This C++ Program demonstrates operations on doubly linked list.
Here is source code of the C++ Program to demonstrate doubly single linked list. The C++ program is successfully compiled and run on a Linux system. The program output is also shown below.
* C++ Program to Implement Doubly Linked List
* Node Declaration
using namespace std;
struct node
int info;
struct node *next;
struct node *prev;
Class Declaration
class double_llist
void create_list(int value);
void add_begin(int value);
void add_after(int value, int position);
void delete_element(int value);
void search_element(int value);
void display_dlist();
void count();
void reverse();
start = NULL;
* Main: Conatins Menu
int main()
int choice, element, position;
double_llist dl;
while (1)
cout<<endl<<"Operations on Doubly linked list"<<endl;
cout<<"1.Create Node"<<endl;
cout<<"2.Add at begining"<<endl;
cout<<"3.Add after position"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter your choice : ";
switch ( choice )
case 1:
cout<<"Enter the element: ";
case 2:
cout<<"Enter the element: ";
case 3:
cout<<"Enter the element: ";
cout<<"Insert Element after postion: ";
dl.add_after(element, position);
case 4:
if (start == NULL)
cout<<"List empty,nothing to delete"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter the element for deletion: ";
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
if (start == NULL)
cout<<"List empty,nothing to reverse"<<endl;
case 8:
cout<<"Wrong choice"<<endl;
return 0;
* Create Double Link List
void double_llist::create_list(int value)
struct node *s, *temp;
temp = new(struct node);
temp->info = value;
temp->next = NULL;
if (start == NULL)
temp->prev = NULL;
start = temp;
s = start;
while (s->next != NULL)
s = s->next;
s->next = temp;
temp->prev = s;
* Insertion at the beginning
void double_llist::add_begin(int value)
if (start == NULL)
cout<<"First Create the list."<<endl;
struct node *temp;
temp = new(struct node);
temp->prev = NULL;
temp->info = value;
temp->next = start;
start->prev = temp;
start = temp;
cout<<"Element Inserted"<<endl;
* Insertion of element at a particular position
void double_llist::add_after(int value, int pos)
if (start == NULL)
cout<<"First Create the list."<<endl;
struct node *tmp, *q;
int i;
q = start;
for (i = 0;i < pos - 1;i++)
q = q->next;
if (q == NULL)
cout<<"There are less than ";
cout<<pos<<" elements."<<endl;
tmp = new(struct node);
tmp->info = value;
if (q->next == NULL)
q->next = tmp;
tmp->next = NULL;
tmp->prev = q;
tmp->next = q->next;
tmp->next->prev = tmp;
q->next = tmp;
tmp->prev = q;
cout<<"Element Inserted"<<endl;
* Deletion of element from the list
void double_llist::delete_element(int value)
struct node *tmp, *q;
/*first element deletion*/
if (start->info == value)
tmp = start;
start = start->next;
start->prev = NULL;
cout<<"Element Deleted"<<endl;
q = start;
while (q->next->next != NULL)
/*Element deleted in between*/
if (q->next->info == value)
tmp = q->next;
q->next = tmp->next;
tmp->next->prev = q;
cout<<"Element Deleted"<<endl;
q = q->next;
/*last element deleted*/
if (q->next->info == value)
tmp = q->next;
q->next = NULL;
cout<<"Element Deleted"<<endl;
cout<<"Element "<<value<<" not found"<<endl;
* Display elements of Doubly Link List
void double_llist::display_dlist()
struct node *q;
if (start == NULL)
cout<<"List empty,nothing to display"<<endl;
q = start;
cout<<"The Doubly Link List is :"<<endl;
while (q != NULL)
cout<<q->info<<" <-> ";
q = q->next;
* Number of elements in Doubly Link List
void double_llist::count()
struct node *q = start;
int cnt = 0;
while (q != NULL)
q = q->next;
cout<<"Number of elements are: "<<cnt<<endl;
* Reverse Doubly Link List
void double_llist::reverse()
struct node *p1, *p2;
p1 = start;
p2 = p1->next;
p1->next = NULL;
p1->prev = p2;
while (p2 != NULL)
p2->prev = p2->next;
p2->next = p1;
p1 = p2;
p2 = p2->prev;
start = p1;
cout<<"List Reversed"<<endl;
$ g++ doubly_llist.cpp $ a.out --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 2 Enter the element: 100 First Create the list. --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 3 Enter the element: 200 Insert Element after postion: 1 First Create the list. --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 4 List empty,nothing to delete --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 5 List empty,nothing to display --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 6 Number of elements are: 0 --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 7 List empty,nothing to reverse --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the element: 100 --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 5 The Doubly Link List is : 100 <-> NULL --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 2 Enter the element: 200 Element Inserted --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 5 The Doubly Link List is : 200 <-> 100 <-> NULL --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 3 Enter the element: 50 Insert Element after postion: 2 Element Inserted --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 5 The Doubly Link List is : 200 <-> 100 <-> 50 <-> NULL --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 3 Enter the element: 150 Insert Element after postion: 3 Element Inserted --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 5 The Doubly Link List is : 200 <-> 100 <-> 50 <-> 150 <-> NULL --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 6 Number of elements are: 4 --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 4 Enter the element for deletion: 50 Element Deleted --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 5 The Doubly Link List is : 200 <-> 100 <-> 150 <-> NULL --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 6 Number of elements are: 3 --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 7 List Reversed --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 5 The Doubly Link List is : 150 <-> 100 <-> 200 <-> NULL --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 3 Enter the element: 200 Insert Element after postion: 100 There are less than 100 elements. --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 4 Enter the element for deletion: 150 Element Deleted --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 5 The Doubly Link List is : 100 <-> 200 <-> NULL --------------------------------- Operations on Doubly linked list --------------------------------- 1.Create Node 2.Add at begining 3.Add after 4.Delete 5.Display 6.Count 7.Reverse 8.Quit Enter your choice : 8 ------------------ (program exited with code: 1) Press return to continue
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