpm
b) 5000 rpm
c) 1500 rpm
d) 3000 rpm
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Answer: d
Explanation: The main application of the synchronous compensators is to control the reactive powers. They are designed to speeds upto 3000 rpm.

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