This C++ Program demonstrates the implementation of Fibonacci Heap.
Here is source code of the C++ Program to demonstrate Fibonacci Heap. The C++ program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below.
* C++ Program to Implement Fibonacci Heap
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
* Node Declaration
struct node
int n;
int degree;
node* parent;
node* child;
node* left;
node* right;
char mark;
char C;
* Class Declaration
class FibonacciHeap
int nH;
node *H;
node* InitializeHeap();
int Fibonnaci_link(node*, node*, node*);
node *Create_node(int);
node *Insert(node *, node *);
node *Union(node *, node *);
node *Extract_Min(node *);
int Consolidate(node *);
int Display(node *);
node *Find(node *, int);
int Decrease_key(node *, int, int);
int Delete_key(node *,int);
int Cut(node *, node *, node *);
int Cascase_cut(node *, node *);
H = InitializeHeap();
* Initialize Heap
node* FibonacciHeap::InitializeHeap()
node* np;
np = NULL;
return np;
* Create Node
node* FibonacciHeap::Create_node(int value)
node* x = new node;
x->n = value;
return x;
* Insert Node
node* FibonacciHeap::Insert(node* H, node* x)
x->degree = 0;
x->parent = NULL;
x->child = NULL;
x->left = x;
x->right = x;
x->mark = 'F';
x->C = 'N';
if (H != NULL)
(H->left)->right = x;
x->right = H;
x->left = H->left;
H->left = x;
if (x->n < H->n)
H = x;
H = x;
nH = nH + 1;
return H;
* Link Nodes in Fibonnaci Heap
int FibonacciHeap::Fibonnaci_link(node* H1, node* y, node* z)
(y->left)->right = y->right;
(y->right)->left = y->left;
if (z->right == z)
H1 = z;
y->left = y;
y->right = y;
y->parent = z;
if (z->child == NULL)
z->child = y;
y->right = z->child;
y->left = (z->child)->left;
((z->child)->left)->right = y;
(z->child)->left = y;
if (y->n < (z->child)->n)
z->child = y;
* Union Nodes in Fibonnaci Heap
node* FibonacciHeap::Union(node* H1, node* H2)
node* np;
node* H = InitializeHeap();
H = H1;
(H->left)->right = H2;
(H2->left)->right = H;
np = H->left;
H->left = H2->left;
H2->left = np;
return H;
* Display Fibonnaci Heap
int FibonacciHeap::Display(node* H)
node* p = H;
if (p == NULL)
cout<<"The Heap is Empty"<<endl;
return 0;
cout<<"The root nodes of Heap are: "<<endl;
p = p->right;
if (p != H)
while (p != H && p->right != NULL);
* Extract Min Node in Fibonnaci Heap
node* FibonacciHeap::Extract_Min(node* H1)
node* p;
node* ptr;
node* z = H1;
p = z;
ptr = z;
if (z == NULL)
return z;
node* x;
node* np;
x = NULL;
if (z->child != NULL)
x = z->child;
if (x != NULL)
ptr = x;
np = x->right;
(H1->left)->right = x;
x->right = H1;
x->left = H1->left;
H1->left = x;
if (x->n < H1->n)
H1 = x;
x->parent = NULL;
x = np;
while (np != ptr);
(z->left)->right = z->right;
(z->right)->left = z->left;
H1 = z->right;
if (z == z->right && z->child == NULL)
H1 = z->right;
nH = nH - 1;
return p;
* Consolidate Node in Fibonnaci Heap
int FibonacciHeap::Consolidate(node* H1)
int d, i;
float f = (log(nH)) / (log(2));
int D = f;
node* A[D];
for (i = 0; i <= D; i++)
A[i] = NULL;
node* x = H1;
node* y;
node* np;
node* pt = x;
pt = pt->right;
d = x->degree;
while (A[d] != NULL)
y = A[d];
if (x->n > y->n)
np = x;
x = y;
y = np;
if (y == H1)
H1 = x;
Fibonnaci_link(H1, y, x);
if (x->right == x)
H1 = x;
A[d] = NULL;
d = d + 1;
A[d] = x;
x = x->right;
while (x != H1);
for (int j = 0; j <= D; j++)
if (A[j] != NULL)
A[j]->left = A[j];
A[j]->right =A[j];
if (H != NULL)
(H->left)->right = A[j];
A[j]->right = H;
A[j]->left = H->left;
H->left = A[j];
if (A[j]->n < H->n)
H = A[j];
H = A[j];
if(H == NULL)
H = A[j];
else if (A[j]->n < H->n)
H = A[j];
* Decrease key of Nodes in Fibonnaci Heap
int FibonacciHeap::Decrease_key(node*H1, int x, int k)
node* y;
if (H1 == NULL)
cout<<"The Heap is Empty"<<endl;
return 0;
node* ptr = Find(H1, x);
if (ptr == NULL)
cout<<"Node not found in the Heap"<<endl;
return 1;
if (ptr->n < k)
cout<<"Entered key greater than current key"<<endl;
return 0;
ptr->n = k;
y = ptr->parent;
if (y != NULL && ptr->n < y->n)
Cut(H1, ptr, y);
Cascase_cut(H1, y);
if (ptr->n < H->n)
H = ptr;
return 0;
* Cut Nodes in Fibonnaci Heap
int FibonacciHeap::Cut(node* H1, node* x, node* y)
if (x == x->right)
y->child = NULL;
(x->left)->right = x->right;
(x->right)->left = x->left;
if (x == y->child)
y->child = x->right;
y->degree = y->degree - 1;
x->right = x;
x->left = x;
(H1->left)->right = x;
x->right = H1;
x->left = H1->left;
H1->left = x;
x->parent = NULL;
x->mark = 'F';
* Cascade Cutting in Fibonnaci Heap
int FibonacciHeap::Cascase_cut(node* H1, node* y)
node* z = y->parent;
if (z != NULL)
if (y->mark == 'F')
y->mark = 'T';
Cut(H1, y, z);
Cascase_cut(H1, z);
* Find Nodes in Fibonnaci Heap
node* FibonacciHeap::Find(node* H, int k)
node* x = H;
x->C = 'Y';
node* p = NULL;
if (x->n == k)
p = x;
x->C = 'N';
return p;
if (p == NULL)
if (x->child != NULL )
p = Find(x->child, k);
if ((x->right)->C != 'Y' )
p = Find(x->right, k);
x->C = 'N';
return p;
* Delete Nodes in Fibonnaci Heap
int FibonacciHeap::Delete_key(node* H1, int k)
node* np = NULL;
int t;
t = Decrease_key(H1, k, -5000);
if (!t)
np = Extract_Min(H);
if (np != NULL)
cout<<"Key Deleted"<<endl;
cout<<"Key not Deleted"<<endl;
return 0;
* Main Contains Menu
int main()
int n, m, l;
FibonacciHeap fh;
node* p;
node* H;
H = fh.InitializeHeap();
while (1)
cout<<"Operations on Binomial heap"<<endl;
cout<<"1)Insert Element in the heap"<<endl;
cout<<"2)Extract Minimum key node"<<endl;
cout<<"3)Decrease key of a node"<<endl;
cout<<"4)Delete a node"<<endl;
cout<<"5)Display Heap"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter Your Choice: ";
case 1:
cout<<"Enter the element to be inserted: ";
p = fh.Create_node(m);
H = fh.Insert(H, p);
case 2:
p = fh.Extract_Min(H);
if (p != NULL)
cout<<"The node with minimum key: "<<p->n<<endl;
cout<<"Heap is empty"<<endl;
case 3:
cout<<"Enter the key to be decreased: ";
cout<<"Enter new key value: ";
fh.Decrease_key(H, m, l);
case 4:
cout<<"Enter the key to be deleted: ";
fh.Delete_key(H, m);
case 5:
cout<<"The Heap is: "<<endl;
case 6:
cout<<"Wrong Choice"<<endl;
return 0;
$ g++ fibonnaciheap.cpp $ a.out ---------------------------- Operations on Binomial heap ---------------------------- 1)Insert Element in the heap 2)Extract Minimum key node 3)Decrease key of a node 4)Delete a node 5)Display Heap 6)Exit Enter Your Choice: 1 Enter the element to be inserted: 9 ---------------------------- Operations on Binomial heap ---------------------------- 1)Insert Element in the heap 2)Extract Minimum key node 3)Decrease key of a node 4)Delete a node 5)Display Heap 6)Exit Enter Your Choice: 1 Enter the element to be inserted: 8 ---------------------------- Operations on Binomial heap ---------------------------- 1)Insert Element in the heap 2)Extract Minimum key node 3)Decrease key of a node 4)Delete a node 5)Display Heap 6)Exit Enter Your Choice: 1 Enter the element to be inserted: 7 ---------------------------- Operations on Binomial heap ---------------------------- 1)Insert Element in the heap 2)Extract Minimum key node 3)Decrease key of a node 4)Delete a node 5)Display Heap 6)Exit Enter Your Choice: 1 Enter the element to be inserted: 6 ---------------------------- Operations on Binomial heap ---------------------------- 1)Insert Element in the heap 2)Extract Minimum key node 3)Decrease key of a node 4)Delete a node 5)Display Heap 6)Exit Enter Your Choice: 1 Enter the element to be inserted: 5 ---------------------------- Operations on Binomial heap ---------------------------- 1)Insert Element in the heap 2)Extract Minimum key node 3)Decrease key of a node 4)Delete a node 5)Display Heap 6)Exit Enter Your Choice: 5 The Heap is: The root nodes of Heap are: 5-->6-->7-->8-->9 ---------------------------- Operations on Binomial heap ---------------------------- 1)Insert Element in the heap 2)Extract Minimum key node 3)Decrease key of a node 4)Delete a node 5)Display Heap 6)Exit Enter Your Choice: 2 The node with minimum key: 5 ---------------------------- Operations on Binomial heap ---------------------------- 1)Insert Element in the heap 2)Extract Minimum key node 3)Decrease key of a node 4)Delete a node 5)Display Heap 6)Exit Enter Your Choice: 3 Enter the key to be decreased: 3 Enter new key value: 1 Node not found in the Heap ---------------------------- Operations on Binomial heap ---------------------------- 1)Insert Element in the heap 2)Extract Minimum key node 3)Decrease key of a node 4)Delete a node 5)Display Heap 6)Exit Enter Your Choice: 3 Enter the key to be decreased: 5 Enter new key value: 2 ---------------------------- Operations on Binomial heap ---------------------------- 1)Insert Element in the heap 2)Extract Minimum key node 3)Decrease key of a node 4)Delete a node 5)Display Heap 6)Exit Enter Your Choice: 2 The node with minimum key: 2 ---------------------------- Operations on Binomial heap ---------------------------- 1)Insert Element in the heap 2)Extract Minimum key node 3)Decrease key of a node 4)Delete a node 5)Display Heap 6)Exit Enter Your Choice: 6 ------------------ (program exited with code: 1) Press return to continue
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